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April 26, 2008


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My friend and I left home around 9:30 AM for KI. We arrived around 10:30 and were pleased to see that the parking lot wasn't all too full. We walked around the park trying to figure out what we were going to do first so we started with Vortex. My first roller coaster ride this year was a fun one in the very back on the train. After leaving Vortex we then started walking up towards the front of the park and rode Flight Deck. Still a very unnecessary long walk for such a short ride but it was fun. We then got onto Delirium which only had a 15-20 minute wait at the time. We then made our way back toward the back of the park. This is were my day started heading down hill.

We saw that The Crypt was open and I wanted to see what all was different. After about 20 minutes waiting outside we finally made it inside and we immediately noticed that the inside queue is lit up more than it previously was. We finally made it into the room where the giant raising door is that leads you onto the ride. The statue with the rising television is gone and has been replaced with a demon looking robot. It sits still and maybe every 10 minutes or so its wings open up and it moves it head and makes these growling noises. We finally made it onto the ride, I wore short with buttons on it that secure my wallet and the side pockets. I have never had anything fall out my pockets on any ride, not even change! My phone was in my front pocket and during the ride my friends phone came out of his pocket along with his keys. His phone ended up under him on his seat after the ride. His keys were latched onto some girls book bag next to us. Unfortunately during the ride I felt my phone start moving from my pocket at the very top of the cycle and then we flipped and there went my phone right in front of my eyes. We were facing the ground right before the cycle ended, and I could see my phone laying there on the ground under the gondola. I wasn't expecting that the ride duration and what happens on the ride was going to be different. I like the new cycle that The Crypt has, its longer and more fun that Tomb Raider.

After we got off I went to speak to a ride operator about my phone, she told me they will look but they cannot go down onto the floor due to safety issues. I told them it was under the gondola and I had to wait till after 8 when the park closed. So it was about 4:30 so we left the park to go eat and of course I am really mad about what had just happened but there was nothing I could do. We came back into the park and headed back to Vortex and rode it about three more times to pass time because it had the shortest line. We walked around the park a couple times just looking around and trying to pass time. My friend played the 3 Point Challenge a couple times and won nothing. Finally 8 rolls around and I head back to The Crypt. Theres four people waiting there who had lost their keys on the ride. A ride operator walks out of the door where they give people their bags that riders don't take on the ride and asks me what I lost, I told him a black LG Chocolate. He pulls my phone out of a bag, and what do you know it still works! The sound is messed up along with the screen but I can still make and receive calls. I do have a 1 year warranty on the phone so I'm gonna go to verizon to see what they can do for me.

All in all, it was a fun trip other than the fact I broke my phone.

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Yeah the zipper pockets are there. I usually wear American Eagle cargo shorts when I go to KI and I have rode Tomb Raider multiple times with my phone in the same pocket and had no problems. It might have been the new cycle they do may have just somehow forced my phone out of my pocket. I can get a new phone with my warranty the only problem was whether or not they could find it. I need at least a part of my phone so that I can use my warranty. Its cool though I had a good time.

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I went to Verizon today to see whether or not they could replace my phone. The girl working there was good looking and ended up replacing my phone for free. She also transfered everything from my old phone to my new one. I'm going to be more careful next time I ride the crypt and put it in the zipper pouch.

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