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Help prepping for KI visit 8/20


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The wife and I are making our 1st visit back to KI in a few years and wanted to get some tips from you guys so as to make the trip as good as posssible. I'm new to this site, and it has been great reading everything-especially the history

Here goes:

-We plan to get there at opening and ride Firehawk. It's right by FoF right? So I'm thinking the most direct way way to get there from the main gate is past the carousel? (we won't run-promise!)

-Is back lot stunt track worth riding?

-How much $$ are extreme sky-flyer and slingshot? Is one way better than the other?

-We want to do the waterpark. Is there anything over there that is a 'must-ride'?

Thanks for the help!

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1. Yes, Firehawk is right by FoF, more behind it than anything. I would say the quickest way is past the carousel. Definitely get to that first, the wait becomes

excruciating. Firehawk doesn't have a wonderful capacity.

2. I think it's worth riding but not worth waiting for. If the wait is any more than 15-20 minutes it's really not worth it.

3. In the first hour the park is open they're both $10. That's the cheapest you'll find them all day. I can't really compare them. I've only ridden Slingshot and I

maintain it's the best $10 I've spent at the park.

4. I can't speak much about the water park as I haven't done it since it's became Boomerang Bay.

Have fun! There have been quite a few changes to the park but I'm quite sure you'll like it.

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-We want to do the waterpark. Is there anything over there that is a 'must-ride'?

Well I agree with iChase in every way but since he can't answer this one I will having been there multiple times.

1. Avoid Down Under Thunder. I am small and fly through those slides and even I get stuck on that crap.

2. Snowy River Rampage is a must ride. It's way in the back which adds to it because you fly through the woods in it. Don't forget to ask them to spin you!

3. Great Barrier Reef is definately where you should park your towels and stuff. It's fun when the waves are on but they aren't on to often.

4. Coolangatta Racer is sweet, definately a must ride.

5. Bondi Pipeline and Aussome Aussie Twister are nice, but very intense. If you do not plug your nose or don't enjoy those intense moments don't ride.

Have fun at KI!

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2. I think it's worth riding but not worth waiting for. If the wait is any more than 15-20 minutes it's really not worth it.

I totally agree here. If the line hits the switchback queues, save it for later in the day, but if it's only at the turn towards the bridge, go for it!!

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1. Get to Firehawk as fast as you can. Right after Firehawk get on FOF. Then make your way to Boomerang Bay. The seats go fast!

Go on the Giant funnel water slide, its the best :)

I've seen the flyer and Sling Shot for $5 i the morning. Also you don't have to ride when you buy the ticket, you can pay $5 in the morning then wait until the afternoon.

The stunt track is fun, worht the ride. Also be sure to get a ride on the ride side of The Racers. That coaster is so much fun, tons of Airtime.

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1) Firehawk will have people running to it, be careful you don't get mowed over. Also, the ONLY items they will hold at the station are prescription glasses and flip-flops or sandals that may fall off during the ride. If you have anything else with you, you will need to get a locker for 75 cents at FOF before getting in line. Unless you have pockets that zip, I wouldn't trust wallets, cell phones, etc to stay in during the ride. Many people on here have stories of losing things on the ride.

2) Like everyone else, I feel it is worth riding only if the line is short.

3) Depends on if you prefer going up or down really fast.

4) The giant funnel slide is definately a must-ride.

Hope this helps!

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SOB may be the most popular ride at the park now, if not.. it's defiantly second right behind Firehawk. So make sure you ride SOB and Firehawk first, before the lines get up to three hours later in the day. Beast is a must do at night, same with SOB and Flight Deck. Vortex is best around evening when the lights turn on, same for Racer and Adventure Express.

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