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Kings Island's 5@5 Q&A Thread


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Not sure why nobody posted these yet, but here are Sunday's...

Rain, Rain, Go Away... Come Again November 1st. Here are some answers for the Sunday, May 2nd 5@5 Mailbag:

Austin Benton - Why does snoopy's starlight spectacular not open until may 29? Why didn't it open opening day?

Several reasons. We need time to install it for one. This is not a quick project. There are a ton of lights going in. A better reason though is that it allows more time for it to get dark. Opening this nightly show once we are in full daily operation makes good sense.


Brett Fehr - You posted that picture of the IS webcam long ago, but it still is not up. Any update on when?

Embarassing. We were ready to turn it on the other day and realized it wanted the user to input a password. Not fun. The guys were working with it today and tell me we’ll have it next week. Really didn’t think it would take that long. Sorry.


Derrike Marksberry - How often will a new poll be added on visitkingsisland.com?

The one currently on there is from before opening day

We were in such a rush to get the site up and are still making improvements. I spent a lot of time this weekend improving the concert event information and making ready some other new items to be added. We will make this a weekly feature beginning tomorrow. Open to suggestions for poll questions if you have one. I will make a new one in the morning. Thanks.


Adam Brinkmann - Was there ever any discussion internally about returning "The Fairly Odd Coaster" to its classic name the "Beastie"? It seems that recently the park has tried to return past nostalgia to the park and this would have been a perfect opportunity.

It was discussed but in the end we felt keeping all the names in the area consistent with the Planet Snoopy thing was the best thing to do. I remember the same debate when it went to Fairly Odd Coaster. Either way a great ride and my first real coaster as a kid that I’ll never forget.


Miracle's Aleis - So today I went to the park and on the side of the parking lot near Great Wolf Lodge I saw a cemetery. Is this cemetery owned by you guys? If it is yours, who is buried there? On your forums people are saying that is it owned by you guys but I'm just curious. I looked at this neat picture when I got home..

We’ve been doing this (almost) every day since early February I think and this is the most interesting question we’ve received. I’ve been out there a couple of times but never really got close enough to look. Partly out of respect – partly out of fear. Found some info online that looks pretty legit and informative: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/Dogstreet/dogstreet.htm

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Below are the questions that were selected for Monday's 5@5 Mailbag:

Nicholas Himes - Last year KI stayed open til' midnight on select Saturday's. How popular was that, and whats the possibility that more Saturday's or even Friday's will be added this year

These were popular so we are doing it again. This year we’ll stay open until Midnight every Saturday night from July 3 – August 7. Check them out online at: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/visit/hours/index.cfm


Dave Wetterstroem - Does Kings Island offer behind the scenes tours?

The only tour for public sale is the VIP Tour which has been really popular. We do work with several coaster enthusiast groups for special behind-the-scenes tours. We will also be adding a new train tour very soon. We tested it the other day and it seems like this could be a really unique opportunity. The VIP Tour info is available online at: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/admission/vip_tours/index.cfm


Griffin Hodges - Not to be a stickler or anything, but I have noticed that this 5@5 has become more of a 5@later-than-5. I understand that you have a job (an awesome one at that) and don't get me wrong, I GREATLY appreciate what you are doing for all of the fans of KI, but I'm sure people would appreciate a little timeliness

No offense taken. 5pm sounded like a great idea at the time. Many times though the office is buzzing around 5 so it’s hard to sit down and give this the thought it deserves. Plus many times a question involves some digging so it takes a bit. In my case I’m also trying to get the kids home and get some food in their bellies. Then I have to sneak off with my computer so my wife doesn’t yell “are you still playing on Facebook? What do you do on there all the time?” I appreciate your comment though.


Robby Krotts - I know it was a long time ago, but why was the i guess you would call it the vine walkthrough(where you walk into a arch with i think was vines of some sort on all sides) that lead to kid land taken down? It would be cool to have something like that again kinda a gateway between areas.

I remember that tunnel fondly. It was altered when the area around it changed. It lost its purpose and just became something that wasn’t getting the appropriate attention so it went away. Our park has some great landscaping and we put a lot of effort into making it look good. Old things have a way of coming back and you and I can keep pushing for it.


Asa McCormick whats up with The Racer cam?

The Racer camera is challenging since the feed has several routes as it goes through wcpo.com news website. We are working on it and I’ve asked to get this one corrected as quick as possible this week along with the I-Street camera. I’m curious if you’ll be able to see the paver work going on this week at the front gate! I think you will be pleasantly surprised this Friday.

Read the last one...

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Very few other parks do anything like this (I can think of one in New Jersey that does). It requires a great deal of effort, and doesn't really pay off that much for the park in the short term. It is wonderful that KI does...and even more so that they realize that not everyone does FaceBook, or ever will....for various reasons. That being said, building long-term relationships with the park's biggest fans pays. And a bit of courtesy, respect and thankfulness, on both sides, is a very good thing.

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I’m curious if you’ll be able to see the paver work going on this week at the front gate! I think you will be pleasantly surprised this Friday.

Anyone know what this could be?

And Welcome back Terpy, its been lonely without you here.

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If it WAS Don. Know that who answers these questions is sometimes rotated...one day it may be Don...one day it may be "the operations guy--not the finance guy." Well, maybe not...

Kinzel's not really a "technology guy", either. Just look at the "season's pass" system. <_<

And welcome back, my friend. It hasn't been the same without you.

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I try not to.

