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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Because normal people, who make up ~95% of the park's guests, could not care less that these rides both have vertical drops. This is just not something normal, sane folks concern themselves with. Michigan's Adventure is doing gangbusters business, so no need to make the same level of investment there. Looking at the layout, Siren's Curse appears to be a design that was destined for somewhere else, and when that fell through, was rerouted to CP, since they have a flat, unused plot of land. If I'm KI, given the choice between a shoehorned installation of an existing design and a custom-designed B&M Dive (or whatever), I'd choose the custom design 100 times out of 100.
    4 points
  2. Thoughts - The Good 1. Looks like a really fun ride actually 2. Love to see a modern Vekoma going into CP 3. Love to see them cramming it into that space by iron Dragon (I'm surprised it isn't going into the Snake River falls plot) The Bad 1. Two train ops? For CP that's bad for a new ride 2. Why are they building a tilt coaster next to a dive coaster that has sort of the same purpose in the lineup? 3. That section by Iron Dragon is always packed as it is. Hopefully they consider that and have a good walkway design. The Ugly 1. Why on earth does CP get 3 rollercoasters back to back to back years? That seems a little ridiculous when parks like valleyfair and Michigan's Adventure have been waiting for over 10 years for a new coaster. 2. I thought after SSBR, we'd see the next Vekoma come to KI. Was KI the vekoma experiment so that CP could benefit from another major addition while we get stuck with Mike's budget blasters? 3. Not saying Vekoma tilt is my first pick for The Vortex plot but why on earth does CP get this after receiving two coasters back to back years while KI has been waiting nearly 5 years for them to fill that gaping hole at the end of Coney Mall??? This kinda came out of nowhere for me as I was expecting snake River falls to be replaced either next season or in 2026. I'm going to go up there next year, ride siren's curse (which I actually love the name and logo), I'm going to love having a vekoma tilt within a days drive or Cincinnati, and at the end of the day CP is one of my favorite parks and this ride is going to make it so much better. Hopefully they get TT2 up next season as well and if they do essentially having two new coasters will make 2025 one of the biggest, wildest seasons CP has ever seen. Having said all that I'm still upset by the fact arguably the best park in the combined six flags chain is getting another rollercoaster when they just got wild Mouse and TT2 and I would have thought their time and resources would be exhausted after TT2 and all the follow up issues. CP doesn't need a new coaster next year IF TT2 actually does reopen as a reliable attraction. Meanwhile you have KI still waiting for a Vortex replacement. I'm thinking about how great this coaster would have been had it gone to valleyfair. The two train ops wouldn't be an issue, VF needs a modern looping coaster, and it would be the first coaster they've received in MANY MANY YEARS! not like they just got new coasters in 2023 and 2024...
    4 points
  3. Personally I’m happy Kings Island didn’t get this. I’d rather get something ground up that was designed specifically for our park as opposed to getting a relocated project- especially if it’s to replace something as iconic as Vortex. With 40+ properties to maintain and life being unpredictable, it’s likely that a project might be diverted to fit another park…Heck it’s already happened with Cedar Fair pre merger: CP got the Dive coaster project in 2016 instead of CWL and built Valravn, KI got the B&M project intended for CGA and built Orion. This will more than likely happen again down the road.
    3 points
  4. I agree The Vortex spot deserves a unique layout but I also think it stings to see CP get so much coaster investment while KI gets SSBR. I'm going to be blowing up on these forums though if CP gets a new coaster in the Snake River Falls plot for 2026 and they still haven't addressed The Vortex spot at KI As for this possibly being a six flags Mexico project, why is CP the one benefiting from it? There's literally 40+ parks in the new combined chain and you can't tell me that CP was the ONLY park with unoccupied flat land available. They gave it to CP because they want to distract from the TT2 disaster and it's the most visited/highly profitable park in the chain since wonderland attendance has dropped. Despite my criticism, I think the ride will be fun, I love seeing another unique coaster within driving distance of Cincinnati and I think CP needs a comeback after the abysmal TT2 situation which was a huge bust and disappointment to many people. If they can distract everyone with siren's curse they can take all the time they need to figure out TT2 and get it operational without pressure from the pass holders and enthusiasts.
