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Delirium accident?


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I was at the park, at Delirium, when this happened.

The first aid cart was in the area simply because of a guy suffering from, what I assume, was heat exhaustion...he was put in the back, wife got in the front, and they left for first aid. The guy was given a cold cloth to put on his neck on the way out of the area.

Delirium did close for a short time around the time of the incident, but I think it was closed for technical difficulties. I saw a guy from maintenance climb the ladder to the top, and come down a few minutes later. After that, they cycled it a few times while empty, and then allowed people to hop back on.

....I was part of that group, and I've got to say, it was GREAT to finally be back on my baby Delirium!!! biggrin.gif

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No, no, you guys have it all wrong. The cotton candy guy told me that some guy was in the restricted area around Deli when it was in full swing. Apparently,the gondola took his head off which was then kicked by an employee over to the basketball game where it was given as a prize. Hope that clears it up for you. wink.gif

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LOL! That's hilarious! I did hear a rumor though that Delirum is sinking into the ground. dry.gif That sounded completely bogus when I heard it but it has been closed down every time that I have visited the park except for one time. I'm guessing that it's just my luck that it's closed because the ride is freaking amazing! But, can we lay this rumor to rest that it's fine? huh.gif

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