Please don't get me started! :) I never, ever had a single problem with Paramount Parks season passes. Not one. Not ever. And I have yet to have a single season without a problem with Cedar Fair passes since 2006. Funny, before 2006, I never had a single Cedar Fair season pass problem, either...and had passes from Worlds of Fun, Dorney Park, Cedar Point, Geauga Lake and Knott's Berry Farm, in various years. Only when Cedar Fair attempted to sell multi-park passes using the 'new' Paramount system did I begin experiencing problems.

Sigh. Then again, what do you expect from a company that reportedly immediately took the Blackberries from Paramount Parks middle level managers and below, thinking they were "play toys" that did not "promote efficiency or effectiveness."

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Sigh. Then again, what do you expect from a company that reportedly immediately took the Blackberries from Paramount Parks middle level managers and below, thinking they were "play toys" that did not "promote efficiency or effectiveness."

And they wonder why they have so many communication issues amongst the parks that they own.

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I heard a story once that during the merger Kinzel visited KI management and bragged that he had yesterday's attendance numbers on his desk first thing every morning. The KI management responded by getting out their blackberries and telling Mr. Kinzel what the exact KI attendance was at that moment. :rolleyes:

I too am surprised that they haven't figured out the "Gate Central" system that Paramount was using before. I figured that surely by 2008 they will have this whole thing ironed out, but here we are in 2010...

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Below are the questions that were selected for Tuesday's 5@5 Mailbag:

Adam Woltermann – How was Kings Island picked to receive Firehawk from Geauga Lake?

The ride was a good fit for the park. It complimented our other thrill rides. Most of our guests had never been on a flying coaster before which made the ride a new and unique experience for 2007.


Nick Honea – Is Flight Deck near the end of its life span? It’s been skipped for painting the last few years and it REALLY needs a paint job. Also, suspended coasters are quickly disappearing. For example, Big Bad Wolf. None would have guess that it would be torn down. FD is an underrated ride that I would hate to see leave.

There are no plans to remove the ride, Nick. Flight Deck has given nearly 18 million rides since it opened in 1993, and it still has many more rides to give. You’ll be able to enjoy rides on this coaster for years to come.


Michael Eshom – Are there any plans to restore The Racer to its original red, white and blue paint scheme in the coming years? From the pictures I’ve seen, it looked really nice that way, and I think it would be a nice change of pace from the current all white paint scheme.

The Racer looked beautiful when it was painted red, white and blue from 1972-1990. It would be nice to see but at least for the foreseeable future there aren’t any plans in place to restore the ride to its original colors.


Bruce E Knolle Jr – How many individual boards of wood make up The Racer? I like random facts like this so I hope you’ve been counting the exact number of lights for the new Starlight experience. I’ll be asking that one later.

There are more than 600,000 board feet of lumber in The Racer, most of it still original. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many tons of nails. The construction crew started out with 6,000 tons, but they had gone through that after 60 days. Actual construction of the ride began in September, 1970. The first test run came a year later in September 1971, not long after the Shooting Star at Coney Island had made its last lap. The Racer was the first wooden coaster built structurally on the ground, with prefabricated sections lifted to position and bolted. The cost to build The Racer was $700,000.


Derrike Marksberry – Sorry if I have overlooked this question, but what is your favorite thrill ride, roller coaster, and family ride at the park? Also, what would you pick as your favorite amusement park (other than Kings Island, of course) and it can be outside the Cedar Fair company too.

My favorite thrill ride would be The Beast at night, with Diamondback my favorite roller coaster. My family and I look forward to riding White Water Canyon together. We also enjoy the Dodgem. My favorite amusement park besides Kings Island would be Cedar Point because of its history and thrill rides.

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The Racer looked beautiful when it was painted red, white and blue from 1972-1990. It would be nice to see but at least for the foreseeable future there aren't any plans in place to restore the ride to its original colors.

I REALLY do appreciate it when the answers are not "wishy washy"...the answer may not be what a lot of us would like to have read but I would rather have the truth than a "Who knows what will happen" type of an answer...thanks! smile.gif

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It wasn't said that Flight Deck won't receive a fresh coat of paint soon (we can hope for next year) - and the good news in this response was that "You’ll be able to enjoy rides on this coaster for years to come." Since several folks have speculated that it will be taken down, I say look for the positive in the answer!

As for Racer, it has been posted previously that Racer will not be re-painted purely for aesthetics sake because the type of paint used on Racer would make that an extremely challenging and costly effort. The answer provided is consistent with that post.

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Let's be honest. Maybe a 6. The stairs leading to the loading platform alone make it a 5... Though the dragon is wearing a tuxedo, which is more like a 4.5 because he looks so suave and trustworthy...

And yes, I do imagine that that's really how they figure out ride ratings.

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As for Racer, it has been posted previously that Racer will not be re-painted purely for aesthetics sake because the type of paint used on Racer would make that an extremely challenging and costly effort. The answer provided is consistent with that post.

Didn't realize that they had mentioned anything about painting Racer recently. I'm glad they answered my question though. Hopefully they'll find the funds and other things necessary to repaint that ride in the future.

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As for Racer, it has been posted previously that Racer will not be re-painted purely for aesthetics sake because the type of paint used on Racer would make that an extremely challenging and costly effort. The answer provided is consistent with that post.

Didn't realize that they had mentioned anything about painting Racer recently. I'm glad they answered my question though. Hopefully they'll find the funds and other things necessary to repaint that ride in the future.

sorry for the confusion. It was posted here on KIC about the paint, not the 5@5.

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