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Everything posted by EssentiallyCoaster

  1. A Firehawk train, take out all of the restraints and I'd have a bed the pops up to let me walk out.
  2. http://www.facebook....st/137855978065 This part specifically.
  3. Sorry to jack this topic. I just got my voucher for my season pass. I can't seem to see if processing is open on May 22nd. Can anyone tell me if it is? It's when I'm going with my school. Also, where is the processing building? Thanks, EssentiallyCoaster
  4. I love the history of The Crypt, it is almost exactly opposite of the truth.
  5. Added half-hour ago. Check them out! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=213751&id=155893938367
  6. I just realized this, the King family goes to my school. They went today.
  7. I love the sound of the horn after lightning is seen that gives the ride operators an ok sign to start the rides up again. Correct me if this isn't at King's Island, I seem to have forgotten over the off-season.
  8. ^Same 45.4 miles, 58 minutes according to Google maps on I-75 south.
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