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4 demension coaster


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hey all

im just wondering,

do u think that arrow will ever make another 4d coaster r donu think magic mountains "X"is the one and only!!

If they do Paramount Parks would be the next park to get it...or maybe six flags again....god only knows!

it would be a good ride to replace Vortex at pki if that is the future of Vortex....




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I don't think it would workout because they have had a lot of down time with X out at Magic Mountain and it would just be worse then SOB. I don't see it happening ever either. This is just what I think about it,I also would hate to see Vortex go for something that would be down all the time and you would just be watching the same problem being fixed all year long on the ride. dry.gif It would also be one less coaster to ride agian. sad.gif

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^That hasnt been confirmed yet....but its looking likely. Arrow will NEVER make a 4D again, simply because Arrow is out of business and has been bought by S&S. S&S now owns all the prototypes ad concepts and drawings and plans etc (sorry too many ands) to arrows version of the 4-d coaster. It is rumored that they are making an S&S 4-d coaster which will be based off the arrow plans but improved upon, and it may be opening up at Fuji-Q Highland next year. Intamin also has a working prototype of their own version of the 4-d coaster, but it hasnt been confirmed yet if they are planning to install one anywhere.

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As a person with first hand experience on that ride, X will be the only 4D made by Arrow. Unless another company can fix all of the problems with it (which is doubtful), then X will stand alone as the worst coaster on earth (IMO).

Just give me a few more years at UC and I'll give you the next 4th dimension coaster. laugh.gif

While I do not have a subscription to First Drop magazine, many people have confirmed that an article in that magazine specifically mentions S&S has modified the 4D concept, supposedly making it a viable option for parks. From what I understand, there were even pictures detailing the changes made (shorter, lighter trains, different wheel/axle configurations, etc.)

Here is a link to a website featuring the Intamin 4th dimension concept. If anyone is fluent in German, a translation would be nice smile.gif Google looses a fair amount in translation.

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Yes, there will be another 4D coaster. As was stated above, S&S has made great improvements to the design and are ready to try it again. Part of the reason X has so many problems is Six Flags really pushed them to complete the design when it really wasn't ready. Also, my understanding is that X is not broken down all that much any more and it is not closed on Wednesdays all day any more for maintenance.

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As a person with first hand experience on that ride, X will be the only 4D made by Arrow. Unless another company can fix all of the problems with it (which is doubtful), then X will stand alone as the worst coaster on earth (IMO).

Just give me a few more years at UC and I'll give you the next 4th dimension coaster. laugh.gif

While I do not have a subscription to First Drop magazine, many people have confirmed that an article in that magazine specifically mentions S&S has modified the 4D concept, supposedly making it a viable option for parks. From what I understand, there were even pictures detailing the changes made (shorter, lighter trains, different wheel/axle configurations, etc.)

Here is a link to a website featuring the Intamin 4th dimension concept. If anyone is fluent in German, a translation would be nice smile.gif Google looses a fair amount in translation.

Here's the best translation I could get:








Lecture roller coaster of the designer Werner stack

Of 28. - 31 January was the recreational park industry in Vienna to guest. The EAS 2005 is the largest European attraction and entertainment fair and becomes joint of the European Association for the Amusement Supplier Industry (EAASI) and that internationally Association OF Amusement park and Attractions (IAAPA) organizes. Over 250 companies from 20 different countries a multiplicity of roundabouts, products and services presented on the 10,000 square meters large exhibition surface. Altogether the EAS could register 7200 visitors according to official data and was thereby on the level of the last year meeting in the Disneyland Resort Paris.





L&T of system 

Technical park

Weighing and


Roller coaster new developments and Darkride of systems were the highlights in Vienna: Pandora's box - a community product of the companies Heimo animated attractions and Vekoma Rides Manufacturing - represented a special highlight of the EAS after its first presentation on the IAAPA in Orlando in the November of the last yearly 2005 . Based on a crane technology, combining movement and scenery, this Multimoving makes so far unknown liberty straight line in the motion for system possible. The attraction avails itself besides a new sound system, which arrange the feeling of "moved clay/tone" for the passengers. Coastersandmore presented this unusual Darkride system in the context of the reporting over the IAAPA .

Innovationsprimus Intamin presented an extremely compact roller coaster development , which was to address above all parks with limited expandabilities in Vienna with the ball Coaster. The smallest model study, whose rotary provides again and again, and oscillating cars for actionreiche head conditions and new driving experiences, needs straight once 360 square meters of surface area. A revolution announces itself besides from the house Divicom : The so far unknown enterprise presented a matured photograph system, which permits the passenger to take its roller coaster experience with home, personally burned on DVD.

