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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. Yes, generally the start and end of daily operation mark the beginning and end of full season. Or, more traditionally, Memorial Day through Labor Day mark the full season.
  2. I think the redo of HBL into Nick Universe was coming, regardless of the imminent possibility of a sale. The area hadn`t received a major overhaul since 1998. It was clearly do for an update. At the same time, it was a perfect chance to showcase more of the Nickelodeon properties.
  3. Well, I can tell you one thing NOT cool about that site. He lifted about five images off of my website without my permission or without giving credit to my website! Not cool at all!
  4. Hey now, leave the moderating to the staff, LOL. And why would you want to rent more than one locker? Sure it might be slightly more convenient than walking out to your car. But I would rather have my stuff in my car than worrying about it in one of those lockers. Plus, that way you don`t have to take as many things through the metal detectors at one time.
  5. This has already been discussed in various other threads.
  6. CoastersRZ


    Well, maybe had you politely asked "Excuse me, but can you please quite smoking while in line. It appears to be bothering someone in my group. They would greatly appreciate it if you would wait until after the ride to smoke." Perhaps it was more in the tone of how you tried to act like you had authority over her by pretending you were associated with PKI. I`m not trying to make excuses for what she said or was doing, but sometimes manners go a long way in getting what you want.
  7. Well, I would imagine that they have a limited number of spots reserved for onsite registration. Because they (Mr. Putz from Coasterbuzz), had to notify the park how many people would be attending so they knew how much food to make. Also,don`t get there before 8:45 as the parking lot won`t be open before that time.
  8. There was an article today in the Cincinnati Enquirer`s Business section about Cincinnati based The Gravity Group. Designers of Hades and the Voyage, this firm encompases four engineers from the defunct Custom Coasters International. Read the full article here.
  9. Yes, the `Tiques are still parked over by Delirium. One has to wonder why they are holding on to them. Future use for them, or the fact that they might reuse them in the future and they don`t want to get rid of them just in case they decide to reuse them.
  10. Well, I think they might be somewhat strict on the bringing no food into the park. But then again I have never tried to. I don`t know what the cost for lockers is. I do know that you have to pay a key deposit that you get back when you return the key. I would try and get to the park as early as possible and try and get a parking spot. Remember that they are not opening the metal detectors and gates until around ten this year. (They have been opening them about ten minutes early on weekends though). I would bring as little stuff with you into the park, because any and all bags will be searched at security. With the exception of the morning rush at opening, you shouldn`t have to worry about long lines at the metal detectors.
  11. Yeah, the Action Blast is in a prime game spot and doesn`t really take up much room. If they ever removed Days of Thunder for something, I`m assuming that the Cornhole game would also be gone. That spot has been occupied by numerous games over the years including a Jacob`s Ladder. The area that needs a flat ride is Coney Mall. One would go perfectly on the former site of Flight Commander (the current Eurobungee site).
  12. Yeah. Pepsi is served at Coney, and likely won`t be leaving Coney anytime soon (they are the sponsors of the Pepsi Python). I would prefer if Coke stays, but if they do get rid of it, I will drink Pepsi the few and far times that I actually buy a drink at the park.
  13. Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle is technically not part of Nick Universe. It is technically part of International Street.
  14. Yikes, 14 time on Son of Beast in one day! I`ve ridden it 9 times in one day back when it opened in 2000 as part of an ert session offered to "Pawprint passholders." It still amazes me I rode it that many time in one day!
  15. Yes. And no, there was nothing on the news a couple of weeks ago with regards to Flight of Fear. According to what Shaggy stated, the orginal plan for PKD`s FoF was for it to be relocated to Paramount Canada`s Wonderland. If that was slated to occur for the 2007 season, than that will definantely occur as Cedar Fair will be fulfilling all of Paramount Parks` 2007 capital expenditure plans. Based on how that move panned out, they would evaluate the decision to move FoF. If it was a success then FoF at PKI was to be sent down to Carowinds. I think that with Cedar Fair now in control of the park, that KI`s FoF is safe for the foreseeable future. PKD`s, as I stated above, might be headed to Wonderland if that was the plan Paramount Parks had for next season.
  16. Well, I remember hearing that the only reason that PKD got a ride named Volcano with the large Volcano is because the actual mountain was already at the park from earlier attractions, such as Smurf Mountain. They simply put the Intamin creation around the mountain and added some flame effects, and you`ve got a ride named Volcano. I heard that the reason PKI would not see a ride like it was because they didn`t want to spend the money on building the mountain. Personally, I hope that the park gets a B&M coaster of some sort, even if it is an inverted coaster. Their rides are so smooth. Top Gun down at Paramount`s Carowinds is one of my favorite rides. I could ride that thing all day.
  17. Yeah, I don`t see any major roller coasters being built at any of the five Paramount Parks next season. And, if PKI were to be getting a major new coaster, they would most likely be starting to clear land and get all the infrastructure for the new ride in place (ie electric lines, plumbing lines, communication lines.)
  18. That is what it sounds like to me.
  19. Hopefully, the parade will continue next year and for year`s to come under the stewardship of the new owners. It seems to be immensely popular.
  20. But, as others have said, the real licensing deal that has far more potential is Nick. The Paramount licenses are ok, but the Nick ones are the ones that can bring in the family demographic to the parks. The question I have is what type of extension to the Nick deal is available to Cedar Fair after the four years are up.
  21. Yes, the park did do some landscaping to the left of the main entrance. They cleared out some of the shrubs and planted some grass. A little history information. That road that is down there continues up by Top Gun. That was Columbia Road before the park was built. When they built the park, they bisected the road. To connect the two ends of Columbia Road, they built Kings Island Drive. And yes, it is sad that they are not using the antechamber as it was designed on TR:TR. That is just another example of the ride experience being sacrificed by budget cuts that Paramount Parks instituted this year. By running the ride like that, they can run the ride with one less operator. Also, you may notice that they usually don`t have a greeter on that ride anymore on most days.
  22. I too find it surprising that the sale price will drop $1 million per day. To me, it doesn`t seem like CBS is pushing for the deal to get done by June 30th (otherwise it would be a $1 million penalty, not a reduction). But other than that, all the information was essentially just a synapsis of what was discussed in the teleconference the day the acquisition was announced.
  23. What? You need to work on the spelling and grammar in you posts!
  24. Why do you find it obvious that they will retheme at least one ride? Also, Coasterking123456, you need to work on your grammar and spelling. You have a whole slew of posts that look like they are thrown together without much thought put into them.
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