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  1. It has a great home!! I also have 2 Vortex shirts. And a hoodie from Busch Gardens Tampa Also heres my Vortex memorabilia (The cutout, nanocoaster, pin, and my holy grail!!! The track slice!! ) My Arrow Dynamics wheel, RMC Grab handle and Anti Rollback pad, and Huss Breakdance bolt My cutouts of Orion, Sheikra at BGT, Flight of Fear, and The Bat!! And nanocoasters of Iron Gwazi, Storm Chaser, and Lightning Run. (Last 3 Not pictured) Also i have 2 fully functional Coasterdynamix models. Also I have a night shot I took of Vortex right after my final ride, with tears in my eyes. Sorry for the long post, i figured I'd show off my collection here!! (If you guys are interested)
    3 points
  2. Written by someone who does not know the history of the coaster, or the park. PTC did not design or build it, they had already stopped building coasters several years before this. They have the designer correct, Curtis Summers. But they worked for KECO, Kings Entertainment Company, owned by Taft Broadcasting, the company that owned the park and built the park. This coaster just like The Beast was done in house. Then they go on to credit coaster designs to Summers he did not design, including The Racer, Racer 75, and Woodstock Express. Which were all actually built by PTC and designed by John Allen.
    3 points
  3. Kings Dominion has officially announced The Gravity Group is the firm involved in the restoration work, utilizing their engineered precut track! https://www.kingsdominion.com/blog/2022/the-rebirth-of-the-grizzly---part-3?utm_source=park_facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=kd_grizzlyblog_jan9&utm_id=23SAS
    2 points
  4. Or be an allusion to the rumor that the changes are not being made by the original ride manufacturer, but one which Cedar Fair has been working with a lot recently? I think we will likely have to wait until August of this year to find out exactly what they are up to.
    2 points
  5. It says at the end of the video "A new formula for thrills"...could this be a hint it will break the speed record of Formula Rossa...
    2 points
  6. So we wait another year for the new TTD.
    2 points
  7. Every time I come on here, or other KI related platforms, it’s always the same thing: “Action Zone needs expansion. Rivertown needs expansion. Etc.” Let’s look at the past 5 years: In 2017, about 95% of Mystic Timbers was built inside the railroad. Fast forward to 2019, when the Antique Autos were built in a small footprint of land. Fast forward a year to 2020 when Orion was built hugging The Racer as opposed to going in another direction, which would’ve ultimately left plenty of room for expansion. Now fast forward 3 years when we’re about to get Adventure Port where two new flat rides are being placed in a rather tight space. I think that what we’re seeing is an attempt to keep everything within developed land as opposed to pushing into undeveloped parts of the property. This attempt, at least in my humble opinion, keeps people in close quarters to other assets. Look at Area 72- you have Flight of Fear and Orion next to each other, but not too far away you also have dining options and a sitting area. Now look at Adventure Port, you have two new rides right across from other dining options and sitting areas. By putting more rides closer to one another near these areas, people tend to stay longer. After riding Sol Spin, people might choose to sit down and buy a beverage at Mercado before going to Adventure Express or the Cargo Loco. These “micro sections” encourage people linger and spend more money, as opposed to being a place to pass through. I argue we could see more of these micro sections emerge. Look at the space between Coney Mall and Rivertown- they could turn that into its own micro section with a dining area and places for people to sit while maybe adding a flat or two similar to Adventure Port. The longer people stay in these sections, the longer their day becomes and I argue the likeliness of them spending money increases. Maybe I’m totally wrong, but I don’t think expanding outward is the answer- developing inward is.
    1 point
  8. Who knows, Rumor starts to surface for a Sci-fi theme as well, so It could be either 1. Formula 1 cars, or 2. Science Formula. Either way, I think they are missing out calling there tallest coaster after the Lake Erie Monster Bessie. And the story of you the riders protecting Cedar Point from Bessie. It will be something that Lake Erie people will love. The support are going to be painted Dark Grey, and probably the track will be painting Dark Green or what Lake Erie's color is.
