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Posts posted by RedSummit20

  1. 1 hour ago, BoddaH1994 said:


    I, like many of you, wanted to see the park in the snow, but it appears that the web cams are frozen (no pun intended). I don’t see any lights in the ghost stills, so I’m guessing they’re without power. Can anyone confirm this?

    Stay warm and safe out there, everyone!

    they are working on my end. 

    • Like 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, johnjniehaus said:

    I'm not on X but for the fun of it I'll post my votes here - 

    Best WF food item: Holiday Meatloaf Burger or Cranberry Pull Apart Bread

    Best KI Family Ride: The Log Flume (whatever name it goes by these days)

    Best KI Department: merchandise (public relations/communication when Done was still there)

    Best KI Event: Winterfest (I'm not much on haunted mazes)

    Best Winterfest Show: Tinker's Toy Factory 

    Best Summer Show: Country Crossroads 

    Best KI Rollercoaster: Diamondback 

    Best KI Restaurant: International Street Restaurant Winterfest Buffet (best of the regular season is Coney BBQ)

    X is the place to be!

  3. 1 hour ago, MysticTimberwolf said:

    I think with the park's family focus, it makes sense to rebrand not just to D.C. in general, but Teen Titans "Jump City". Arguably their most popular IP with kids and teens from both the original show as well as "Teen Titans Go!". Assuming we're not losing any of these rides yet, here's how I'd split it:

    Banshee → Raven

    The Bat → Robin

    Drop Tower → Cyborg

    Invertigo → Starfire

    Congo Falls → Beast Boy

    Delirium → Slade

    Even if done in the expected "Six Flags way", it would at least allow it to stand out against the other parks with D.C. themed areas.

    Austin Powers No GIF

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 5
  4. 17 hours ago, Vortex1987 said:

    Hello everyone. 

    As you may know, I created a thread on here 4 years ago that i believe was a catalyst to get the park to sell those track slices of Vortex. And thank you again IceePirate for going out of your way to help me acquire my piece. However, life has hit me in an unexpected way and I need help. 


    I have listed my Vortex piece for sale on ebay. I need the money to help my family get through tough times and I don't know what else to do. I'd rather sell it to someone on here who would cherish it as much as I do than to a random person. As much as I cherish this piece of history, my family comes first and I don't know what else to do.


    Thank you KICentral for helping me achieve my piece of Vortex. I need your help now again. My piece is listed here: RARE - Kings Island Vortex Track Slice | eBay


    Thank you KIC. And thank you IceePirate. I need your all's help now more than ever. 

    sorry to hear about your tough times but $2k for buy it now? 



  5. 8 minutes ago, disco2000 said:


    Like Family Feud, 100 people surveyed and the top answers were:


    lol thats just a poll. That proves nothing. Ask @DonHelbig if rides really matter. It "adds" to the experience ;) Winterfest is about the shows, lights and the atmosphere. Rides are a good addition! 

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, johnjniehaus said:

    I'm planning to go to winterfest on Saturday but the temperature high of 32 is making me worried most of the rides will be closed.... anyone know the minimum temps they will run the coasters and flats? I'm assuming boo Blaster and FoF will be up seeing as they are indoors. 

    There is more to Winterfest than just rides keep that in mind, its not about the rides, its about the experience! 

    • Like 4
  7. 18 hours ago, Driver8rws said:

    You HAVE to assume that the $$ listed on the Canada's Wonderland site are CANADIAN DOLLARS, right??

    If so this order is insanely cheaper than buying from Kings Island!!

    Only $273 U.S. dollars (before taxes) versus $388 if bought from K.I. !!

    Can this be??


    I always renew at Wonderland. 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, BeeastFarmer said:

    So it appears The Royal Fountain is done for 2024.

    I paid for my Gold Pass with All Park Passport. At Kings Island, The Royal Fountain is part of the experience. I have been robbed and therefore cheated. I did call Guest Services and there was no answer. 

    Kings Island did not communicate this to me when I bought my pass .

    LOL am i really reading this right now. The fountain is on from April to literally end of October and you're complaining cause its not on for 2 1/2 days??

    • Confused 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, Browntggrr said:

    Valravn had a collision in 2019.

    Makes me wonder if it is a B&M block issue, wet track issue or some type of operator issue.

