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Everything posted by RuthlessAirtime

  1. I'm not complaining. I'm D E C O D I N G
  2. Seeing it inside of that plot really makes it feel like it would be insanely short. Like the shortest giga ever built. No idea what to think to be honest.
  3. Someone pointed out how flat-out boring Diamonback and Mystic Timbers both looked when we got a look at the layout. Layouts look boring. We won't know until we see an animation or we ride it.
  4. Good lord this has been a beautiful, extremely eventful day. This is the most legendary decoding thread ever. I think this thread was at 50 pages when the blueprints were posted. Insane.
  5. I did not think to ask this. Where would I look on the document for approval?
  6. Even though I didn't get to see it, I appreciate you posting. Thank you.
  7. I agree with this. I will reserve judgement for when we see an official announcement, but I somewhat doubt Cedar Fair would compete between different parks like that. I kinda wish they were owned by different entities so they'd compete more. Then again, how many years of record-holding status do you really need a coaster to have? When is it time for it to relinquish the crown? Also, why build another giga if you're not gonna up the record? I eagerly await the stats from an announcement
  8. I am amazed that’s how simple Diamondback looks on paper. Never really thought about it. Woah
  9. We are surrounded by meanies who are holdin out on us
  10. Absolutely not real @Codyfryguy @Ben43065 where you at? Dump the goods!
  11. I won’t lie, I am incredibly frustrated that they’re not sharing the goods. I drove a total of 1hr45mins in rush hour just to fetch the blueprints and share them with you guys. Can’t even get my hands on the deleted PDF. Trying to bite my tongue, but it’s hard and I REALLY WANT TO SEE THAT PDF
  12. No problem. Just trying to help. Took me an hour to get home with rush hour but I didn't mind. I believe Bansheeback beat me to the punch by literally 5 minutes, however
  13. If only we could see it...
  14. To channel my inner Michael Scott... If it's a wing coaster, I am going to kill myself and it will be Cedar Fair's fault.
  15. This. Everyone is acting like if they even so much as look at the screenshots again they're gonna get a knock on the door and a "FBI OPEN UP". Not the case.
  16. I think you literally left like 5 minutes before me haha. Could have passed you in the hall and I wouldn't have known
  17. Really bad math, apparently. This document has me convinced I don't have any idea how scales or basic math even work. I am seconding this as hard as I can. An incorrect scale would be an insane clerical error. It's incredibly weird that it looks exactly like a giga support structure, I am just super confused by the scale. I have no idea what's going on with these prints.
  18. Ditto. If anyone wants to compensate me for fetching blueprints in the form of one (1) deleted PDF, I will gladly accept a PM
  19. Smh y'all soft on the deleted document
  20. Yeah that’s what I see here too that doesn’t make sense. It looks and smells like a giga but the scale is off. I don’t know how likely it is that it’s wrong. I’m thinking we’re getting a 150 ft tall wacky worm.
  21. Unless the scale on the actual bonafide blueprint I fetched myself from the city of Mason is wrong or I am misreading it terribly, I see absolutely no way that could be a giga.
  22. We’re all thinking a whole lot of things at once and we’re thinking thoughts that are hard to think no one knows what to think basically
  23. These are publicly available blueprints that legally have to be on record
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