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  1. Well, Here is something interesting I have read in a book for my Eastern Civ class...The book is called THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. "If the enemies government is fulfilled-meaning that there is mutual love between the ruler and the riled, there is clarity and trustworthiness in the system of rewards and punishments, and the soldiers are well trained- then you should be on gaurd against them. Do not wait for a clash to make your preparations. WHen the enemy's military is strong, you should avoid them for the time being, wait until they slack off, watching for an opening to attack." Pretty much, if Iraq waits until we have exhausted all our strength and resources, maybe we do not have them where we want them, and maybe this will last longer than we think. Remember, this is OUR government we are talking about. We all know they hide things and mislead the american people. The park, in my opinion, will see a drop in attendence because of this war. Maybe if Jeff gets on, he can fill us in on what the attendence has looked like since Sept. 11, 2001! If I am not mistaken, there has been a drop in attendence (looking at the big picture).
  2. I live in Clinton County, Ohio. It's about 45 minutes to PKI from where I live. I go to East Clinton High School , home of the Astros. I'm hpoing to go to Ohio State and major in journalism. How is KEVIN SNARR treating EC over there Shadow?
  3. Hows about KENOSHA, WI...about 7 hours from PKI
  4. HILAIRIOUS CO SUP MY BUTT...Cute, MAYBE, Awesome, MAYBE, I THINK Hilairious is going a little too far...Funny, ok...
  5. Summer Place is played at the front gate!!!
  6. Well...you know...Cobra Crew 00, Cobra DOT 01, and FLUME 02 were pretty much fun (minus 02), BUT...I will admit, the BEST crew in the park to work with is CONGO DROP!!!! They are da SHIAT...always doing stuff, even now!!! You guys ROCK!!!
  7. Well...let me inform you of some basic public knowledge of the park. Paramount's Kings Island has over 725 acres containing more than 200 Rides Shows, and Attractions. Currently the park is only using about half it's land. SO, there is plenty of land for the park to use withOUT taking the campground away. The campground is used a lot over the summer, so taking out the any of the campground would only CUT the parks revenue, and they will NEVER do that!!!!!!!!!
  8. Neither...I like the LOG FLUME!!!! HAHAHA
  9. Tower 1 has not been used for a couple years. The cameras were installed because they needed to lower the operating costs of the ride!!!
  10. Now a word from your friendly RVT Water Sentry (2002). After working BOTH the Log Flume, and the WWC, I can tell you exactly how everything drains on both rides and how quickly they can drain. Will I???To an extent... WWC DOES go into that lake when the ride is shut down (BY PRESSING THE E-STOP). The water can drain in 4:45-5:00. This happens for safety reasons. In the event of an emergency the water must be drained as quickly as possible...and it does drain quickly. Flume is not the same however...when the water is shutoff...it can take like 30 minutes to completely drain...that is e-stoping the ride. HOWEVER, the water CAN be taken out in 2:30 if needed...and I had it happen in 2002...the first time it had been needed this past season...YAY ME!!!!
  11. Sparky...What a life...working at PKI forever? Would you stay at the position you are in, or try and move up the ladder? Even after MY MULTIPLE bad actions, I can remember the GREAT times at that park. As said in previous posts by the WONDERFUL LOOPING BREAKS and Sparky...it is like nothing you have ever done. The people you meet become your BEST FRIENDS, and almost family...that is about about several people on this forum. Even if you are moved to the other side of the park...you still feel welcomed in your "home country" be the wonderful people you have shared memories with. DANK...honestly...sometimes I think you should be BETH (not going to offend anyone by saying BLONDE...and I think mine is worse than blonde anyways) You REALLY should know who looping breaks is...one of the GREATEST guys in AZ... Have a great day and don't forget to smile!
  12. Not Dank...Thanks for the compliment though! But, trust me...it is NOT worth it for the Ride Ops
  13. Let me tell you what it is like to be a Ride Operator! People get mad if they have to wait 30 seconds for the ride. People are very rude, and mean towards ride operators. The Racer has had lines over 30 minutes long. When the park is populated enough, and all the que lines are open the wait is any where from 45 minutes to an hour. Even if the ride is walk on, people do not like to wait for their train. That is how the general population is. It is called McDonaldization. People are in a hurry...they do not want to wait for anything!
  14. The Twin Racer does not race for a number of reasons. First of all, it IS a capacity killer. The people getting in and out of the ride may take too long causing too much time between BOTH trains. I have worked both sides on BOTH kinds of days (Racing and not racing). Racing is actually more of a pain in the ass than nonracing. Second reason they don't race is because there are some people who are not as quick at doing things (checking bars). Finally, Teenage Ninja, Upper Management does NOT want to see them race because people will not be able to get on quickly and the lines would be longer.
  15. How about a stand up coaster...MAYBE that could be in the future???
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