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Everything posted by Shaggy

  1. Here's a fun bit of trivia that you may enjoy then... Before KI was KI... it was farmland. There were no ponds or lakes on property. All that exist, or existed inside the park once KI was built, were entirely man made. Actually, I believe all recreational lakes located IN the state of Ohio are all man made. KI retains the farms original homestead. Yes, that's right. The house that the farmer lived in prior to the land becoming Kings Island is still on property, hidden from view. It's located inside the fort that you pass near Boomerang Bay while on the train. How do I know? I've been inside of it. And its gross... really gross... Shaggy
  2. Huh? What are you talking about? Do you think the creek that ran through Rivertown was natural? It wasn't. It was man made, and had water pumped to it from Swan Lake. It no doubt will use the water from the splashdown pool now. Shaggy
  3. The Beast paw prints have come and gone numerous times over the years. Last time they had them was in 2004, I believe. But those "prints" were not unique to Beast alone. I expect most of you are too young to recall that Top Gun (errr... Flight Deck), Beastie (errrr... Fairly Odd), Outer Limits (err... Flight of Fear) and Vortex (errr... Vortex) all once had "prints" leading to them. Shaggy
  4. I think that's more a circumstantial fluke than anything. I'd be shocked if KI installed a ride in 2010. Let's just pray that they have a revenue generating 2009 that allows them to at least partially pay off Diamondback. If it were me, I'd concentrate on infrastructure. In these economic times, it's my opinion that it would behoove them to consider bringing back the campground to cater to those that wish to travel to the park without the costly expenditure of hotel rooms. Shaggy
  5. "Looking back at the artwork/renders for the ride, and comparing that with what they've started around the splashdown, I'm noticing a definite difference." The animation was done by an outside source and was solely based on renderings. The ride's surroundings in the video involved a designer's personal take. The landscape, outside of the stream leading to the splashdown, was probably not even decided at that time. I've not explored it, but the animation looks to have been done by Keith McVeen. I knew Keith back when he ran "Badnitrus." He would develop 3D renderings of existing rides that were simply amazing. They were so good, in fact, that it led to his being hired by several parks to do animation for future attractions in development. Among them... Paramount's Kings Island. At that time, Keith was in college. I believe he eventually graduated with a degree in Engineering, and now has his own business within the Amusement Industry doing more of the same. The last website of his that I ever saw was: http://www.3dvip.com/ He did the animation for Maverick at Cedar Point, so I'd be shocked if the Diamondback animation was not his. Back to the topic at hand... If you pay close attention to the current work being done in the splashdown area, you'll first notice that hard plastic pool liner has been laid prior to the rock-bedding. The reason for this, rather than just "grass", is an obvious one. It's so that the water will find it's way back to the splashdown pool to help keep the water table at the necessary level. "I wonder if they will connect this "creek" with the old one that use to run under the little bridge." It appears so, and would make obvious sense. The "old one" that ran under the bridge was recirculated from the Swan Lake Pond waters that were pumped to the top. The only thing that may not allow a connection of the two, would be an access road/path to the station. I personally think the creek will be coneected. Shaggy
  6. Just a question as I don't know a whole lot of building a large roller coaster. But why did they end at swan lake and forgive me if I'm wrong, but start again at the bottom of the first hill? So that they do not disrupt the midway while the operational season continues. Once the park winds down for the winter, you'll see construction take place in the midway areas. Shaggy
  7. Dick Van Dyke was a great man. Last I checked, he was still alive ;-)
  8. Who cares how many it is. I swear, why is it that people constantly want to **** on any bit of fun? I was at the announcement Wednesday. Although there for the Diamondback announcement, I got the biggest kick in hearing this news. I think it's a really quirky, fun and smart thing to do. Most everyone loves the Bradys. And most that love KI know that the Brady's played a special part in KI's history. KI is doing a bang up job of delivering one cool thing after another, I am more than happy to see KI is getting back to it's roots. Just a good park with exciting rides, and surprises. Shaggy
  9. I don't recall Invertigo at KI ever stalling in the cobra roll. I do know that it's valleyed between the lift and vertical loop, as well as at both ends of the station. Shaggy
