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Nothing that hasn't already been said, but I was at the park today and can confirm what Kat has just said. (Even though I'm sure her word is better than mine, anyway biggrin.gif) The sign is still up today stating that Delirium is still waiting on that pesky part from Germany.

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The Delirium/Slingshot crew was combined with the Drop Zone/Days of Thunder crew until Delirium reopens.

You are wrong. The Delirium crew is all over the park. some of them were sent to south pie and other places. I was just at PKI last saturday and i saw DeliriumDreamer she was working at green slime zone.

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The Delirium/Slingshot crew was combined with the Drop Zone/Days of Thunder crew until Delirium reopens.

You are wrong. The Delirium crew is all over the park.

You are wrong, again, and HelixSpiral is right. Imagine that? How am I so sure of myself? Trust me, I'm "in the know" on this.

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The Delirium/Slingshot crew was combined with the Drop Zone/Days of Thunder crew until Delirium reopens.

You are wrong. The Delirium crew is all over the park.

You are wrong, again, and HelixSpiral is right. Imagine that? How am I so sure of myself? Trust me, I'm "in the know" on this.

And what makes you think you know everything about the Delirum/SS crew?

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