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Best Flatride at KI


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Ever rode skyflyer? I don't understand the hype over dropzone. I don't feel the true free fall sensation like I do on Demon Drop.

Sooooooo true.

Intamin Drop Towers from best to...not best:

-1st gen

-2nd gen

-3rd gen

They're all awesome, though.

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It was very tough between the Action Zone rides, which are all pretty great. Drop Tower's feeling of free fall, Xtreme Skyflyer's feeling of flying,

In the end I voted Delirium, because it creates the best experience for me. Your facing straight down to the ground one second, the next your facing the sky close enough you can reach out and touch it. It's a fantastic ride.

Although, I've yet to ride maXair, so......

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Demon Drop (or the one I was used to riding... Mr Hydes Nasty Fall) bar none. And to answer the question of "whats the difference between it and Drop Tower?", think about the fact that you are WELL secured in Drop Tower and there is nothing but a seatbelt holding you in on a 1st Gen dropper like DD. True, it may be 200-ish feet shorter... but it TRULY feels like a freefall.

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Skyscraper does look pretty intense though. How much is a ride on that bad boy?

It's $10 per person. If you have a platinum pass and it's not a Saturday, you can get buy a ride get a ride free tickets at the Season Pass Center at the front gate.

Oh goodness. Might just have to ride the SkyScraper this summer.

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For me its a tie, Drop Tower and Delirium. Only problem with Drop Tower is there starting adding new seats with shorter seat belts, I had to staple myself to the the buckle to lock. I'm 6'1 with big shoulders, that was a tight fit. lol.

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^ That's how I ride it! Drop Tower gets my vote as well. I've never been enthralled by Delirium (especially as it took the place of one of my favorite KI coasters) and am spoiled by having ridden MaXair multiple times. Slingshot I found very underwhelming. Skyflyer was cool but after the initial drop it isn't as interesting as I'd thought it'd be - I'm still too wimpy to do it by myself though, there's something about pulling my own ripcord that unnerves me, the only way I rode it this year was because giga pulled it!

I want to hit up Skyscraper, I haven't ridden it yet, and I'm all about making things flip or spin as much and as fast as humanly possibly. Put me on a monster, spider, tilt-a-whirl, or tea cups ride and I guarantee I can make even someone with an iron stomach feel the need to yak! I try to get as many inversions as possible out of Chaos and the last time I rode a zipper, the ride op was like "I don't think I've ever seen someone flip it that many times."

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I voted for Shake, Rattle, and Roll as my favorite flat ride. Quite simple... I love the Scrambler and S,R,R is similar, but in the air. Viking Fury (-the middle) and Delirium make me green, and I've been to chicken to try Drop Tower or The Crypt.

At 21 years of age I fill silly to be afraid of rides... put me on any coaster and I'm fine (cept Wicked Twister and the like). However, flats are a different story for me.

I plan to make it on Crypt now since in has been dulled down.

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I voted for Shake, Rattle, and Roll as my favorite flat ride. Quite simple... I love the Scrambler and S,R,R is similar, but in the air...

I personally don't think Shake, Rattle, and Roll is anything like the Scrambler. The Scrambler has force to it and you can't just 'relax.' On SRR, there are very few forces and there's wrightlessness, and you can close your eyes and relax. But, I like both and voted for Shake, Rattle, and Roll.

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