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Cloudy Skies and Scares at the Island 10/7/17


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Had been planning this trip for a while and we had an excellent day of weather which wasnt supposed to be as nice as it was. It didnt rain until very late in the night and so with that said I'll post the trip report along with my photos below, thank you for reading.

      Woke up at about 9:30 and left central Kentucky about 10:45, then we crossed into Ohio at about Noon and got to the park around 12:30 making great timing. It was cloudy almost all day however the rain continued getting pushed back until about 10:00 or so, which meant great fall weather! We first headed to get a morning ride on The Beast with a minimal wait and it was fun as always. Then, we headed to Vortex which again had only a minimal wait, it was fun as well. Staying in Coney Mall area, we headed for a very painful backseat ride on The Racer. By far most uncomfortable ride Ive taken on The Racer as the backseat was brutal on Red Train but still always kinda enjoyable, its a laughing pain. We then rode Adventure Express and Banshee, both fairly normal waits and both fun. After we went back and rode The Bat with a short wait as usual, we entered and left a crowed Festhaus to choose instead La'Rosa's by the fountain, the sky continued to grey, but the rain never came. After eating some pizza, we headed over to Boo Blasters for a ride in Boo Hill. A very long wait but successful ride with 3 of us scoring above 1200 points. After doing some walking, we headed over to Flight of Fear which had an average wait, and we rode backseat with fairly jerky results in the process, but not too bad and not worse the our Racer ride earlier. I also really like the little alien guy at the end!

      We then headed to do some mazes after a tasty apple funnel cake, man fall is great! A couple of mazes had waits longer then 2 hours so we headed over to the friendly Killmart. I like how they incorporate Flight Commander's old queue line and we had probably about a 20 minute wait. Killmart is cool but nothing special. A ride on The Beast was next and good lord the wait was a while, about 2 hours almost as we waited for very front seat. Luckily the Fun Tv's were off so me and my brother pulled out our phone and we could actually hear and watch the Kentucky-Missouri game in peace as night got darker and we knew this ride would be special. And it certainly was worth the wait as flying through the tracks, front seat on The Beast, this time of the year and at night is just an exceptional feeling and ride as opposed to the day. Then we had another really fun ride on Vortex, it always is better at night as it is very disorienting and seems much crazier. We headed to do Wolf Pack and this was actually the first time I've ever been back to wait in the old Son of Beast queue with other people and go in the station so that was pretty cool I must say. I think most people know what that used to be as well which is cool. It was probably my favorite maze, pretty cool but not overly exciting or scary. Next we did Blackout which by then had a 20 minute wait and as we glanced up to see mist coming off the closed Drop Tower and listened very closely, we knew it was only a few seconds until it started raining. And rain it did, this is at about 11 or so and we got soaked after a few minutes so we didn't mind much. I didn't know anything about Blackout, so when handed a rope, I was surprised, after getting the concept, it was a lot of fun! I enjoyed Blackout and the whole maze, but underwhelmed by the fact that it isn't at all scary. It was good though, but could be better. We then headed to wait for the storm to slow down as people crowded the gift shop. It was raining, windy, and lightning was starting as we headed for the gates and left around midnight. Overall a good fall day at the park and Haunt was a lot of fun as always even with huge crowds and rain.
















Overall, had a great visit and glad the rain stayed away from us in Ohio for most of the day, look forward to Winterfest! 

Ride and Maze count-



Boo Blasters-1

Adventure Express-1

Red Racer-1



Flight of Fear-1



Wolf Pack-1


Thank you!


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