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1984 Season Pass!


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She was looking through a shoe box full of old things and came across this!




The back of the pass says all of the usual stuff...non-transferable and I also read this and wondered if it is on the season passes today...

" Acceptance of this pass constitutes permission to Kings Island to photograph the bearer while on the premises, and to use any resulting pictures for any purpose without payment to bearer."

The pass has a laminated feel and is pretty sturdy. I'm glad my Mom found this!

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From the back of my 2010 Platinum Kings Island Pass: "The holder of this Platinum Pass agrees to the posted conditions of usage and grants Cedar Fair, L.P. permission to use his or her photograph/video image in advertising or other promotions without payment to the holder."

I remember the days when they used to print your picture AND name on the front of the pass. Now, all that information is electronically linked to the pass, and appears on the screen when it is swiped upon entering the park.

I`m still surprised more parks don`t utilize the vast information that comes with scanning and keeping track of the season passes. For example, offer discounts on certain items, and scan the pass. Track that data and develop future marketing/promotions to attract more in park spending. Kind of like a "Kroger Plus card" except using your season pass.

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Yeah the process is so fast now. I remember having to wait for it to print off from the machine and everything.

Just think about all of the poor people who have to type up all of that information for each pass though....haha I'm just kidding, it is fun to do during down times toward the end of the day.

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...I`m still surprised more parks don`t utilize the vast information that comes with scanning and keeping track of the season passes. For example, offer discounts on certain items, and scan the pass. Track that data and develop future marketing/promotions to attract more in park spending. Kind of like a "Kroger Plus card" except using your season pass.

In the event that a park chain is disassembled, the no picture on the pass thing and the stored data may well cause all kinds of problems for the severed parks. For instance, let's assume, just for the sake of discussion, it was Kings Island that recently closed and Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom decided to let KI passholders into Kentucky Kingdom free once, as a courtesy. How do they identify the passholders? No picture. Names rub off and could say anything or be changed.

Or, it's time to open the park this morning. The computers are down. Are the passholders who they say they are? Have they borrowed the pass from a neighbor? Was that pass even renewed? I could go on, but don't want to list the many ways the park could be defrauded that morning here...and don't say that couldn't happen. It can, and sometimes does...

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I wish they would go back to that system today of having your picture and your name on the front. I remember seeing a picture on a poster or maybe even a flier at KI one day, this was actually pretty recent like in the past 3 or 4 years, and the picture was advertising season passes and it had a guy making a silly face with sunglasses on the front of the pass. When I first received my season pass back in ummmmm.... 07' I think, I was looking forward to seeing my picture and name on the card but when I was handed the gold pass with Vortex on it I was kinda bummed out. Since then however I have not seen another one of those fliers anywhere.

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