    Glad to heat the accident was not serious enough to cause injuries.

    FAR FAR FAR from operator issue. Once those dispatch buttons are pressed and the train clears the lift, the train wont stop till the break run. So again FAR FAR FAR from operator issue. ;) 

    • Like 2
  10. On 11/10/2002 at 12:44 PM, Aaron said:

    Dear Paramount's Kings Island Enthusiasts,

    On behalf of the entire PKI team we would like to thank you for your

    unwavering enthusiasm as we celebrated our 30th Anniversary Season. We truly

    appreciate your constant support as we continue to add new and innovative

    attractions to the Best Kid's Area in the World and as we add new

    larger-than-life thrills. It was our pleasure to entertain our most diehard

    fans this year and we look forward to an even more entertaining and exciting

    year, in 2003.

    For those of you that are already missing the excitement of visiting

    Paramount's Kings Island.... We have an offer for you....We need your help.

    We were informed that Discovery Channel's Extreme Rides 2003 will feature

    TOMB RAIDER: The Ride. To achieve the ride footage required for the show,

    PKI will host a video shoot on Saturday, November 16, 2002 from 10 a.m. - 5

    p.m. and we need 100 volunteer riders. We ask that you are able to stay for

    the entire shoot and wear a brightly solid colored summertime shirt (no

    logos please). As our way of saying thank you to our thrill-seeking

    participants, we are offering a catered lunch during the event and two free

    2003 tickets as well as the opportunity to see how we facilitate a

    behind-the scenes video shoot of TOMB RAIDER: The Ride.

    Your participation is greatly appreciated.

    To reserve your seat on TOMB RAIDER..... just email me at

    jeffrey.siebert@paramountparks.com. .... Hurry space is limited and

    volunteers will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. I will

    send you a confirmation along with directions to the video shoot "talent"

    parking area.

    Thank you for being a star!

    Have a great day...see you soon,

    Jeffrey Siebert

    Marketing Communications

    Please NOTE: ALL participants and riders must be available for the full 10

    a.m. - 5 p.m. and must be 54" or taller to experience TOMB RAIDER: The Ride.

    Due to the nature of the video shoot, you may expect to ride several times

    with lengthy delays between rides due to repositioning of cameras and

    equipment. Your patience is greatly appreciated

    WOW this sounded like fun, anyone have the video of this?

  11. On 10/27/2002 at 8:46 PM, Dane said:

    I spent the day at the park to see what it looks like during the day. I thought they could of done a better job of hiding their signs and fog machines. But it didn't really matter, what mattered is how it looked at night.

    WENB Celebrity Slaughter - This show was the best show at PKI. It had really good music before the show and after. It was ment to be funny more then scary. It was more centered towards teenagers and adults. Making it more hillarious and resque.

    Circus of Horrors 3D - Fun and very colorful. The design made it so you couldent tell the difference between the actors and dolls. P.S. Clowns get really mad when you take your 3-D glasses off.

    House of Darkness - Traditional haunted house. It was dark and gothic, many times you were in complete darkness. Lots of burning people, funny smell.

    Mase of Madness - Dumb, very predictable.

    Curse of the Crypt - Didn't get to go on it. I came at 8:36 and missed it but less than 5 mins. (Hint)-Get to FearFest on time and make the most of it.

    Elvria's Superstition - Cool simulated rollercoaster ride. Not scary, but a lot of fun.

    Psycho Path - I left the best for last. It was perfect, it had rained the day before, it was very cold, and it was naturally foggy outside. They had hid speakers out in the woods too. It had it all vodoo shrines, chainsaws, bloody people, fake cobwebs, hanging bodies, I guy dressed up as a bear. A half eaten body, and a person hiding in a dugout with fake dirt on top. It was perfect. And it was on a dirt path, not cement. B)

    The TVs in the park were really cool. They every so often flashed nad made thunder. And they would play the best parts from old horror movies. And the big arcade in Coney Mall had all those lights replaced with red lights. The fountain was red with lights, and the Eiffel Tower had blacklights on it. At 9:45 a monster voice came over the announcements and said that the show would begin in 15 mins. 9.7/10 FearFest is cheep too if you compare it to smaller haunted houses.

    sounds like a fun time! Love reading old reviews 

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