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    Vandalia, OH
  • Interests
    Scaring People, Rollercoasters, Cedar Point

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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. alright, i agree you are right about el toro being an out and back, however it is not your typical out and back, or at least in my eyes, when i think out and back i think straight out straight back in a line, shape wise... but determining that El Toro is an out and back doesnt change my impression on me liking the voyage better, so i don't understand the big deal
  2. Alright, okay so your saying that you can describe every rollercoaster as an out and back then
  3. well when i think of out and back i think like hill and straight out in a line with a bunch of hills(the voyage/magnum/Diamondback/etc)..i dont think i would consider El Toro to be an out and back..but i guess it just depends who you are asking
  4. I have ridden both, and i think that Voyager is better because it seems that El Toro is shorter...plus I am a huge fan of the out-and-back
  5. I am the Grrreeeeen Goblin!!!
  6. the haunting season is upon us, you ready?

  7. As far as I know Phantom Theater will never come back. If youve been to fearfest/Halloween Haunt,the characters are in very bad shape. Yah, I am sure most of the parts are scattered in different storage barns, it would be almost impossible at this point to bring it back
  8. did anyone catch that the "keep hands arms legs inside thecar at all times" sign is still facing backwards, i wonder if they'll change that before opening day
  9. What ever happened to the Season Pass Sneak Preview days, that the park used to have a few years ago. I know it could have been just a paramount thing. But there used to be a few weeks before the park opened to the public that you could get your season pass processed and then you could go in the park, season pass holders only. Those days made it nice because the season passholders that live farther away could get there pass early, and visit the park without waiting in that huge pass processing line.
  10. ill have to start a countdown soon lol

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