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PKICentral Newsletter

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Some of you may have been around to remember our PKIC newsletter. The newsletter contained different articles about PKI, important dates, and update information. We scrapped it because of several different reasons.

Would you be interested in us bringing something like that back?

Couple of notes:

  • The newsletter is for people who sign up only. No one who hasn't signed up will receive any irregular mail from PKIC.
  • As always, your e-mail address is 100% private with us.
  • The newsletter contains information that may not be found on PKIC, especially information that has been buried in the forums that we find important.
  • Newsletter members are sent e-mails immediately when PKIC has a major update (Not necessarily every update)
  • The e-mail is sent out at most every couple weeks to every month.

How does it sound?

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^ lol

Since saying "^ lol" is a violation of TOS Ill put in my two cents. It is a good idea if its not done too regularly. Sending stuff out every two weeks with nothing on them is not a good idea though:

Hello PKICers,

Not too much going on now. As you clearly know, PKI reopens next April. So we have about six months. I got a speeding ticket the other day. Dane got his hair cut. Also, Nexigen is upgrading the SQL version - so just to let you know - not that you will notice any difference in appearance or performance...



See - as stupid as that sounds - I actually get stuff like that from some other forum websites I am registered on - and they send mail out like weekly. laugh.gif

So if you kept it intelligent and like once a month in the offseason - or maybe every 2 months in the offseason - and every two weeks in the main season - then it would probably be pretty cool.

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It would be cool, but could it feature stories maybe submitted by some of us about memories we have or little known facts we know, it needs to have something really unique that you cant find on the site or forums. Im studying journalism and would love to contribute some articles or photographs, a lot of which i have about 200 that i havent put on my site, if I could be of any help.

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It would be cool, but could it feature stories maybe submitted by some of us about memories we have or little known facts we know, it needs to have something really unique that you cant find on the site or forums. Im studying journalism and would love to contribute some articles or photographs, a lot of which i have about 200 that i havent put on my site, if I could be of any help.

Perhaps model it similar to how PKI does their newsletter?

Any ideas of content on what you guys would like to see?

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