  10. LiFke Funniest rumor? When I heard in 97 that KI was building a wooden coaster with a loop.
  11. If I remember correctly, the station for this ride is WAY off thr ground! So these very well could be the station supports. -Hauntguy It's the supports for the transfer storage area. http://www.cwmania.com/photos/displayimage...=128&pos=51 http://www.cwmania.com/photos/displayimage...=128&pos=64 The final brake section will go straight through the storage/transfer area. It' will then veer left curving 180 degrees into the station. http://www.cwmania.com/photos/displayimage...=128&pos=37 http://www.cwmania.com/photos/displayimage...=128&pos=76 Shaggy
  12. It will no doubt be all over the local/regional news that day. Shaggy
  13. Why not? It's been yellow, green, blue and purple through the years... ;-)
  14. Right now Rivertown is truly the spot in the park that has no idea what its identity is. I think it's ONE of the spots in the park that has no idea what it's identity is. -Octoberfest has an Adventure Themed coaster, a Cajun themed restaraunt, a Festhaus, and a Viking Ship (Vikings weren't German.) -Action Zone has a Congo themed water attraction smack dab in the middle of a "Thrill" type themed area. -Coney Mall has *essentially* held true to it's Old Coney theme... however lost a ton of it's charm when a ride with cargo carrier theming was added. -Even International Street has completely lost it's "International" theme with the addition of Starbucks, Nick Shops, Graeters etc. Overall the theming was sacrificed beginning in the late '80s. I have high hopes that this new coaster will bring the Rivertown theming back home. Shaggy
  15. Minebuster is indeed a shell of it's former self. It's been reprofiled even within the past 10 years lessening the thrill of the camelbacks. I don't recall the exact years I was there, but I was there around 1999 or so, and then again in 2001 or 2002. It had even been altered in those years. I couldn't believe how much the ride had been tamed.
  16. I have always subscribed to the belief that some other cultures adhere to. I forget if it's Japan or China that informs the family of a persons terminal disease, rather than the patient. Doctors leave it up to the family to decide if they want the loved one to know. They believe that when a person hears that they are terminal, that it cripples the soul, and allows the disease to take control. Seperately, I've always enjoyed asking folks the age old question: "If you have a concersation with with anyone, who would it be?" Mine are: 1. My Mom, an amazing woman I have missed for nearly 20 years now. 2. Jesus Christ. I'd simply want to know why. 3. Uncle Walt- Just because.
  17. I'd let CF do the work for us. They typically install construction webcams that record construction which they compile into those time-lapse films. They've done it for Raptor, MForce, TTD, and possibly Maverick. Shaggy
  18. I've been following the new Dallas Cowboys stadium. It's supposed to be the first stadium to cost over $1 Billion. It looks insanely awesome. http://stadium.dallascowboys.com/ Shaggy - a die hard Cowboys fan.... no tomatos please!
  19. Someone must be watching "I survived a Japanese Gameshow."
  20. I believe the theme they are working towards is something along the lines of amazon Seriously... you think they are going to give it an Amazonian theme? That name would go good with the rivertown theme though. Kidding right? Anacondas are located in South America only. Shaggy
  21. ...not nearly as high drama, though, as one of her predecessors often did! She at least ranks a close second. Get me inebriated sometime and I'll spill my guts about my very short (by choice) tenure as a Regional Rep, the death at a park during my first week, the "A List", the nutcase gruesome twosome, the never-ending drama, and the seemingly enthusiast friendly "Seasonally themed" park. One day I woke up in the midst of all that muck and thought.. "Whatever happened to riding coasters?" Shaggy
  22. Hmmm... interesting. I'd be torn between 'tiques, Tumble Bug, Wheel of Fortune and Eagles. Shaggy
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