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wanna_be_03's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Does anyone know why they cancelled the extended play for 7/30? I'm sure it had something to do with that small riot in the parking lot after the EP last week, or is the DJ just not showing up AGAIN?
  2. How the heck would any of you guys know about it? I heard from a credible source thats what they were anit- terrorist specialists. Youre the joke cuz you dont know what your talking about.
  3. I saw one of those guys once too, his badge said park police on it, so they must be undercover cops
  4. They lady came out of her harness trying to get a view of what was going on in oktoberfest, where two fatalites had just occured in the lake incident, and inadvertainly added herself to the death toll. otherwise your story is correct.
  5. DragonLord might think he knows.....but he has no idea. Haha ok all joking aside, heres the skinny on these "park police" guys: I was talking about this to my friends dad who works with the homeland security dept as a consulant or something. He said that really they are employed by some federal agency as experts on counter- terrorism that got hired the season after 9-11. Apparently there are some of these agents at all major theme parks and these "black shirts" are more than likely them.
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