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Create Your Own Funny PKI-Opoly Cards


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"You visit the park on Proctor and Gamble day, lose one turn and 20 dollars for Gas"

"You get cought throwing a deflated basketball off the Eiffel Tower, go directly to security and pay all players 50 dollars for medical costs."

"You pull a Matt Botts and are banned from the park, lose 10 turns and all property."

"You make a fan page highlighting Jeffrey Siebert, collect 50 dollars for your cleverness"

"You make a web page about PKI, collect 50 dollars every turn for the next 4 turns, or collect 100 dollars right away."

"You get a job working in Pie and end up walking out, lose 2 turns and pay 20 dollars for your uniform."

"You ride Eurobungee and get sick, pay 10 dollars for the ride and 20 dollars for new clothes."

"You get cought POVing on the "Votex", go directly to security and pay 200 dollars for a new camera"

Yeah, I'm the man, what can I say.

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"Try to locate King Cobra on the map. Wander into off-limits teritory, Go directly to security"

"Get caught video taping the surfing machine, trying to see if a girl losses her top. Go directly to security"

"Do an iLo dance in the parking lot. Players all point and laugh"

"Stand at the front of all tour lectures during Beast Buzz, Video tape them. Players point and laugh"

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"Hit the bullseye on the air conditoner by Vortext steps with a penny. collect $1000"

anybody know what i'm talkin about? i'm sure you do!

I know what you are talking about - and I hate it when people do that! Why can't they just leave it alone! It isn't just there for decoration! mad.gif

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"You get into a bar checking contest on Delirium with a hot Coney Supervisor and you lose, pay a player of your choice 50 dollars and he laughs at you"

Woah now- that was my first time bar-checking with people in the gondola since post-season. There's a reason why that happened...

"You lose the Rides Trained At contest two years in a row, both times to people level oned on seven Coney Mall rides. Pay 50 dollars to the PKI Scholarship Fund, and go back five spaces."

*note: I didn't try to up the number by picking up shifts on rides that I'm not trained at. I got sent to all of those rides while I was supposed to be working on my own rides. Unlike some people...

"Got caught for creating two screennames on the same pki fansite. Lose a turn and contact the administrator to get your first one back."

"You try to convince a Tomb Raider employee that checking bars in a circle is easier and more convenient. Go directly to Delirium to prove your point."

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*note: I didn't try to up the number by picking up shifts on rides that I'm not trained at. I got sent to all of those rides while I was supposed to be working on my own rides. Unlike some people...

Yeah - the ONLY ride I EVER took shifts at was MSD - and that was after I was sent there, trained, and fell in love with it. So yeah.


And I check bars in both a circle and a line. Well Troika is more of a 3 leaf clover pattern. I have checked bars on Delirium, and it is extremely easy. I beat Aaron B a few times...

Sooo anyways...

"You go to school and leave PKI early - just after your ride is FINALLY fixed. Sell your ride back to the bank for 1/2 of the mortgage value, and go directly to South Pie, do not pass the office, do not collect 200 dollars... laugh.gif

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"After much fighting, your friends finally force you to ride Drop Zone. To make things worse, you have a panic attack on the ride, and curl up into a fetal position next to a wall after getting off. Lose a turn."

"You skip school to go to pki and end up getting arrested for truancy. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars."

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