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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Now if only they would retheme it to Rivertown where it belongs...
  2. Made an Action Zone expansion based off of what Carowinds is supposedly getting next year: Rides include: an S&S scream n swing replacing Congo a zamperla air race a zamperla nebulaz a trabant ride Also features a new food stand and keeps the Timberwolf stage for shows
  3. I also hope this is only phase one of that area. I think they could connect the pathway to the other side of Afterburn where Dinosaurs Alive was and add a new coaster there themed around the new area. I think a B&M launched wing like Thunderbird would be a great fit at Carowinds. We sorta already have that with Area 72. I do think they should expand off of Area 72 and add some of these style flats (like an air race and nebula).
  4. They literally shut things down whenever there is a spike in cases. Hong Kong Disneyland has been closed since January. There is no need for KI or any park to close again. KI operated during the delta and omicron surges with few restrictions this past year and had no issues. We need to stop living in fear.
  5. and yet it probably won't be open very much if at all lol @King Ding Dong
  6. Speaking of the area around tower, does anyone else agree that they should someday replace the blacktop that circles around the Eiffel Tower and goes under it with nice pavers like the rest of I-street? I just don't like the blacktop imo just because I think it would make the area around tower look much better if they someday put pavers there.
  7. Mike Koontz did say at Coasterstock last year that he has a long list of things he wants to get done before he retires. It was when he was asked about a potential upgrade to the front entrance and he said that is on the list so all that stuff you mentioned must also have been on his list as well.
  8. I may be in the minority, but I actually liked Frontier Inn when I went in 2016 and I was sad when they changed it back to Chick Fil A. I just like park original stuff more than chain stuff. I also thought Frontier Inn fit with that building better than Chick Fil A does.
  9. If Subway does in fact leave, I would honestly like to see KI get a sub sandwich stand of their own that is like subway. Maybe in an indoor dining establishment in Planet Snoopy that has been talked about here before. Chick Fil A I don't see leaving as it almost always has a line that spills out onto the midway. Skyline and Larosas I don't see leaving either as those are Cincy staples and I'm sure the park wants to continue to cater to the locals as well. Plus, I know multiple people who prefer the Larosas in the park over the ones outside the park.
  10. They said on Twitter they'll be announcing the lineup later this month.
  11. From Kings Island's website, the park will host a day long celebration on the 29th of April exactly 50 years from when the park opened. It'll feature special ceremonies and entertainment throughout the day and a special fireworks spectacular to honor the park's first 50 years. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/50th-anniversary/
  12. Pass preview for Mystic was good Friday in 2017 and it was very crowded! Mystic's line was 4 and a half hours! The one thing I remind people is pass preview day is a "dress rehearsal" and it is the worker's first time working for guests that day so patience is very necessary. Same with all of opening weekend.
  13. Yeah especially since Cincinnati doesn't have a good track record with public transportation proposals. A big example is the abandoned Subway lines from the 1920s that the city is still paying for. I believe I read that this plan would've utilized the subway tunnels, but don't quote me on that. There is also the Riverfront Transit Center by the stadiums that is mainly used for parking and special events now. And of course the underused street car system that took years to get done and people are still complaining about it.
  14. I was doing some research today and I discovered this plan from several years ago. Apparently Cincinnati wanted to put in a large metro rail system with multiple lines that would've connected all sides of Cincinnati. One of the lines would've ended in Mason right near Kings Island and would've connected the park to the CVG airport. Obviously it got voted down by voters for reasons, but I was thinking how this would've affected the park if it got built. https://metro-cincinnati.info/?page_id=128 Pic of proposed map:
  15. This is honestly giving me Son of Beast flashbacks from the early 2010s and Volcano from 2018/19. I'd hate to see it go, but with all the downtime it's had over it's lifespan, I wouldn't be shocked if they remove it sadly. Hopefully they'd replace it ASAP to makeup for the loss of such an iconic coaster. My prayers continue to go out to the victim and her family as well as the Cedar Point team. I can't imagine how hard it must be to make decisions like this.
