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Posts posted by Benjamin22

  1. Just now, Shankapottapuss said:

    I feel like since you had the “snap shot” of the original leak. And now just said the marketing department needs a raise. 

    You indeed work for the marketing department.:lol: 

    I wish I worked in marketing, seems like such a fun job to have.

    • Like 2
  2. The only reason I don’t think it’s fake is the fact that it’d be very hard to get your hands on such a highly detailed map. Does anyone have any idea how this map may have been acquired? I mean this map doesn’t even have Firehawk so it’s super up to date.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 minute ago, DubVLegend said:

    Out of curiousity if the projected area of the lift hill is correct would they be able to use the terrain do make the drop bigger?

    Yep and that’s exactly what these leaks suggest... some even rumor we might not even have a 300 ft tall coaster.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, KevM86 said:

    Ok so if this layout measures 4600ft not accounting for ups and downs, could someone measure the layout of Diamondback before it's ups and downs. Maybe get s rough idea of how much distance the hills add?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

    I got around 4,500 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, sixohdieselrage said:

    Doesn't Kings Island have more land available without removing an attraction than Carowinds? I recall, and have seen from the air, that Kings Island has only used roughly 1/2 of the land available. I understand the terrain in the area is rough though. 

    Yes, Kings Island is about 730 Acres. As you mention the land does get rough but to be quite honest this giga coaster blocks a lot of potential room to expand in my option. X-Base is once again pinned in (Which was the problem to begin with). 

    • Like 2
  6. Correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t carowinds gotten the two most expensive coasters CedarFair has ever built? Knowing they spent 30+ million on copperhead strike really makes me question why they’d not spend an equal amount on this giga coaster. If you ask me giga coasters deliver a higher ROI then a multilaunch looper. Guess we’ll find out at the end of the season how much it helps out Carowinds.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Rivertown Rider said:

    I think it is way too early to say whether it is or is not a good layout.  There could be elements (tunnels, etc.) that we don't know about yet and both of the B&M gigas so far have been great coasters and I would expect this to be as well.

    I don’t think any tunnels will be built, we probably would have seen that in the blueprints (Assuming the blueprint is legit)

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, fryoj said:

    The chance of it being a fake revolves around your thoughts on if the park intentionally released a fake. 

    Has any park ever done something that extreme? The main thing I have against this theory is would the park make a teaser like this that has only made people upset.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Imperial79 said:

    Wasn't there a teaser or poster during Winterfest that had something with 355 in it?  

    Yes but that image wasn’t created by the park. Appears to sadly have just been a coincidence.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, BSBMX said:

    Right, there's a lot of juicy info in this single pic, but a toaster or something was used to get the image, so it's hard to read.

    What confirmation is there that Fury is 45deg? 

    Only one person was able to get a screenshot of the photo before they got taken down. The originally uploaded PDF’S featured a tad bit more of detail.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, THE_BEASTmaster said:

    I’m going to chime in and say this. If this is the official layout why not show the WHOLE ride? I’ve seen the layout on Reddit and the “turnaround” is cropped off a little and the photo is blurry, why is that? The Banshee and Mystic Timbers blueprints were clear as day and showed the entire layout. This photo looks suspicious for now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The whole ride has been shown, it was just to big to fit into a single photo.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, lifetimecoaster said:

     Well if that track laying around at Clermont starts turning blue, we'll know that the video is legit.... 

    But the video is just a concept based off of the leaked layout. It is by no means the actual product or legitimate. Still cool though 

    Just now, Coaster Critics said:

    How tall was this concept made?


    It looks to be at the 300 ft mark since it’s top speed is at 92 mph. The track is just over 5,000 ft long.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. Is it the giga length everyone wanted? No. Is it still a giga coaster? Yes! Only a few parks in the world have a giga coaster and Kings Island is about to become one of the lucky few. Sure it might not break any records but that doesn’t mean it won’t be the best ride in the park. Who knows what kind of elements this ride will have. I don’t get how receiving a brand new 28+ million dollar coaster is a bad thing.... 

    • Like 3
  14. 3 minutes ago, Bansheeback said:

    That is, if it’s real.

    I just see way to my signs pointing to the fact it’s real, I don’t think Don would have poured that much time into making these fake blueprints when there still aren’t any teasers up at the park. All these blueprints have done is make people disappointed which is the opposite of what they’d want. 

    • Like 4
  15. Just now, silver2005 said:

    I almost want to stop following this thread, you guys are almost too good at this.  I still wanna be surprised a little bit.

    We more or less got lucky someone broke their NDA.

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