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Posts posted by Driver8rws

  1. 54 minutes ago, LovinMeSomeBanshee said:

    If they put something comparable to Maverick or Copperhead Strike in there, I’d welcome a return of Intamin if they could get their stuff together. 


    I would LOVE a Maverick style ride there!  But I don't think it's enough room...  

    The spot/terrain/location just screams dive coaster to me.


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  2. I think it's a great move by the park.  Totally thought this would happen 3 years ago after the 30th year!    However, at that time I thought they'd get a new coaster out of it...    Kings Island has always said when a ride stops being an "enjoyable experience" for the riders it's time for it to go.  Vortex has turned into a horrible slam machine that bashes your head and throws you all over.  Like someone else said though, I WILL hate for it to not "be there" and SEE it all the time (still neat looking with all its loops), but I sure won't miss riding it.   Does seem weird how they are so abruptly doing it though.  Did they count Vortex in the "xxx" miles of track that they were boasting KI would have after Orion??? 

    GREAT memories of this ride.  I remember the "robot hand" commercial on TV the year it was coming to the park and being so excited.  (And then so shocked/dumbfounded a few years ago when I went to Carrowinds the first time and saw a ride with the SAME EXACT LOGO!   And then same AGAIN at Canadas Wonderland the next year!)   I can totally remember my first ride on it in early 1987 with my dad, and thinking the drop was SO tall and SO STEEP!   Also remember countless rides on it in subsequent years (89-92) when in high school going to the park with friends and thinking it was such an AMAZING coaster and riding it again and again!  All the more reason I HATE what it has become.  Took my son on it for his first time in 2012 (front seat) and couldn't believe how horrible it was.  He's only ridden it once since then and hates it.  I've ridden it maybe 4 times since then trying different places in the cars and they are all terrible.  Sorry to say it, but DEFINITELY time to GO.  Just thought we'd get something NEW in exchange...  Guess we are, sort of...    Turns out Firehawk was just collateral damage I suppose because of its location.


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  3. Pictures from today (Jun 6) right around noon.

    Rode on The Beast this morning and there is only about 20ft of woods between The Beast track and the CLEARING for the new coaster.  There was a bulldozer parked at the edge of the clearing and it was VERY easy to see from The Beast.  The actual supports and track will of course be a little further away, but it's much closer than it looks from overhead plans.








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  4. 10 hours ago, arrold said:

    Take a look at Canada's Wonderland thrill ride offerings: https://www.canadaswonderland.com/play/rides-thrill

    I think the Skyhawk, Sledgehammer, or Soaring Timbers attractions would be awesome additions.

    The sledgehammer ride is really fun!   I had never ridden anything like that until a couple years ago there @ CW.  I really really liked Skyhawk too.  Got to where I could get it rolling so fast and so much I had to stop cause I was blacking out... Where else can you do that?!  Super Fun! Soaring Timbers is a major YAWNER...

  5. 14 hours ago, ethancoaster said:

    If the coaster is anything like this No Limits recreation by Coasterheads on YouTube, you’re gonna be in for an incredible ride:



    Wow!  That looks really cool!   Not as fun/exciting looking as Fury325, but different and pretty neat! 

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  6. 6 hours ago, BSBMX said:

    KI's coaster will be traversing in the opposite direction compared to Levi


    Ummm... Ok..  it's that "better"??  Or even different in a way? 

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  7. Boy, the end turnaround sure gets close to The Beast track!   Wonder if that part of The Beast won't seem as "back in the woods" as it does now? 

    Also, I always thought this area shown in the satellite photo attached was where they shot the fireworks from...  I guess that will have to move??   Or will they shut this big new ride down before/during the fireworks like they do with The Beast at night?!

    That area is shown in the blueprints but I can't read what they say on the scans on the imgur site...




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  8. 4 minutes ago, Diamondback Splash said:

    Are there any recent examples (since the classifications of "hyper" and"giga" became common) of new coaster construction stopping just a few feet short of 300?

    This is what I don't get... why wouldn't they add the extra 5 or 3 or whatever feet to reach 300? Especially since we already have a 200+ foot hyper in Diamondback? 

    Agreed.  Doesn't make any sense why they would "cut it short" by just a few feet...    Gotta be a (bigger) drop into a valley or something as others have said to make it "taller" on the drop height.

    • Like 2
  9. Ok. This is a little out there, but someone may know...

    I currently have a GOLD pass from KI.

    If for 2017 I buy a Platinum Pass from CP, do I get a fastlane pass for CP to use this fall?

    Can I ALSO get in to Carrowinds this fall once?

    Related... I went to CP this year (bought a ticket) and my KI all season drink bottle worked there just fine! Anyone know if dining plans work at all parks like that too??? I.e. Would a CP all season dining plan work at KI?


  10. Rode TARON @ Phantasialand in Germany several times last week! It is an AMAZING ride! SO insanely better than Maverick @ Cedar Point! Super fun, with the desire to ride again and again. I have tons of photos and videos but probably nothing different than what you can find online...

    That entire park is just absolutely amazing. Just as good or even better theming / appearance as any Disney park!

    So much time and money spent on making things look amazing. It's a shame KI didn't continue that after Paramount sold.

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  11. I would love to see KI spend one year adn get a decent addition of flats. One or two big ones then 2 or 3 small family ones.

    For major ones get something like a Screamin' Swing, Sledgehammer, Sky Roller ( all which would make good X-Base additions), Enterprise, Top Scan, or Top Spin.

    For family ones like to see a Tilt-A-Whirl, teacup style, twist and splash style, Music Express or Alpine Bobs type, Magic Carpet, or Wipe Out.

    Think getting a handful of these would really round out or flat line up and improve the park to an even higher level.

    Couldn't agree more!!

    I've been saying that ever since my son got too big/old for Snoopy land.

    You either ride a giant coaster @ KI or you do nothing...

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