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  1. No im not trying to make it look bad. Cedar Point is my second favorite themepark. Im just saying it could happen. YOu can't trust everyone. Thats the problem on this board. No one really trust anyone. You gotta believe in some people. And what if this really happened to this person. You guys never think "If you were them". I'm sure he is not lying. I mean a guy grabbing my private spots. i wouldn't tell people about that unless it was serious likes this. And i wouldn't be tell people that a guy flirted with me either unless it was serious. And why would he say that the guy kissed his girlfriend for fun. I wouldn't make that up. I would tell people that i am freaking mad at that guy. If this really happened to that person then im glad he is pressing charges. What if you were that guy what would you do. If i were that guy i would not like the people on this board for saying that i was lying for soemthing that really happened.
  2. ohhh anyways lets get back on topic. Do you think he should pressed charges.
  3. He said it was just one bad day. I had some problems with the Point two years ago when a employe kissed my sister. I think the problem is they hire to many teenagers who possibly are on drugs and achohol. I don't doubt the guy. One of my ex-friends used to work at the Point and sexually harrased a young women. So i don't doubt him. lets just all agree that PKI has the best customer service. WE don't have any proof that he is lying so we can only assume that he isn't.
  4. I was just looking at this post on http://rctinc.alexhansford.com/index.phpsh...st=0entry4449 Someone is pressing charges against Cedar Point. Well at least thats what he said. They did some bad stuff to him and his little brother and his girlfriend. Go check it out. Once again i say PKI has the best customer service.
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