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Getting rid of the Rehire Status?


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I have no dog in this fight but I have been reading this thread as an impartial observer and trying to see both sides of the two issues discussed in this thread so far.

  1. It’s my understanding that Kings Island offers it’s employees who help them continue to work through the post season an incentive that is given and offered from a department mental level. Also that the incentives vary from one department to another. It is also coming out that many of the post season employees who qualified for these incentives are just now receiving their benefit.

    So here is my opinion about this issue; if a business offers an incentive to their employees it really is best to give the earned incentive to the employee as soon as they have earned it. It will reinforce the feeling to the employee that they where noticed and valued, therefore instilling a form of pride and partnership. I also feel that when the incentive is given in a timely matter other employees see these incentives being passed out and it builds excitement and dedication.

    But in Kings Islands case it seems as the incentives are being sent out months later after the fact. In my opinion it leaves the employee to start thinking that maybe no one noticed their work achievements. Maybe the employee starts to wonder that maybe Kings Island doesn’t have the money to pay for what was promised or that they are just being cheap. Either way it leaves the employee to feel less important as to their role as an employee. Other Employees will see this and will not get excited easily about future incentives offerings.

  2. It’s also my understanding that Kings Island past offered it’s seasonal employees who have worked the previous year and who are in good standing an streamlined offer to work another year with more benefits without the need to reapply and to go through the full new hiring process. But this year several modifications are being made with the new owners Cedar Fair and that everyone is subjected to a full application and then reviewed for their continued employment with Kings Island.

    In my opinion this actually is a good practice for a new company taking over from a previous owner, to review the current employees as to are they the right fit for them. It also sends a message to the employees that the new company has individually looked at them and has decided that they would be beneficial to them. Therefore the employee will realize that they are not there because of past employment but because the new owners have personally hired them for their abilities, so hopefully that will translate to a new partnership going forward and not one hanging on to the past.

So for those keeping score at home. Count one negative for the incentives promised and one positive to the rehiring practice for this year.
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My son just got a letter from KI and said everyone has to re-fill out a hire application this year and in the comments section mention if you were a crew leader or above.... so we will see what happens, i am calling today since they are open...

You're calling your son's employer about his job?

Now there is encouraging personal responsibility. <G>

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My son just got a letter from KI and said everyone has to re-fill out a hire application this year and in the comments section mention if you were a crew leader or above.... so we will see what happens, i am calling today since they are open...

You're calling your son's employer about his job?

Now there is encouraging personal responsibility. <G>

no actually i am going to call a friend who works there, full timer...i would'nt ever call about my kids jobs, thats their responsibility

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I also had that thought yesterday, but figured that he was calling to answer questions for this board, not for his son.

Maybe that's the fact. If it isn't; I would certainly recommend reconsidering any phone calls.

thats what i did i did not call for my son....... however if i did so be it, but i never......

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It's scary to think that this man is a father....knowing that its true is just absolutely depressing. What has to world come to?

I can’t take it any longer after that comment.

Sometimes it is the wise and right thing for a parent to call or to meet with their minor children’s employer. If said child is away to collage are that they were unavailable to make a call themselves. Personally I would as an employer think favorably if a parent of a minor called to get info or to notify me of a situation that they felt that they needed to do so. Also I would have gained the knowledge as to that the minor employee is very well connected to his/her family and that they do communicate with one another, which would tell me that that the employee is comfortable with communicating with older adults.

When I was in High School I had a bad manager and he intimidated the minor employees a lot. I did tell my parents about it, they gave me advice as to how to handle the situation. Nothing ever worked so one day one of my parents went with me to have a meeting with above mentioned manger. I am so glad that my parent did this because one it told me that they listened and that they cared enough to get involved. After that meeting, the working conditions changed for the better for everyone and all the other workers where so happy and told me to thank my parents helping us all out. The best thing that happened that day was that I had learned first hand how to deal with people like him and that has stuck with me till this day. If my parents did not do what they did I would have never gained that skill and he would have continued to intimidate minors in the work force and may have stippled their confidence in the work force.

I’m not saying that parents need to get involved in most issues but I do believe there are times when responsible parents should.

I think that some problems exist because parents don't take the time to teach their children about how to deal with work place problems, then allow their children to be treated awfuly in the work place and not to stand up for theirselves.

Parents it's a tough job out there don't allow anybody to make comments to force you to do something that you know is the right thing to do for your minor children!!!!

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Avatar, you're always full of great things to say. When a child is a minor, parents should help their child if need be, but they should try to figure it out solve the problem first, like the story. We all have to remember, minors are indeed that, minors, still young, still trying to learn things. Sure, some minors here may be able to face any conflict head on with no problem, but others may not. The parents try to teach them these skills.

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^It's scary to think that this man is a father....knowing that its true is just absolutely depressing. What has to world come to?

As I said i called about a simple question, no ones name was mentioned..... And for your information I am a good father...

I cant believe this guy has nothing better to do than to dis someone over a post, sheesh get a life........And I do everything humanly possible for my kids but like I said when I called it was a general question no names were mentioned.... So if you have a problem with that I feel sorry for you......

Oh yeah another thing, this was about calling to get info on if they were sending out rehire packets (anonymous call).

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Hey a quick update for everyone. I emailed the pki jobs office and they told me that they had already sent out the rehire packets. They also told me to go ahead and fill out an online application and then my department would contact me about the rest. So if you havent gotten your rehire stuff yet i would maybe wait another day or two then fill out another application. Hope that helps.


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  • 13 years later...
On 6/19/2020 at 9:09 PM, Loganmotz said:

How do I get rid of rehire status

I had a friend who had a negative re-hire status due do not turning in a uniform. He called Hr to get it straightened out. Ended up paying for the uniform and resumed working at Ki the next year. I would recommend calling HR or sending an email to whatever department you worked for and explain whatever situation you where in.

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