    3 points
  5. I believe KI's 2025 capital was already planned well before this even became on Cedar Point's radar as it was originally intended for Six Flags Mexico. I honestly would consider this addition Cedar Point's "Firehawk" where they got it last minute kinda like how KI got Firehawk last minute.
    3 points
  6. Interesting addition to CP's lineup that I did not see coming. It'll definitely be a fun coaster to enjoy with my pass next year! Now, let's get that big wide open old Vortex spot some love with an amazing and quality coater installment too! It has been empty too long now!
    3 points
  7. OK first of all, call me a Vekoma-fan boi all you want, but I am STOKED to see a larger scale new age Vekoma make its way state side. Even if it was meant to go somewhere else, I could care less. I LOVE the theming. I've been enjoying the darker-omen type theming and names that Cedar Fair has been going with. Really can't wait to see what merch they come out with for this one. I will say that it does feel just a tad overwhelming that they had TT2 purposed to open this year and it fell incredibly short of that expectation and will essentially still be a brand new ride for next year seeing as only a handful of people in the grand scheme of things were able to ride it this year. It will be interesting to see how they market the coasters next year seeing as they will have essentially TWO new headliners for 2025 so long as TT2 gets it s*** together. The lower capacity will absolutely be a nightmare, lets be real. This isn't a capacity monster by any stretch of the word and CP's ops have been dismal the last few years so I don't hold out any hope that lines will move quickly. I also wonder if FL+ will have its own que or if they will in typical CP fashion with most of their coasters have it bypass 3/4 of the line just to merge with the main standby line. Regardless, there are absolutely no complaints here from me. This looks like a fantastically fun ride with incredible theming and I am here for it. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning waking up to this announcement! Now this makes me feel like the possibility of a Vekoma looper taking Vortex's plot is more possible. I know this really doesn't indicate anything, but since CF is actively working with Vekoma it makes me hopeful that KI's next big coaster could be one of their incredible new loopers.
    3 points
  8. A few things: Holy crap that came out of nowhere Impressive that CP is getting a “large scale” Vekoma Good use of space but it’s weird that its right next to an existing dive coaster that more or less does the same thing minus the tilt track. Looks like the trains will be lit, change color, and feature onboard sound 3 coasters back to back to back is crazy. Granted the first was a family coaster, the second was a modification, and the 3rd was a thrill coaster but still. Seems kind of a “small” addition for CP in terms of capacity- at least that’s according to RCDB.
    3 points
  9. I think you hit LOTS of nails on their head with this response.
    2 points
  10. Looks like they're going to divert Perimeter Road for this. It's an odd/bad fit for the park, for sure but I'll gladly ride it. I'm also going to agree with those that think this is a last minute addition to make up for 2024.
    2 points
  11. Imo since Cedar Point is getting a new coaster in 25 as well as Canada's Wonderland, KD, SFGA, SFGAdv, SFOG, and SFNE opening up new coasters in 25, I personally believe the chance for 2026 being KI's year to replace Vortex is going up! Other parks I think are on the radar for 26 are Valleyfair, Carowinds, SFMM, Knotts, and SFOT. However, I could see some of those being held off until 27.
    2 points
  12. As someone who has worked with Dippin' Dots I can confirm they do require a special area since they are stored below 0 so they can not be kept in a regular freezer.
    2 points
  13. Many wish that was the case with the giga KI got....
    2 points
  14. This is the project Six Flags Mexico planned to build for 2025 before running into resistance from the local government. Cedar Point had a flat piece of land available and could use something to distract from the TT2 issues.
    2 points
  15. Siren`s Curse: Vekoma Tilt Coaster https://www.cedarpoint.com/new-in-2025?fbclid=IwY2xjawFY0uRleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbYPgqBPgF5zQeW1mZw9dou1qmEsQ4K8ri744pL9ABgwAYpgdFxFyG-glQ_aem_PigBOoup28Xi2oA0BFQ1ug
    2 points
  16. I know this coaster wasn't originally intended for Cedar Point, but looking back to the surveys Cedar Fair put out a few months back, I did find it strange that Cedar Point was the only park that had the Tilt Coaster as an option on their survey (Kings Island and Carowinds did not have Tilt Coasters on their surveys). It makes me wonder if there were talks of bringing this coaster to Cedar Point back then.
