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Posts posted by ThrillingAutumn

  1. 19 minutes ago, matt112986 said:

    In May my family and I had a trip to Cedar Point where they called for rain every day about all day. It barely rained at all. So probably not unless you are certain it will rain enough to ruin the trip. Storms can also lead to low crowd days, the time you save with short lines can make up for time lost due to storms. 

    Its supposed to rain for the next 8 days lol I live in Indiana and its already started here. I was hoping they'd be wrong. I may just keep an eye on the sky and make last minutes choices. 

  2. I have had a trip planned for Fathers Day for MONTHS we already have a hotel and everything. Of course it's supposed to rain off and on with pop up thunderstorms. Should I cancel the trip and just eat the money I will lose?? or is it worth it to go on a rainy day?? Thanks!!

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