.  Innovations on the IAAPA 2004 in Orlando


Report of the fair of the EAS 2004 in Paris


Beside the exhibition surface the EAS offered 2005 also area for seminars and lectures: By global and regional safety standards, over Design of child roundabouts up to question of the international standards of safety practice were discussed and brought to the participants a respectable contentwise use. The lecture of the roller coaster designer Werner stack continued the topic security and made a detailed view possible of most modern Coaster technology and Design. "I will sketch also further Rollercoaster, which represent the still safest kind of public transport according to my opinion", so stack statement. Werner stack is member of the so-called "resounds to OF Fame" the IAAPA and received the German engineer price for its great Olympia looping.

Selected trends and news are prepared and after offerers partitioned in the following one. Excluding the newest products and studies were considered by the temporal proximity for the IAAPA and our detailed reporting in December.

The crew of Divicom from left to the right: Anja Behrens, franc Hinrichs, Olaf Esser, Daniela hen and managing director Jens Scheberg

Actionfotos on roundabouts are snow from yesterday. The company Divicom from DIN sheets offers for the first time the possibility to operators of filming the passengers during the entire travel. "after the opening of Silver star in the European park we saw an admission, which shows Henry mask while driving with the roller coaster. There us the idea came, for also normal passengers to make possible ", says managing director Jens Scheberg.

.  Barn stream: X-Car number 2 in the English Drayton Manor


In August 2003 the development began, and to the euro Amusement show 2005 in Vienna could be presented production stage Ridercam for the first time. In each case two cameras are accommodated and frontally directed toward the passengers in a water-protected housing. The signals are transferred by cables to a Ridecase, where they are put down as a manufacturer MPEG Stream on a permanent memory. As soon as the course is located in the station, the data are transmitted by radio to a server. "we use strongly bundled radio relay link, thereby all Ridecases on the same frequency to send can", say Jens Scheberg. "only so we can transmit the data fast enough." Much time does not remain with the passenger change. In the case of six megabit per second and a zweiminuetigen travel result per admission 90 megabyte of data, which must be transmitted in only few seconds. In order to achieve this, a particularly developed transmission protocol is used.

Installation of the Ridercam in the x-Car of bricklayer of sons

The Ridercam system appears extremely durchdacht: During the entrance into the roller coaster course a mehrsekuendige loop is noted and overwritten continuously. Only the last sequence before the exit from the station will afterwards have to be seen on the video. Thus that also the beginning of the travel is to be seen, not however the Zustiegsphase is guaranteed - here there were deep views in particular with test photographs with ladies. This is steered over signal generators at the rail, with whose assistance the recording is also suspended, if the course is held in the block brake. The Ridecases which is based on Linux is supplied by Akkus with energy, which are loaded at night or in the station with the passenger change.

Official InterNet side to the Ridercam

The treatment of the recording effected still in the course, the production of the DVD structure is made on the server in the stand. After the travel the passengers can see a approx. zehnsekuendigen cutout of the video direct. "depending upon desire of the park still further videos are burned such as Portraits of the roller coaster, photographs in driving direction or park video also on the DVD", say Jens Scheberg. For individualizing on each DVD also a photo of the passenger is imprinted. The passenger can hold only three minutes after travel end the finished disk in hands.

The prices for the Ridercam begin off approx.. 100,000 euro for a plant with six Ridecases, thus equipment for twelve passengers, including the other infrastructure such as servers, DVD burners and video technology in the stand. The DVD will presumably cost the park visitor between 10 and 20 euro, depending upon park and further bonus material. Interested visitors of the euro show could make a "test run" in a x-Car at the neighbouring conditions of bricklayer of sons and carry their personal recording forward directly. "the past resonance is very good", says Jens Scheberg. "we had already concrete discussions with some large park operators." It looks momentary in such a way, as if the first installation was already delivered in this year as well as the bricklayer sons x-Coaster at English park the Drayton Manor. In addition, the Ridercam can later be built into nearly each roller coaster.


Model and Design sketch

Kirmesattraktionen were of Bremen in and the 90's 80's the domain that roundabout karussellschmiede Huss: Still today the Breakdance extremely liked on the festplaetzen was built for example over 100 times. In the new millenium Huss concentrates strengthened on its Giant Rides line, from which since a scarce year also the Giant frisbee "Sledge hammer" draws back in the Belgian Bobbejaanland for momentum. With a driving height of 42 meters, simultaneous rotation of the rotation plate and Top speeds of 100 km/h this Thrillride offers to roller coaster-compatible driving fun on closest area. Two such plants stand for Cedar Point in the American Federal State Ohio and OCT in Peking briefly before the opening. Latter park receives also a "classical" Top spin. Its extended successor, the Suspended Top spin, which for example in the California Knott's Berry farm is resident, enjoys with the visitors due to his wasserspiele of large popularity. Last therefore now two distribution for Valleyfair do not follow! and Paramounts Kings Dominion.