  16. Just got my ticket! Super excited for year 2 of me going to Coasterstock!
  17. I have a very small memory of going to the park when I was a baby. The only thing I remember is the kiddy carousel being blue during the later HB days. The first real memory of actually going to the park was in 2007 when I was like 4-5 years old and I remember going mainly to ride the kiddy carousel which was orange for Nickelodeon at the time. That was the first summer I remember really going a lot. I remember riding Little Bill's Giggle coaster with my dad a lot and I remember basically torturing my parents by making them wait in the long line for Lazytown Sporticopters (now Whirlybirds) multiple times lol. I also remember throwing tantrums because I didn't want to ride the Fairly Odd Coaster. It took me multiple rides on it to finally start enjoying it. For some reason I was always scared to ride it because I didn't like drops and bumpiness. I remember riding it once because my dad because he said "we would stay for the fireworks if I ride it" and I did so we stayed. I also have lots of memories of stopping at the little strip mall that housed Lazer Kraze at the time to watch the fireworks. Here are some pictures of that year: Me and my Dad on Fairly Odd: Me and my sister Lauren on Swiper Sweeper (now Beetle Bugs) this was an iconic picture on our computers for a long time: Me on Snoopy's Junction (forgot what it was called under Nickelodeon. For a long time I thought it was Thomas the Train as the train character looked so similar to Thomas):
  18. Yeah I agree. I think honestly if the next addition to SC isn't a water coaster, I think it'll be something like what KD got in 2021 (supposed to be 2020). A larger water playground with multiple dumping buckets (bigger than the current one) and a food truck inspired dining area with live music (Beach street). I think it comes down to ridership. I don't know any ridership numbers for Zoom Flume, but I feel like if the park decides to install a water coaster and thinks the only way to put in a water coaster without the powerlines causing issues, they I think they'd remove it.
  19. Idk if it would be too much of a deal, but there are a large number of power lines in that area and a substation is back there so idk if the park would want to risk building in that area or not. I have a weird feeling mondo monsoon might be on its way out as KD removed their version of it a few years ago. If so, they could always start the water coaster there and give it a nice plaza with a beach street thing similar to KD.
  20. Lets make a bet on how fast it'll sell out this time! I give it 15 minutes tops lol. Winter Chill Out at CP I believe sold out in 5 minutes!
  21. While Premier Festivals seems to be the official organizer, Spirit Song, PointFest, etc are still listed as part of the Christian Festival Association. Also, if Spirit Song themselves dies, if the park and corporate really wanted to, they could honestly try and organize their own Christian or standard music festival in general similar to like what Universal does. In fact Universal's, is much bigger and has multiple stages. I think "Rock the Island" has a nice ring to it even though I believe there already is a rock the island festival somewhere, but I believe there is more than one Pointfest out there.
  22. I don't like making a thread like this, but this has been on my mind for the last year or so. Since like the 90's KI has hosted this annual Christian music festival in Timberwolf called Spiritsong. The event was originally cancelled in 2020 due to covid 19, but however was not scheduled at all in 2021 and the organizers "Premier Festivals" which are a festival company that puts on the other Christian events at the other CF parks like Pointfest (CP) and Kingsfest (KD) they also put on Rock the Smokies at Dollywood which also weren't scheduled for 2021 never said a single word about it. It is now mid February and usually they are throwing out advertisements for these events, but again nothing has been said about it. Universal recently hosted their christian music festival so it is not like parks aren't hosting these events now. So that makes me wonder, could Covid have killed Spiritsong for good? The main reason I'm bringing this up is that the event's facebook page is still active, but when they are asked about it, they don't respond. Obviously, nothing is confirmed as the organizers haven't made any official announcement yet, but I'm honestly a bit surprised not many people are talking about this as Spiritsong was an event that brought a bunch of people mainly groups to the park and people plan trips around this event. If Spiritsong is in fact no more, maybe that could explain all the rumors that have circulated over the past year or so in threads and stuff surrounding Timberwolf. We'll see what happens though.
  23. Cedar Fair is going to release their 4Q earnings and hold a conference call on Wednesday the 16th. I have a feeling we may hear something on it then unless something happens between now and then. https://www.marketbeat.com/instant-alerts/nyse-fun-earnings-date-2022-02/
  24. agreed. While it may have provided nice cool mist, I just feel like that structure doesn't fit Rivertown and it definitely screams something Paramount would do (which they did). Now, if they brought this concept back, but made it rustic/country looking then I would be okay with it.
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