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Do you want Survivor to come to PKI?


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Guest theataris

It'd be great for exposure, and there's some relation between Viacom and CBS, so its viable... I say go ahead with it. I guess that would be an International Showplace thing... or Timberwolf... forgot about that.

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Guest theataris

Yeah, at first i was kind of baffled, like where would they put it?, but then i was like, well i'm a dumbass, we have an amplitheatre big enough for weird al and britney spears, but not at the same time...

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I think it would be cool if that happened. I remember seeing a few of the survivors from one of the past seasons, I think about two summers ago. We were waiting to get on SOB, and they were riding on the same train we were. it was pretty neat. I can't remember who all the people were, but I do remember Tina, who was the winner of one of the Survivor Series'.

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While a good promotional opportunity, I cannot see Mark Burnett, the mastermind behind the show and one of the most savvy tv producers to date, allowing his hit show to have it's most important episode filmed next to a rollercoaster in an amusement park in a city that has absolutely no tie-in with the show.

But stranger things have happened.


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Well shaggy you have to remember paramount aparently has a tie with survivor. Last year or the year before (maybe both) they had people from the show come and talk to people in the park. We had a special dinner up in the international restruant as well.

Then two or three seasons ago, while visint Carowinds, that was one of their audience participation shows. Survivor. They had people sign up before the shows and they would make them do little things and would win like a shirt or something. They had to have had the rights to the show or a link somewhere becuase they were using the logo and everything.

Plus who ever said it had to be in an amphatheatre. Why not put it out in the middle of the woods back by The Beast somewhere. They can make a little camp fire and what not and have trains fly by every so often with people screaming their heads off. It would be really cool. I can definetly see it happening.

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I think it would be cool if the finale was at PKI. All of the finale's for the shows have since the second survivor taken place on some sort of stage/soundstage that was constructed to look just like the original tribal council. In addition to finding out the winner, we also get to see the review show afterwards, where they talk with all the castaways. if oyu ahve ever watched these, the audiences for these shows aren't all-out huge. I am thinking Timberwolf at night, would be the perfect setting for this show. Chances are, if they do this, I am betting AZ or maybe the entire park could be closed, and only those attending the show would have access. I hope pass holders are at the top of the list.

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Hopefully they consider the season pass holders , because I think It would be interesting to see what the challanges are while in PKI, whether it is the the last person to not barf on Face/Off or Delirium after eating a bunch( I doubt they would do this!) but I think it would be interesting and fun!

Just a thought!

PKI Rocks!!!!!!!

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This is a bad idea because Survivor has really lost its edge and we dont want Kings Island to be associated with losers. It would be cool in all seeing pki on tv but most people dont watch it anymore and they would really have to promote it to get people interested. I admit though, i would most definitely watch it.

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On the WKRC, Channel 12 website, they are are running a "Survivor Finale Petition" where you can sign it to bring the Season Finale to Cincy. No mention exactly where in Cincinnati though. Here's the link: Finale Petition

Also, the Cincinnati Enquirer ran an article last year which mentions Kings Island as a potential place to hold the Finale: Cincinnati Enquirer October 8, 2002

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Guest theataris

I figure if we can have reo speedwagon, we might as well invite new kids on the block... who cares if survivor's on the way out.... it'll bring in revenue for a new ride

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This is a bad idea because Survivor has really lost its edge and we dont want Kings Island to be associated with losers. It would be cool in all seeing pki on tv but most people dont watch it anymore and they would really have to promote it to get people interested. I admit though, i would most definitely watch it.

If this is truly the case, then A.) why does CBS keep producing them, and B.) why are millions of people watching it? There is no way that PKI is gonna equal loser, by hosting the Survivor Finale. I would say that if they do host it, one area of the park is gonna flat out be closed. You can;t film a live show with a bunch of rides and coasters and screaming people in the background. I think it owuld be a mjaor plus for the park, and hopefully they would plan other stuff as well, which will bring more visitors, thus producing more money for the park, and giving PKi more money to get us newer better rides. All around this would be a smart move. Look at all the other concerts and stuff PKI does, including closing the park to the GP so major firms like P & G can have private parties there. Its alll about the money, and no matter what people say Viacom/CBS/PKI are gonna do whatever they want.

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Guest theataris

Its not just major firms, and they're not just all from around here... Last year we had Toyota, from kentucky somewhere, along with a couple days that were shared by a good number of different firms... we work every weekend in september, the park isn't closed, every day is just a sellout to companies.

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yeah, but to the general public the park is closed. It owuld be one thing if they were gonna host companies and still let the public in, but they can't, most likely due to the size of the park and number of guests.

I think PKI should produce a video for FX action theater called Survivor the ride. It could be some thing about running through the jungle, encountering all these animals and crap, and then doing these different challenges? Just a thought. Anything has to be better than Spongebob.

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