The current course horse is however the Topple Tower, which was already introduced on the euro show 2003 in Genova in the simulation. If the first Design studies under the name Apollo were held still in the space topic, then the three distribution at Bellewaerde become, Walibi Lorraine and Zhuhai (China), which all between February and April will open, in the Dodo Design to be arranged. The Dodo is a bird on Mauritius, become extinct meanwhile. Due to the thing in common - both are large and friendly, move however slowly and somewhat strangely - one decided for the nevertheless rather unknown name.

Topple Tower Design of the Bellewaerde park

Maximally 40 passengers find with view outward on the round passenger carrier place. The up and departure are quite leisurely with maximally four kilometers per hour - when freifallturm was the Topple Tower never conceived. The special is lateral tipping of the entire tower over up to 60 degrees from the vertical one, whereby the feet of the passengers become during maximum deflection straight once two and a half meters over the ground or wasserbecken baumeln. Wasserfontaenen are more than praedistiniert to revalue the driving experience with its suspended seats. As a result of the combination of car rotation with nine revolutions per minute and the rotation of the entire tower inclusive tilting mechanics innumerable courses of motion arise. The tilting motion always takes place with the natural frequency of the tower pendulum, so that this changes with the loading. "our Simulationen is meanwhile so close-to-reality that we could sell the three plants quasi directly from the PC", report to managing director William of dog villages. "since the first presentations much customer feedback was trained into the concept, for example concerning defaults for the Dekoanbringung."

Official InterNet side of Huss

By a modification of the seat and the handle system the Topple Tower for passengers is certified starting from 1.20 meters of body size. This and the family-friendly course of motion it ensure for the fact that the roundabout addresses a broad visitor layer. The dynamically oscillating tower offers still another further effect to the passive spectator: The head of the Dodo is moved in such a manner by an engine that the bill always shows during full deflection of the tower to the soil.


Test plant ball of the Coaster with Luzern

The current best seller with Intamin is the Hydraulic Launch Coaster. After Cedar Point with new hydraulics propulsion technology could advance 2003 into new elevator dimensions, the Six flag group with Kingda Ka fetches itself the elevator record back this year. With an overall height of 139 the course in the Six flag Great Adventure the "competitor" Top Thrill Dragster in the Cedar Point will over-bid meters by eleven meters. 206 kilometers per hour maximum speed are needed, in order to overcome the perpendicularly up-rising up rail thing. Follow the structure of tower a speed hill with magnetic brakes installed in the departure.

The first distribution to Europe can not compete at height and speed, offer however more varied layouts. The building of cannons in the Swedish Liseberg with two inversions lies before the schedule, so that start-up could already take place. At the end of April is the course for the park visitors to be released. Far also the construction work in the English Alton Towers progressed, where Rita offers starting from at the beginning of of April a winding layout. Further plants for Europe are at present in the discussion.

The newest development within the range of rail-bound attractions is the ball Coaster. Its rail runs completely in a vertical level, whereby the necessary surface area is very small. The smallest plant model needs only 36 front meters and 10 meters of depth. The single cars consist of four rows for two persons each, who are arranged beside the rail on the left and on the right. At each side are two rows backs at backs. The span of the vehicle amounts to four meters.

Schwindererregende of estimates in the pendulum intoxication

The cars become synchronous by means of LS one impulses, so-called linear engines, which are used with Katapultcoastern since 1997, in diagonally rising distance segments accelerated and reach after an increased height one lower, which serves as block partitioning and is out-accelerated from that the cars again by LSM. Since the passenger carriers are swivelling stored around a central axle, coincidental schaukelbewegungen arise up to the estimate as a result of accelerations. The car rotation can be affected by magnetic brakes in the distance process additionally.

Momentarily Intamin presents three studies different size. They have all together that as conclusion element a kind turned omega is intended. The car falls first into a valley, ascends again, over-drives a crest and falls a further mark, this time back into the station. The largest study with six vehicles and a route distance of 211 meters offers a final head of 20 meters. The maximum speed is with 70 km/h. Depending upon arrangement pitch attitudes are intended of more than 90 degrees. As test track in Luzern a plant with an upward gradient was established, which offers according to driving reports already an extremely unusual and dynamic experience. In the case of the presented studies optical dynamics result, there itself at least three vehicles on the distance up swings also for the spectator.

