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Diamondback_Is_King last won the day on February 18

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    The Back Row, Right Seat on Diamondback
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  1. Yes, not the cleanest bathroom and very loud, but any bathroom that I can do my business and get on another ride is all I need
  2. Last year I just skipped it and went to Sol Spin after seeing it not open. Then, went back and waited 5 minutes on Banshee. Honestly, just open The Racer or something. An ERT ride is no good when it's not open for that time. The problem with running The Beast is that employees would have to walk the track earlier and wake up SUPER EARLY!!!
  3. You know it's the offseason when... We have a thread talking about which restroom is best
  4. Enrique's is great option as well! Do you get a wrap, bowl, or taco?
  5. Sometimes rides like Banshee aren't even open during early ride times. I feel like more variety is needed, but they don't have enough staff.
  6. Did it sting? I've been on Diamondback and Mystic before in the rain and it stung a little for me. In fact, I made the mistake of riding in the front row on Fury 325 during a light mist. It may have just been mist, but going 95 mph makes it hurt SO BAD. Felt like a thousand needles picking at your face the entire ride.
  7. When you visit Kings Island, what is your go-to food place to eat at? What about your favorite place to get a snack? Meal plan or not, I want to hear your opinions! Mine is either Coney BBQ or Brewhouse. I prefer Coney, but I somehow seem to always be at Brewhouse when I'm there! Probably because it's next to Mystic and Diamondback
  8. I just want a restroom that doesn't have any bugs in it (Like Cedar Point) For KI, I'm just gonna say the Rivertown/Planet Snoopy one because of it's location next to Diamondback, Mystic, and Brewhouse
  9. Honestly, I just want blasters that actually work. Don't care about the theme or anything, just give me a working blaster!!!
  10. Skipping people in line to "catch up with their party"
  11. I'm not an engineer or anything, but that isn't a regular price to remodel the bathroom is it? I could be totally wrong, because I have NO CLUE how much that stuff costs, so let me know if you know different. As for that specific bathroom, I think it's great that they're remodeling it. I always use that one whether I'm getting off DBack or Mystic, and it serves as a double-entrance too because it connects Rivertown and Planet Snoopy
  12. YES! THE WATER PARK IS AMAZING!!! Probably the best around these parts. I suggest being there for the opening of the water park and getting on Mammoth first thing (the line can get over an hour sometimes during the summer). Cheetah Chase and Wildebeest are both amazing too. As for the dry side, Voyage and Thunderbird are the highlights, but recommend everything else as well. If you're near Thunderbird and it's running, ride it because it can break down a lot depending on the day. Not sure if you know, but Holiday World gives you FREE PARKING and FREE DRINKS!!!
  13. You think Batman is better??? I don't think the restraints make it THAT worse
  14. Banshee isn't as good as Montu at BGW because it's more intense and has better restraints
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