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Posts posted by beastfan11

  1. Can we actually get some new haunts this year? Cowboy Carnage was just the props from the haunt that used to be located in the tent by the Effiel Tower. I would like to see something brand new this year.

  2. If you coaster fanboys are so ready for some downhill thrills then may I introduce you guys to the oldest downhill thrill in existences and every year it gets a fresh new track for it!!! It’s called a snow sled!! In the next couple days you will have an optimal opportunity to experience the thrills that your grandfathers enjoyed in their youth hood. So get out there and enjoy it and don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

    Going……..to get my 6 year olds sled ready for our annual snow sledding outing and to tell the wife to have the hot chocolate and blankets ready when we get back!!!

    This guy knows what he's talking about!

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