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Everything posted by AEmoore

  1. The main thing that could cause it to open late is if the operations department is handed the rides too close to opening day, there is no way they could get the cycles required by state done and get everyone trained in time which could cause a delay, but hopefully it opens with the park or at most a weekend or two after opening weekend
  2. Over Time the speakers either wear out or tech services doesn't know its turning down. For the 40th anniversary the sound was back just as loud, but over the subsequent two years it got quieter until now where it is barely audible. That being said our maintenance teams are very efficient and I'm willing to bet that it will be back up to audible range this year as whatever level audio the speakers are playing is the same level audio as our announcements from the control booth come out.
  3. Yes, however those would just light up the woods more. Plus, In my opinion the blinding flood lights make the experience better because everything is just that much darker as your eyes adjust
  4. The Lights on the lift hills have to be on there In case of a need for an evacuation of the ride at night time. Its also there so the cameras are able to see everything that is happening on that lift whether it be guests misbehaving or the chain lift acting weird. Hope this answers why the Lights are on the lift hills.
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