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Scooby Doo & The Haunted Castle


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Tanner do you want to meet me there. I'll be at the gates at about 9:45. I also can't wait till tomorrow it looks better than Scooby.

A little late for a response huh? lol Well anyways I didn't like Scooby all that much. Sure it was fun playing the game, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as I did Delirium.

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Hey i think Scooby will be the best of the two....its more Fun more interactive plus its inside a building and you dont gotta sweat to death while waiting in line....i know i will like Scooby way more than Delirium..Scooby stands out more to me than Delirium... tongue.gifbiggrin.gif

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I liked scooby, I rode it 5 times. The people from Sally Corp (Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle themeing company) was there too. Heres some useless information about Scooby and the Haunted castle- There are 101 Targets, 104 Animated Props, throughout the 18 scences.

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In the line where the Mistro use to be is Shaggy and Scooby doo which pop up occasially which goes over the proces of the "mystery flashlight" (Lazer gun). The chandolleres(sp?) are still there, and there is a book case next to the stairs leading up to the actual ride, which is suppsose to be the opening of a secret passageway. I hope it will be a little lighter in there when it opens, it was so dark you couldnt see where you were going, and I ran into the wall at the top of the steps. I had teenageninja standing right next to me and couldnt see him.

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i loved the haunted Castle...yeah when i rode it it wasnt dark at all there was light...i like how there is classic scooby foes in the ride....yeah the line was backed up pretty bad...but not today it wasnt that bad ....i can say PKI did a Great job on the castle! biggrin.gif

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