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Pre Kings Island Rituals


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My family has this tradition that started on GE Day in 1980. That year, my family moved back to Mason after living in suburban Detroit for 7 years. We all piled in to my uncle's station wagon and took the short trip up Western Row (then a rural, hilly road from which you could see the Eiffel Tower for miles). When we finally parked, we got out and made our way toward the front gate. In my geeky, über-fanboy exuberance, I squealed loudly: "Look at the size of that Kings Island Tower!"

...to which my cooler, older brother, in perfect unison with my equally cool older cousins immediately replied: "Eric, will you shut up!?!"

So now, everytime we cross the parking lot, every year since, it has been a tradition (and my wife, nieces and nephew play along gladly) to count to three and say "Look at the size of that Kings Island Tower!" when we get close to the gate. Dumb? Yes, but some rituals are just too hard to let go.

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I used to always paint my nails a certain way. White with black music notes on them. I don't do that any more because I go there way more often, but all through junior high and early high school, I always did this. Now the only thing I do is actually take care in what I wear. I don't like wearing just any ol' t-shirt to the park, I try to always wear something unusual that shows something about me - a dive shirt, a coaster shirt, or something else involving my interests.

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No real rituals, but TB's story made me think of something we used to do as kids. When my sister and I were little, we only got to go to KI once a year. Everytime we got in the car to go back home, my sister and I would look back at the Eiffel Tower and say "Bye, Kings Island Tower!" We would stay turned around looking at the tower until it disappeared from view (which, as TB said, was miles away at the time). This ritual seemed to end when we got older and started getting season passes for Christmas.

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I have been waiting for a topic like this I come along. Well the night before I always get on KIC and post and look at pics. Then I'll go to Youtube and watch some vids. Then that morning I always stop at a gas station and get some trident sour apple gum and something to drink, usually vitamin water. Then when I leave I watch the Eiffel Tower until I is completely out of sight. Among other things is always grabbing a bunch of park maps and eating in the Festhaus always.

Posted from my iPhone!!!

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My family has this tradition that started on GE Day in 1980. That year, my family moved back to Mason after living in suburban Detroit for 7 years. We all piled in to my uncle's station wagon and took the short trip up Western Row (then a rural, hilly road from which you could see the Eiffel Tower for miles). When we finally parked, we got out and made our way toward the front gate. In my geeky, über-fanboy exuberance, I squealed loudly: "Look at the size of that Kings Island Tower!"

...to which my cooler, older brother, in perfect unison with my equally cool older cousins immediately replied: "Eric, will you shut up!?!"

So now, everytime we cross the parking lot, every year since, it has been a tradition (and my wife, nieces and nephew play along gladly) to count to three and say "Look at the size of that Kings Island Tower!" when we get close to the gate. Dumb? Yes, but some rituals are just too hard to let go.

I guess I know who it is if I hear that screamed out sometime this year. Don't be surprized if I say hi! :)

When I think to do it, I like to play the old Tomb Raider queue music in the car followed by "Tell Me Baby" from Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is started as soon as I get on I-71 from I-275.

I always park in the same spot - shall remain hidden lest anyone want to park there. Then as I leave, I always turn back toward the Eiffel Tower as soon as I get to the front of International Street. I take in the view for a few moments, say goodnight, and give International Street a wink. Then, I tell all of the coasters bye on the way to the interstate. :) They're more like my friends than coasters!

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I tell all of the coasters bye on the way to the interstate. :) They're more like my friends than coasters!

I yell goodbye, wave, and blow kisses at the coasters. I get some strange looks, but I could care less. ;)

Could you?

Just had to beat Terpy to it.....

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^^Yeah, if I can figure out how to get there!?! I mean, the number of diagrams needed to make a left turn freakin overflows my glove box!!

But for me, on the way home, Terpy, *nothing* hits the spot better and relieves a Toro-induced empty gullet like the Mercerville Taco Bell!! My best TB meals ever have come from there, surprisingly!! :D

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We always looks for signs that were getting close such as... Wayne Building, Kings Autos, Warren County Tower, and of course Cincinnati Mills and that other mall right down the road. Also once we pass the Warren County Tower we always see who can spot KI first, I always win!

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