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Klabergian Empire

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Everything posted by Klabergian Empire

  1. When they were building the ride back in January, they made a twitter ad with one of the maintenance people driving the car. So, I think because they could work in cold temperatures it is a good possibility that they would be open.
  2. I have 2 questions: 1. When do you think the eyes will be put on the Eiffel Tower? 2. Do we know if Kings Island will create a playlist of Haunt music on Spotify?
  3. Yes, and also a friend of mine works there and told me that so......
  4. If you look here, you can see the shadow of Monster:
  5. I got word it was rented out to the Cincinnati Pride people or something of that nature.........
  6. Didn't they have to replace parts on the trains daily because of the stress on the car's?
  7. I just looked and Red Racer is running.
  8. It looks like work has started again on the transfer track. The cranes are up again
  9. Ok, not trying to make fun of this or anyone here, but I literally got on this forum on this page and this is a summary of what I saw:
  10. Me when the Orion Camera went up: ALSO, does anyone else notice how the camera is still labeled Banshee cam?
  11. So, since the Orion cam is going up when they start construction, does that mean that there will be 4 cameras on the website or are they going to replace another camera with Orion???
  12. This weekend is the last weekend to enjoy the choreographed fountain show and fireworks before Haunt........so Haunt is coming soon.......
  13. I would say each ride has its own compressor. I know Scrambler has its own compressor, as do other rides. So, I'm assuming they all have individual ones
  14. @CoastersRZ Would you happen to know if the park still has any sort of Blueprints to the Shooting Star? Im working on a model of the ride and actual blueprints would be a big help!
  15. What I would like to see: International Street- The antenna put back on the Eiffel Tower Action Zone- idk what would go here tbh........its kinds fine as it is (for this purpose) Oktoberfest- A new Bavarian Beetle, Ferris wheel, and teacup ride Coney Mall- A rock o plane, a rotor, a round up, a slide, and a tunnel of love Rivertown- A new hyper flume, a tilt a whirl, an alpine slide, and a fireball Planet Snoopy-I dont really see the need to add any flat rides here considering every ride there is a flat ride.
  16. Let's see.....all you have to do is make a lake on the other side of Orion and there you go! lol
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