    1 point
  9. My sister's stayed at Camp Cedar a few times, and her experiences were largely positive. Said it's clean and the cabins are nice, although didn't care for the food that much. But isn't this place kind of notorious for trouble? I seem to recall hearing about a lot of fights (stabbings?) in the two years it's been opened, and there was a whole thing last year where someone drove a car into the pool. Wonder if CF just decided it's not worth having their names linked with a place in the news for so much trouble (when, after all, KI is already in the news in the spring sometimes for its own altercations).
    1 point
  10. Is the room intentionally orange for Vortex?
    1 point
  11. Adam Sandy is the guy in the video. Formerly a higher-up for Ride Entertainment, the firm that handles sales for Gerstlauer and SkyCoaster, among others. Now the Sales and Marketing Director for Zamperla. As someone whose career is built on keeping promises, I expect that he chose his words very specifically. You don't toss out "200 kph" without being sure that you can do it. To be clear, IF I'm on the right track at all, I really, really, really don't think Adam is part of Cedar Point's marketing. In other words, I think this might be an interesting piece of the final picture, but it is NOT a hint. I've been around these parts long enough to know that someone's gonna take an unrelated company's video as a hint from CP's PR department, and so help me, I'm not gonna feed that monster. For the record, this isn't me pretending to know something when I don't. Because I don't know anything about what CP has planned. I'm just offering what perspective I can.
    1 point
  12. At 1:36 of the below video: "we can go from 0-45 Kph or 0-200 Kph, it's all up to our clients" 200 Kph = 124.274 Mph rcdb.com lists TTD speed at 120 Mph
    1 point
  13. Zamperla is already converting a hydraulic-launch Intamin Accelerator that was dormant in Italy and relocating it to Playland in Vancouver.
    1 point
  14. If Zamperla ends up reimagining TTD and the ride is reliable I think Cedar Fair might start adding Zamperla launch coasters with lightning trains through out the chain.
    1 point
  15. @Vortex1987 Very nice collection! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    1 point
  16. Very, very interesting. I can't think of a reason why the blocks between the final brakes and the station would need to be removed. Or why the supports halfway through the brake run to just after the station would need to be removed. The launch track and brakes make sense to remove, if the rumored launch conversion is actually happening (and I speculate that it is, though I question if Zamperla or Intamin is doing the conversion.) It's basically a given that new track would need to be fabricated. I could mayyybe understand needing to replace the supports to make that happen instead of being able to make the track work with the existing supports... maybe. But removing the footers, which is what appears to have happened on the back side of the station? I don't want to stir this into a bigger deal than it actually is, but that makes me think this won't simply be a track replacement. Someone speculated elsewhere that TTD will be converted into an Ice Breaker-style multi-launch. That seems a little far-fetched to me, but the footers going away makes guesses like that seem slightly more realistic. If the park is going to THIS much bother, it makes sense that they might choose to "plus" the ride somehow as a part of rebranding it, to help distance it from being That Ride That Hurt Someone. I don't know that I'd necessarily agree that simply painting New TTD as a new ride is the best move, if that's what they choose to do--it lends itself to the GP idea that amusement parks are unsafe and run by schemers who care little about safety and will slap paint and a new name on something that has had an accident just so they can keep taking your money--but I'm not sure what a better move would be. It's a tough position to be in. Winter Chill Out is gonna be an interesting one in 2023. Even with the second day being added to it, I expect that it will sell out immediately, and people will be expecting TTD news. And surely Tony Clark knows that.
    1 point
  17. As a possibility, couldn't the R stand for record, but not referring to the height record? We all know how Cedar Point likes to make claims to records that aren't necessarily about height, speed, etc?