    1 point
  17. It’s not necessarily just because of 2024, it is all cause the ride was unable to be built in Mexico. But yes very last minute addition for sure.
    1 point
  18. Wasn't expecting a Tokyo Dome reference in here. Good on ya.
    1 point
  19. Woah. Wasn't expecting to wake up to this. I didn't even think of a Vekoma Tilt Coaster for Cedar Point's next ground up large coaster after Steel Vengeance. As others have said, the capacity is a bit worrying with only 2 trains, but otherwise this looks awesome. The story behind this ride is also a bit crazy if the rumors this went from Energylandia to Six Flags Mexico before finally ending up at Cedar Point. Though that has happened even to some of Kings Island's coasters (Orion originally supposed to go to California's Great America comes to mind). And it's a rare model- before 2025, only Gravity Max existed and that was in Taiwan, though 3 of them are looking to open in 2025. So Tilt Coasters are going from just one, to four, in a single year. 2025 is also looking very stacked for new coasters: this, Rapterra, AlpenFury, Wrath of Rakshasa, everything at Epic Universe, and the delayed 2024 rides all coming at once (plus you could maybe even still count Top Thrill 2!) is gonna be pretty darn crazy IMO.
    1 point
  20. Might want to let them know SOB's loop is taller than Mystic Timbers.
    1 point
  21. From the press release on TT2 - Top Thrill 2 will not reopen in 2024 and we anticipate a 2025 reopening. The key word is anticipate What other ride announcement uses the word anticipate to describe when it is opening? Doesn't instill confidence to me that they are confident it will open... Siren's Curse says Siren's Curse is set to lure its riders in 2025. Not anticipate, not maybe, not probably, but it is set to lure its riders in 2025. I guess one could argue set is ambiguous as well LOL. So they wanted to have a new attraction in the event the TT2 anticipate turns into "not opening".... Either that or take a page out of the KI playback and run one of their racing trains backwards And yeah, I know all about how long it takes to plan a capital improvement and blah, blah, blah, but if you got a design sitting on the shelf (or a stock model that can be bough quickly) and a piece of land to put it on and a to-date failure of a re-imagined ride, that is how things like this (and to some extent Adventure Port) happened.... If TT2 was open all year, what is the likelihood they get this coaster? And then if for some reason they are able to make TT2 reliable and open, it is an added bonus for the park...
    1 point
  22. Why another red coaster? There are other colors you know, Cedar Point.
    1 point
  23. I recently bought this magnet on Ebay! I loved when Scooby-Doo was at Kings Island, this says 2008 so it was during the Cedar Fair era because Scooby-Doo would be removed entirely in 2010!
    1 point
  24. I have placed the "start show" panel (the control panel in Planet Coaster that starts the preshow and doors) right where that panel is. As close as I could get. it. (Even though thats the defogger, not the real show panel, I placed it there because it looks close to the real thing and I can access it to start the preshow)
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. "Ohio's northernmost water coaster!!!"
    1 point
  27. I still have mixed feelings about them building a BBW 2.0 but it being a B&M family invert. Sometimes it's best to leave the legacy of a beloved ride alone... If they had come out with a new swinging train system or S&S had just brought back the arrow model I would have been all for it. However, if the ride or the layout is lacking there's going to be a lot of original fans that are upset that they used the legacy of a beloved former ride to market a subpar one. For me personally I wasn't a huge fan of any of the names but Geisterwolf made the most sense to me. This ride is a ghost of one in the past while "wolf storm" and "wolf reign" made less sense to me... besides aren't DarKoaster and verboten already themed to storms?
    1 point
  28. One of the issues in falling to No. 3 was the lack of effective storytelling. The messaging was repetitive and one-dimensional: "Camp Snoopy new this year. Buy your Silver Pass!" followed by "Camp Snoopy now open. Buy your Silver Pass!" The focus was all on sales rather than crafting an engaging narrative. Outside of the park's backyard, there wasn't much chatter (and awareness) about Camp Snoopy and Snoopy's Soap Box Racers. As you mentioned, there were so many missed opportunities with the entire project.
    1 point
  29. Generally if something happens in Europe it seems to get extra points. It is like how you automatically add stars to any wrestling match that happens in the Tokyo Dome lol.
    1 point
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