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Everything posted by APE

  1. How nice that they punish those with kids who will not grow to that height requirement during a given year.
  2. I will strongly disagree that the air time was too strong. I couldn't get enough of it, but once again I like super intense rides.
  3. Why am I not seeing a jr/sr option for gold passes?
  4. Question: I have a gold pass this year if I want platinum does it count as renewal or new pass?
  5. For me I feel like your friend may have confused being rough with it being very intense. There is really no time to catch your breath on it as you're getting ejector air every few seconds in every possible way they can turn you. That wave turn felt so weird it was awesome getting that much air time to the side instead of straight up. I have read about the rough spot at the bottom and it has been said by many riding in a non wheel seat you can avoid it I however did not feel the bump in the last row.
  6. Ban him for the simple fact that he blames a song for murders. I can't stand people like that. Anyway anyone that doesn't like him can just ignore him.
  7. Some of the people around me didn't like the ride. I just assume those people perhaps like you just don't like overly intense coasters. It works the same as when people are flabbergasted at Kings Island when I say I find Diamondback to be boring most of the time. It's just not my cup of tea I'd rather be thrown around like a rag doll. Anyway after that last BeatGal comment I am pretty sure you should do the same as I and just ignore her.
  8. I don't believe at all that Racer is getting the RMC treatment but I was thinking about it one day and thought it would be cool if they did RMC one side of it and just use GCI to retrack the other side keeping one the way it should be one one as an all out ride by RMC. I wouldn't mind losing one half of the classic feel of Racer.
  9. I rode at 2. I wasn't messing with that line only running one train first thing in the morning.
  10. I got a ride in on August 9th. Waited 45 minutes and got back row. This thing is perfect if you love intense coasters. I have said it before and I will say it again while it is not what the parks themselves like to happen and get frustrated I would rather wait through downtime and some issues for an all out amazing ride than another run of the mill B&M. This was my first RMC and now I cannot wait to try the others. This is my new number one.
  11. I'm starting to think all you do is complain.
  12. My son turns three Sunday. He is at the 39 inch mark. If we make it to Dollywood in a couple of weeks I am looking forward to getting him on Firechaser Express.
  13. Firechaser Express is a 39 inch height requirement
  14. You're still complaining 10 hours later? My aren't you a delight....
  15. I went with the wife last night as we managed to get a baby sitter and went to the park for the last two hours after getting the youngest to sleep. My thoughts on the short trip are as follows. Short lines in Action Zone led to us walking on Banshee, Delirium, and getting a salad from Chicken Shack with no wait and that makes me happy. I was happy to see some people from here and other places in those couple of hours. I'm sorry but if you waited hours in that line to watch the announcement you wasted your time as we went and rode and just walked up to an awesome spot by the Mystic Timbers shirt table. The turd that shut down Diamondback annoyed me because he said they were closing 15 minutes early for the announcement. Which is fine by me we knew that but we showed up right at 9:40 and they closed it off and he once again said 15 minutes early. You're not fooling me sir I have a smart phone I know I still have 5 minutes. Oo well. When we originally walked to the announcement area some lady kept throwing a fit about being told you can't stand on the paved path and when they started allowing people because it was a huge crowd I thought her head was going to explode I found it slightly annoying but funny at the same time. Mystic Timbers is a good name. I think I'll really enjoy the ride. I like the logo and colors and can't wait to see what's in the shed. Also looking forward to the second announcement.
  16. I will be doing a very simlar route on that ship in Feb. We are leaving from Port Canaveral. We are also going to do a day at Magic Kingdom the Saturday before.
  17. Alright while I enjoy hanging back and just reading these sorts of threads I feel it is time to step in and make a couple of suggestions. I've used many forums and been around a long time on forums to get a pretty good idea of how people work plus most of it is common sense but some don't get that. First to Gavpenn this is the internet and a trust no one mentality exists. It does no good for you or anyone else for you to site that you know what is going on yet are unwilling to share what you know or the source. It causes frustration for you and everyone else. I will give you an example. Years ago I was on a music forum and we knew a big yearly tour was going to be announced in a couple of months and all the bands had signed. I happened to go to a concert with one of the bands on that tour was playing, I hung out with them that night and had a couple of drinks. They told me each and every band that was playing two months ahead of the announcement. They also asked that I not share the info. I obliged but made the mistake of saying to people talking about the tour that some of the bands were right in the rumors some were wrong. I could not site my source for fear I would get them kicked off the tour. People accused me of being a liar and a troll for it. I thought I was helping and playing along with rumors. In the end it frustrated me as much as everyone else. It is best just to leave it be if you actually have a credible source. Next to BeastGal and anyone else who ever gets accused of being a troll, the answer is simple to stopping the accusations, have a legitimate profile picture of yourself or meet with some of the people from the forum that can confirm who you are. I am not saying run out and meet with strangers just to prove who you are but what I am saying is there is a lot of meetups and friendly people on here that at the very least are willing to say hi to you at the park for a brief moment, plus it makes communities like this more fun. As long as you have that blank picture and no info though people will automatically assume troll until proven otherwise. now back to your regularly scheduled decoding...
  18. I had no issues yesterday and I typically don't care for the fast baby slides like that as they feel rough on my back.
  19. Soak City seems to be very crowded. All of the slides I can see from where I am at have long lines. When we got here at 1 I waited through a long line to get food at whatever this food joint is called by the wave pool. It took about 20 minutes but I was impressed thought it would be longer. They had all 5 Windows taking orders.
  20. Tried the buffalo chicken salad at RHOFG yesterday and loved it. I may have to get it again Friday when we go.
  21. Anybody at the park today? We are coming for the waterpark. In hoping it's not too crowded.
  22. I use TPR more than I use this site. I was also involved in the alligator thread. I called him out for deleting my posts. He said I was "rude and obnoxious" I said something about his posts being worse than mine and quoted the disclaimer on the site. I surpringly didn't get banned.
  23. If you have a problem with the GLBT community why not just ignore the thread and move onto every single other thread that is not about the subject. You backtracked because you put yourself in a bad light start. Move onto something else if you don't like what is being discussed.
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