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Posts posted by Driver8rws

  1. I would love to see KI spend one year adn get a decent addition of flats. One or two big ones then 2 or 3 small family ones.

    For major ones get something like a Screamin' Swing, Sledgehammer, Sky Roller ( all which would make good X-Base additions), Enterprise, Top Scan, or Top Spin.

    For family ones like to see a Tilt-A-Whirl, teacup style, twist and splash style, Music Express or Alpine Bobs type, Magic Carpet, or Wipe Out.

    Think getting a handful of these would really round out or flat line up and improve the park to an even higher level.

    Couldn't agree more!!

    I've been saying that ever since my son got too big/old for Snoopy land.

    You either ride a giant coaster @ KI or you do nothing...

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