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Everything posted by EngineerX

  1. They can file the SWEP permit under multiple names, even like to a random person like a project foreman. Alternatively they or the contractor doing the work may have their own environmental group and self permit / report.
  2. Excellent observation. Its also worth noting that in the leaked prints the engineer didn't clean up the old rev bubbles as they would for a final release. The leaked prints are likely a cut and paste job providing initial detail for phase 1. IE, clearing the grounds for work to begin. Once prints are released for work to a contractor doing grading, controlling where they go is near impossible. They don't need structural details for the actual grade work, so it's fairly common practice to issue an "in progress" set of prints to those contractors.
  3. Food for thought: Why wouldn't they just file all of the prints at once vs in phases? Considering the first set shows the entire layout, what is left to hide by not filling all of the below grade prints?
  4. Not true. Every print must be stamped by the engineer that made or reviewed the drawing. The only exceptions are for preliminary or draft drawings. All final drawings, or prints issued for construction must have the responsible engineers seal, signature and date.
  5. Riddle me this. Is it cheaper to fix a coroplast sign with an extremely specifically designed tape, or reprint the poster? Why would they continue to make mistakes and not proofread their work? Again, these "mistakes" are significant.
  6. Just don't tell the guys that call them "foundations". Which is a more common reference than both. *and yes. I know the difference between footings/footers and foundations. Just saying the guys doing the work, or even designing them use it interchangeably
  7. Hmmm. I wonder what the significance of the posters constantly changing can be....
  8. @MrSourNinja just saying there are more answers there, but not the scale. That was an oversight that has turned into the biggest red herring.
  9. Engineer here. You are correct about the scale. No one looks at those anyways. When I was a designer, 95% of the time i didn't even include the scale in my title block unless it was there by default in the customers template.
  10. There's something everyone is missing. You're on the right track.
  11. Something that i eluded to waaay earlier, but the posters changing mid morning is significant. Things aren't always as they appear. Hint hint. Prints. Wink wink.
  12. Exactly. Anything issued for actual work will be a pdf. The actual cad files will be reserved for the engineers and designers. Any markups will get made on pdf/paper and returned to the designer, to update the record prints (cad). So not only is a pdf not surprising, it's expected. The bigger question here is, do we have a full project, or do we have a phase 1 that is the bare minimum to start work.
  13. You make some valid points, but you greatly underestimate the number of designers / engineers that are required to have access to the full drawing set.
  14. It's only going to get better from here. #OpLilGiga
  15. Because they are nerds too.
  16. You mean like a layout plan being issued to the contractors doing the clearing / grade work that is likely to be leaked? You think they might anticipate that and release a "phase 1" printset that looks complete to start the project while mitigating leaks. Yep, that's just crazy talk
  17. Electrical engineer by trade. Worked specifically on power transmission / distribution in a past life (utility sector), but not currently. Now my expertise is controls and automation (outside of the utility industry).
  18. Meh. They would typically use a capacitor bank rather than put that amount of current onto the electrical system. It's really difficult to coordinate the power system constantly putting 4000A on all at once. Not to mention the cost building the infrastructure to handle it.
  19. It's referenced from its angle to the ground. Therefore, 40°. The 50° is the angle of the backside of the plate, not the hill itself.
  20. Don't forget. For early stages of construction for "secret" projects drawings are often drawn as "complete", then updated later to reveal more and more of the project. A lot of workers get to see these and its expected that they will leak. So only in the know, critical designers, engineers and approvers see the true completed project this early.
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