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Suveying Under Top Gun


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Ok, I'd hate to prepetuate the rumor of Top Gun's removal, but take a look at the pics below. There are a couple of guys surveying the land directly under Top Gun. I realize that this is more than likely making a mountain out of a molehole, but I thought it be worth bringing to your attention. Keep in mind that a creek runs under TG, which could need to be rerouted for erosion, and how it could be something as simple as the workers surverying the road itself. Regardless, you heard it first here on PKIC. :D



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I do believe the surveyors are a result of erosion control. I believe the creek used to exit the pipe immeditaly past the maintenance road. Now, I think they extended the pipe and put the "gravel" on top of the extension. My guess is that they are trying to control erosion underneath the supports of the second drop. I believe that the "gravel" is the remains of blacktop that they have grinded off of paths in recent years. I would imagine the surveyors are checking something with regards to the land alteration and not a new attraction. Also, last season, the park placed a concret bed for the creek underneatht the station to prevent erosion.

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I don't think you would need surveyors for erosion control.

Then who would do it?

With all the land that PKI has that is yet undeveloped, and the fact that they want to go with a Hollywood theme, there are easier options than removing any ride, with a good theme.

PKI will eventually have to develop land around the park, and the erosion idea is a great thought. Chances are, the creek was modified when TG was put in, and again when SoB was put in. If there is another large coaster planned for PKI, they would have to submit proper paperwork concerning the creek to the EPA, that the modifications did not have long term effects to the creek, if they are putting the coaster (or another ride) in that general area.

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I just finished a surveying class at school and that could very well be for something as simple as digging a ditch. You have to do a survey for pretty much everything involving digging, especially for rerouting water. And it could very well be for something dealing with erosion as well. You run a survey on the land using spots that were previously used in an older survey and compare the elevations to see exactly how much and/or how fast the land is eroding.

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^ I totally agree. Like I said from the start, take it for what it's worth. Especially in an area where it is, where we know that there is a creek that runs under there, they probably watch that land like crazy. Surveying could mean ANYTHING, but I just thought it was noteworthy enough to be brought to your attention.

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Top Gun floods........alot.....they may just be trying to re route the stream to keep it from flooding.

Thats what I was going to say. If you ever go to Top Gun after it rans hard it is flooded under the ride all the time.

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