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What type of show.....

Mr. Fusion

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first choice would be to bring back Graveyard Shift. However, a PKI circus would be my second choice.

A circus would be a grand idea. PKI doesn't have the budget for Cirque de Solei...but they could make a small, traditional circus. A ringmaster, some clows, a few midgets, a strong man, a daredevil, some acrobats, and some animals would be cool.

Hey - here's an idea. If you were to participate in a PKI circus, what role would you want?

I would chose to be a clown since I'm always "clowning around" on these forums with my jokes.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


Edited by italianchef
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The shows at what is now called the Paramount Theatre used to be en par with Steps in Time at Disney that you mentioned.

The last "broadway/vegas" type of show they did in the theatre was called "Escapades" and played during the summer of 92. Ironiocally, it had a Disney segment in the show. Ariel sang "Part of my World" and another character sang "Under the Sea" while scuba divers "swam" around the scene suspended from wires.


Wow! I missed it because I was still living in New York and hasn't even heard of PKI yet.

I thought that Graveyard Shift was as close to a Disney/Universal Studios as I've ever seen at PKI.

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