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Posts posted by Benjamin22

  1. 1 minute ago, MrSourNinja said:

    I’m definitely not trolling. I took 3 pics. One wide and one close for each poster. I have a friend with me who can confirm. If y’all think I can photoshop that well y’all are crazy lol. 

    Not to mention there was clearly water on those posters, way to high quality to be photoshop.

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

    If they are starting out with the worst coasters, they should've started out with Vortex! 

    I’m going to stop you right there. 

    • Like 6
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  3. Just now, JonahWilliamson said:

    So the first questions this brings up:

    Why did they start with Invertigo (with the April 17, 1999 date) and Firehawk?

    Will we see all of KI's coasters go up?

    Y'all see the constellation in the brain right?



    Date the ride opened.

    • Like 4
  4. 1 minute ago, collin.klopfstein said:

    Did someone at least screenshot it or anything about what it said?

    All he said was what we already know plus the fact the park will stay open 2 hours later & the announcement will be projected onto the FoF building.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, SonofBaconator said:

    I-305 is 40 seconds from drop to breaks...

    Yes that’s true but the number of elements a ride has also plays a role in how long a ride feels, and as we all know B&M rollercoasters typically are more drawn out.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, BruceWayneWins said:

    What happened to CGA?

    People have speculated that CGA was supposed to receive a hyper coaster in 2020 but instead they put the money that would have been used to build that coaster and reallocated it to the KI Giga. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Maverick44 said:

    Man that is so short...…..Why in gods green earth would they build a coaster that short? I know we prob have went over this but so small.

    I can see a few reasons for why it’s so short 

    1 - It’s proximity to Cedar Point, It doesn’t sound that unlikely the reason this coaster is short is due to Cedar Fair not wanting to take the spotlight off of their flagship park 

    2- The high amount of capital they’ve spent this year, half a billion dollars is a very high amount for Cedar Fair 

    3- If the money really was originally meant  for CGA then they’d be the biggest reason it’s so short.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Maverick44 said:


    i agree with @fryoj. I di not know why they would go away with what they have done for many coasters in the past?

    I believe Diamondback track was already there before the announcement though, I wouldn’t say one coaster sets the trend. It wasn’t that long ago when Cedar Fair installed large amounts of coaster track before the announcement. Station track being installed before the announcement isn’t that unreasonable 

  9. 1 minute ago, fryoj said:

    They'll announce the ride and give full POV's and stats before they start hanging track. 

    Not necessarily, I doubt anyone in marketing truly cares if track is being installed before the announcement.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, collin.klopfstein said:

    Is there Kroger’s in Canada? I think the commercials are only for Ohio Cedar Fair parks

    No they’re not, Cedar Fair most likely had hired a firm to produce the commercials. The first year they started to do it was 2013 with Gold striker & GateKeeper. Every year since has used a similar animation style except this year.

  11. As per the animated commercials I haven’t seen any for Yukon Striker or Copperhead strike, anyone know if those rides even have TV commercials? I know Hangtime, Steel Vengeance & Twisted timbers all had them.

    • Like 2
  12. Yeah Kings Island is definitely ejecting them, I’ve seen 4 party’s this year with their cell phones out all of which were ejected from the park. They often times stack the trains to wait for security to arrive. 

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