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Rivertown Rider

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Posts posted by Rivertown Rider

  1. Mamba holds a lot more significance to that park though than Slingshot did to KI.  I realize anything is possible but I can't see it happening as it, Prowler, and Patriot are the best coasters in the park.  With the lack of love they give WOF I'm surprised they are even painting it especially a different color scheme.  It is also a workhorse unlike say Ka or Nighthawk.

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  2. To the Gerstlauer point, I would love to see the Infinity coaster as it checks a ton of boxes.  Curb appeal, dive elements that aren't as forced as a B&M dive, inversions, and most importantly for families a 48 inch height requirement.  It is a great successor to Vortex in that location.

    It is also worth noting that Baker Concrete is listed on the NOC and one of the projects they have listed on their website is the footings for Pipeline at SWO.

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  3. I think KI is concerned with both Kentucky Kingdom and Holiday World.  Which I believe is the reason why KI is doing more attractions with Winterfest this year. 

    Also there is part of me that thinks they are holding the family thrill attraction piece close to the vest until they get confirmation on what Herschend is doing.  I don't think it was a coincidence that we have gotten many of the same flats (in the case of Kentucky Kingdom) and a coaster (in the case of Holiday World).  I just need one of those parks to put in a Screamin' Swing so they'll add one to KI.

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  4. The Notice of Commencement for 2024 and 2025 has now been published on the Warren County site.

    https://ohwarren.fidlar.com/OHWarren/AvaWeb/#/search (Search for Kings Island)

    This does appear to have the same issue as the last Notice of Commencement did where they didn't remove all of the previous project companies.  I don't see anything on here that would lead to a hint of the '26 coaster installation as GCI, GravityKraft, and Zamperla have all been part of those previous projects that just appear to not have been removed from the Notice of Commencement.  Based upon past coaster installations we will probably get another Notice of Commencement for 2026 sometime in the spring of '25.


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  5. 38 minutes ago, BeeastFarmer said:

    From an outsider’s perspective, this $10,000 could be reallocated more effectively, such as funding tasting cards, which have the potential to generate higher per caps revenue compared to individual sales. Alternatively, these funds could cover the cost of approximately 50 medium-sized box trees, assuming a unit price of $200 each, or address smaller but essential operational expenses like lids and straws for Icees, that some guests at Kings Island mourn the lack of. Such expenditures highlight a potential misalignment in cost-cutting strategies versus unnecessary spending. Corporate boggles the mind.

    I agree I don't think that the majority of people remember which floats we have from year to year.  If they insisted on moving something from another park, just move Mountain Gliders back here where it belongs and then you only have to rent the trucks once.  You could still probably do that more economically than the floats.

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  6. I headed up to the park for a few hours late this afternoon to visit one last time before the merger was official tomorrow.  I typically just ride based upon how busy certain lines or where I am at in the park on a particular visit.

    I rode Cargo Loco first and then decided to head over to Action Zone, where I decided to ride Congo Falls then headed over to The Bat.  While I was in line for The Bat, I realized that unintentionally I had ridden a Cedar Fair addition (Cargo Loco), a KECO addition (Congo), and was getting to ride The Bat (ordered by KECO/opened by Paramount).  After I rode The Bat, I headed over to towards International Street and stopped to ride the Grand Carousel (Coney/Opening Day Taft).  

    While riding the Grand Carousel it hit me how much history this Carousel has seen throughout the years.  From being at Coney to an opening day Taft attraction through all of the subsequent owners and changes, the Carousel has been one of the few constants since 1972 (or 1926 in the Carousel's case, even if it moved a few counties to the north).  Throughout all of the changes, there have been good and bad and curious changes, but Kings Island has always weathered those changes.  

    Change is one of those constants in life that we can't do much about.  I have enjoyed the Cedar Fair era overall and if Cedar Fair and Six Flags take the best of both chains, we could be in for another good era.  Just like all of the eras before it, there will be some good, some bad, and some curious changes, but I'm hopeful that Kings Island will be the same outstanding park it has been these last 52 years.

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