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    Youngstown, OH

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KIC Tourist

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  1. This ride is literally Leviathan 2.0
  2. This is gonna be barely or under 5000 feet. At 90 mph that’s insanely short.
  3. I can’t belive KI got the worst giga after all that hype lol
  4. KI isn’t that close to any park. I highly doubt CP cares about that.
  5. Nobody has given a valid reason other than “I don’t want one”.
  6. Are you guys still not considering it could be a wing, flyer, or dive? Lol
  7. Attendance, industry insight, ridership. Keep in mind that CGA’s hyper already got canned due to Railblazer’s poor performance.
  8. I wouldn’t get my hopes up for a giga if I were you espeacilly if CF may spend elsewhere. Keep an eye out for a wing or flyer. Thing is Fury was built because of the expanding market of the Carolinas, and was part of a massive investment by CF. KI hasn’t gotten that much out of Banshee (their biggest investment) and Mystic Timbers (one of the most expensive wooden coasters) return wise so a giga at a fairly stagnant park isn’t a wise decision. It just seems like something built up by fans more than legitimate proof.
  9. CStrike isn’t nearly as intense as Maverick but it has more hangtime
  10. Show me any mass land clearing, permits, trademarks, blueprints, etc for CP
  11. CP isn’t slated to get a coaster in 2020 but ok
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