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Everything posted by robintodd

  1. I know right. Wonder if they need any testing done on cancelling a reservation
  2. Well, I can tell them it worked. It even showed up on my app. Hopefully they will reset or honor it.
  3. This is amazing. Being 51 I remember alot of these times. Nice to be able to share with my grandchildren. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Just because someone had to look it up. It stated on their website: Wearing masks or face coverings if you wish to do so (not a requirement for entrance).
  5. Remember when an asteroid hitting the planet was considered catastrophic! They need to change it from an asteroid to a COVID-19 molecule. Now that's terrifying :):)
  6. Just and idea but with all the zoom, webex meetings, etc. It would be nice not just to have a POV but also a reverse POV so I can have my grand kids believing I'm on the ride when we have our weekly online meeting
  7. Unless they are in agreement with what the government is saying. Then it's a different story.
  8. The Colorado Baker comes to mind. He's the one who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple based on religious reasons. Some people stated that it's his business and he should be able to serve who he chooses to based on whatever reason(s) he sees fit. I would concur that some (if not most) of those same people are upset about Cedar Fair making their rules. The largest difference being is one the baker case is using a religious freedom argument whereas Cedar Fair is doing it for the health and safety of all people (regardless of religion).
  9. Yes, exactly. although now with the popularity of zoom reverse POV's are pretty popular. That way when you use it as your background it looks as if you're riding the roller coaster. In the meantime, you can use the POV of the backward racer for the same effect.
  10. Point Of View. It's a video usually taken from the front seat of a roller coaster. You like the one from that one yellow and red roller coaster in river town.....
  11. At least you know the reason people call you a jerk, I'm still trying to figure out why the call me one :):) Anyway I don't think you a jerk for not wearing a mask and not going to the park. However those that go to the park and refuse to wear a mask......... Hope the requirement is lifted soon and you can go, and hope to see you at the park. Stay safe....
  12. Target is having a sale on their website (and maybe store also). Saw it and thought it might help: https://www.target.com/p/2ct-adult-fabric-face-mask---black-s-m/-/A-79907990?clkid=0b154daeNa50b11eabad742010a246c13&lnm=360518&afid=Slickdeals_LLC&ref=tgt_adv_xasd0002
  13. I thought the same thing. Nice to see something has been going on at the park besides Orion testing
  14. That was sarcasm. Kind of goes along the line with people who where unwilling to wear seat belts till it was made a law. My mother was one of them. Her best friend was trapped in a car by her seat belt after and accident and died back in the early 60's. Scared my mother from ever wearing them till it was mandated. You should be able to qualify. By that logic and the findings of how many asymptomatic people there have been I think a majority of people have been in contact with someone with it. The questionnaire will probably contain a question like "Have you been in contact with anyone in the last X weeks that has had the COVID-19 virus?" Thanks for being an essential employee during these tough times (I'm essential and so is my wife who is a nurse and works in a hospital.)
  15. Which is why the president and everyone around him get's tested DAILY.
  16. I'd concur with that. Better to get kinks worked out before the July 4th holiday.
  17. It takes about 3 weeks on average to see the uptick. It's not just the people who go to the event, it's who they are around when the event is over as well and who they are around, etc, etc, US is trending down but may tick up again. Seems to be the pattern: https://www.google.com/search?q=cronovirus+deaths&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS839US839&oq=cronovirus+deaths&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.3934j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  18. "Yea, and I'm not going back till they stop making you wear shirts, I hate when my pits sweat." The virus numbers are up in 24 states. Important to watch the next couple of days to see how the memorial day weekend affects the spread.
  19. By the looks of the right side of the picture, looks like Seuss Landing, so I would guess Universal.
  20. Looks like your theory may be wrong. Suprisingly it seems people are deciding to get jobs after all: Nonfarm payrolls rose by 2.5 million after a 20.7 million tumble the prior month that was the largest in records back to 1939, according to Labor Department data Friday. The jobless rate fell to 13.3% from 14.7%
  21. Looks like the extra $600 expires July 31st, barring any new amendment.
  22. https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/resources/news-releases-news-you-can-use/governor-reopen-certain-facilities Here you go....
  23. Time to start back up the ez-pay monthly payments
  24. Couple of observations. The fun and sun + yum packages are cheaper than the plan fun and sun packages (I think they have them backwards since the yum packages include dinner which seems to be a different park eatery feature each week night). Second it stops June 28th. That would point to a July 1st opening (as I've said a horrible idea since having the first weekend on a holiday weekend will just increase the chances of a bad experience with all the new rules in place. Much better to wait a week till the 8th.). I wonder how business will be for just the hotels being open, especially since they are using the 'usual' rates. Would have been smarter to offer them at a 25 or 35% discount since the park is not open and to entice more people out of their homes. Either way, planning to be there last weekend of the season as always.
  25. Kind of ruins the "no phones allowed on Steel Vengence"
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