Layout studies ball of the Coaster

.  Preview cannons in the Swedish Liseberg


Preview Kingda Ka in Six flag Great Adventure


By the essentially vertical expansion of the rail the ball Coaster needs not only little place, but also only few foundations. Beyond that it is expandable in the unit construction system. It is even possible to arrange magnetic brakes deliverably and activate or deactivate it thus. Thus the driving dynamics can be adapted at short notice. As alternative to the LS one impulse also studies with a chain elevator were developed. Over distribution of this new concept is so far still nothing admits become.


Splash Coaster: Vehicle and TRACK layout

The Italian manufacturer L&T of system has a new Compact Coaster with a surface area of 18 times 34 meters in the program. With 13 meters height versions with 250 become and/or. 280 rail meters (with a final Helix) offered. First distribution with Abschlusshelix will open this year in the Wonderland jetty in new jersey, the USA.

A further new development represents the Splash Coaster, a transportable water roller coaster. In co-operation with the engineer's office stacks were accommodated 343 meters of rail and 90 meters channel on a surface area by 44,8 times 20.6 meters. After that 15 meters high elevator follow three mouse curves and two further 90-Grad-Richtungswechsel, before the distance leads to the front of the plant and flows into a Abwaertshelix. Two Bunnyhops follow and a double Splash, before the boats are carried back by the channel into the station. There are not deep and steep drops, then by the layout rather the family public will be addressed.

The vehicles are held in the style of the Airboats, which are inserted frequently into the Everglades in Florida. Coining/shaping is the large fan at the tail, which serves in the case of the Splash Coaster however only as decoration. Up to four adults and two children find stage in the two seat rows place, due to the Seating are also in the back a free view guaranteed. The initial delivery is produced at present, the buyer was not communicated so far however yet.

Motorsportfeeling with Technical park

The acceleration feeling well-known of roller coasters with hydraulic Launch makes Technical park now even experiencable in smaller yardstick. Formula 1 is a horizontal Bungeeanlage with a racing car as passenger carrier for two passengers. The vehicle is fastened and by two bungee cords is accelerated with a roller coaster-similar chassis on rails.

If the two passengers per vehicle took place, they become secured by a belt and an additional handle. Then the car is to the rear pulled from the central position and the bungee cords thereby strained. When releasing an acceleration of 4g affects the passengers. The car is braked likewise by the rope, after it passed the central position. For security conventional friction assemblies are arranged at the schienenende.

Formula 1 is conceived as mobile plant. So far distribution is in the possession of the schaustellers Thinel in France on the journey, which is designed as double plant and two times 27 meters rail length exhibits. The roundabout shipable on a transport offers a capacity of 80 person/hour with a purchase price of 200.000 euro.

Weighing eyelids vehicle

Those particularly as a manufacturer of Sommerrodelbahnen well-known company Wiegand continues to remove the business with Alpine Coastern . It does not concern seem-led Rodelbahnen, with which the passengers can steer the speed, an agreement of the distance however is itself possible. Such plants are all-weathersuited, even with snow are possible the enterprise.

Official InterNet side of the company Wiegand

Zurzeit is built in away the Fun adventure country in the sour country such a course, which replaces next to last year with 170 meters difference in height and 1200 m the two shut down Sommerrodelbahnen. A more exact conception of the course will take place in our annual novelty report.

"weighing and of goes suspended" could be called the slogan for two new developments. The witch broom represents the hanging variant of the "classical" Sommerrodelbahn, with which the companion by the gravitational pull of the earth are accelerated and which passengers the speed to determine to be able. In the curves the cars decay laterally.

Weighing eyelids with rail structure

Depending upon vehicle the passengers experience the travel sitting, lying or standing. A smaller plant is already in the resin in enterprise, a further still follows this year in the leisure center water crest in Hessen, operated by weighing and.

The second development is the weighing eyelids, the engine-claimant version of the witch broom. Here the passenger steers the speed not via a brake, but via an infinitely variable electric motor. In contrast to the witch broom no downward gradient is necessary, which increases the application type and the liberty clearly during the distance organization.

The cars as a function of the speed in the curves decay also here. On the euro show a videoaufzeichnung of the test plant was to be seen, which was finished briefly before the fair. The first distribution will presumably open 2006 in South West German country.

Pictures: Coastersandmore, Divicom, Huss, Intamin, L&T of system, star park, weighing and - all rights reserve


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