    1 point
  18. Knowing how long major capital projects take, I personally thought 2023 was always aggressive. After watching the Christmas video with the CP2024PHPNR "hint" only leads me to believe whatever is happening with artist formerly known as Prince ride formerly known as TTD it will be a 2024 event. But that does open the speculation door- what does CP2024PHPNR mean? My quick thought is: Cedar Point 2024 project high point new ride (last "R" could be record but can't wrap my head around why the sudden importance in having the height record).
    1 point
  19. Wow this is very interesting. I wonder what time line for this project is or what that huge hole is for? Maybe for some kind of electrical work?
    1 point
  20. https://www.reddit.com/r/cedarpoint/comments/zr3msr/top_thrill_dragster_dec_aerial_update/ Lots of demo going on. Christmas tree, finish sign, footers on both launch & brake side still there. Big hole where transfer track was and clearing at end of station is interesting.
    1 point
  21. Would be pretty baller though, you gotta admit.
    1 point
  22. I think that makes total sense. In an urban setting, it's called infill. You want to maximize the space you have infrastructure for before building way out. Action Zone-doesnt need to be expanded, but needs to be more effciently utilized. And it needs a major overhaul. I could see that coming in the next few years, maybe reverting back to an Adventure Village (without animals) theme. Lots of space to work with as it exists, and if older assets are removed, even more possibilities. Vortex spot-self explanatory. Path from behind Junkyard Coaster to Eiffel Tower--endless possiblites. The only need to exapnsion I could see, and this is years down the road, is Area 72. It needs more than 2 coasters, two tiny restrooms and a tiny food stand. But they have the rest of the Firehawk plot and feasibly, a connection path between Adventure Port and where float staging area is. Also, it would be neat to get a nature trail back in Rivertown, but I dont really see that as an expansion. And it would be a logisitcal challenge, but I am sure they can use the experience they gained with Dinosaurs Alive!
    1 point
  23. There was an interesting development today. Playland PNE announced they are building a Zamperla LSM launch coaster for 2024. https://www.coaster101.com/2022/11/04/vancouvers-pne-playland-opening-zamperla-lsm-launch-coaster-in-2024/ It appears to be Senzafiato, an Intamin Accelerator coaster, from Miragica in Italy. https://rcdb.com/4194.htm It appears the track that was removed from TTD was shipped to Genoa, Italy, about a 3.5 - 4 hour drive from Antonio Zamperla S.P.A. https://old.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/comments/y6reum/someone_on_twitter_discovered_that_ttds_shipping/
    1 point
  24. ^ Based upon the vague information given, I can see multiple launches including a launch up a spike, rollback, then launch again with a switch track- similar to Pantheon at BGW just on a larger scale but not using the current top hat. Intamin has had some recent success with a few new coasters. Perhaps CF will work with them sooner than later.
    1 point
  25. Yep. There aren't many cranes in the world tall enough to work on TTD's 420' top hat. They're massive. Thus, they're expensive to rent. Any work on the tower short of maintenance tasks like repainting would require cranes of that size to be brought in. Be that adding to the height, taking away height, re-tracking it, or removing it. If they're already going to the expense of bringing in the extremely expensive and hard to schedule cranes, it would seem to make more sense to just tear down the entire top hat. But that's the most valuable part of the structure, at which point, what's the benefit over removing the ride entirely? All the ride really is, is some shuttle track on the ground to get you around, the launch, and the top hat. Keeping the top hat necessitates keeping the launch, and almost vice versa. The hydraulic launch system is notoriously unreliable overall, and has been a safety issue from the start. Replacing that with the LSMs many of us suspect will be installed would do wonders for safety and reliability. That's a notable change in the ride experience, even more with the new trains to go along with it. There's always the chance of the ride being expanded, but the most likely scenario is a full upgrade of the electrical and mechanical systems (control system, launch mechanism, etc.). Modifying the top hat requires similar expense to just removing the ride entirely and wouldn't significantly improve the ride experience. It's not a detriment to the ride. The structure overall isn't a safety or reliability issue thus not a top priority for investment. Everything else is.
    1 point
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