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Gordon Bombay

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Posts posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. 26 minutes ago, silver2005 said:

    I'm also thinking we'll see a Project 305 re-theme next year as well.  

    Oh, wow, I didn’t realize the “Intimidator” themes were gone. What do you think the the re-theme of KD’s will be? Something akin to the jungle area?

    EDIT: Just looked it up on Google Maps and I’m not familiar with that park’s layout. Is Flight of Fear its own area like X-Base, or, like… what’s going on there? 

  2. @KIfan73 THANK YOU for sharing those photos. What an interesting slice of the park from a time that doesn't seem that long ago. Love the photos on KIC's gallery and the stuff shared here in the forums. Thanks, seriously, those shots made my day!

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, TombRaiderFTW said:

    EDIT: Oh wait! Those definitely are CF-style trash cans. Yep, that does look like it's from 2007!

    And the employee is still wearing a blue Paramount polo which was last worn in 2007. 

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  4. With all due respect, the "conspiracy" talk didn't do your advocacy group any favors. Especially when there's none to be found (and this coming from someone who has no love for MEMI). Also, constantly trolling the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra on social media does not equate to "public opinion." 

    Their music venue is going to be built whether they receive additional funding from the state or not, and rest assured, they will continue to seek it just as FC Cincinnati, the Bengals, Reds, the Chamber, and a bevy of other organizations do the same for their entertainment ventures (for right or wrong). Hell, they still got $8 Million even in this "deprioritized" request. Not really a "failure."

    Coney Island was unfortunately dead whether MEMI existed or not. And now, the financial struggle to preserve what is left, just got harder (as @disco2000 pointed out, they will try and spin it that way). These politicians scoring easy points by saying they were "swayed" is nothing but talk—especially for a local politician from a gerrymandered district who also seeks to get public funding for the OTHER potential music venue in his area (the tennis center and its plans to host concerts).

    The Riverbed 2.0 venue will get plenty of tax incentives as it's built and operated (for right or wrong) and pay close attention to how Anderson Township benefits. They never cared about Sunlite Pool and if it really was about providing swimming resources/lessons/etc. to an underserved population—let me know when they start opening up their public pools to residents of Cincinnati. 

    EDIT TO ADD: Just want to say that ultimately, @beastfan11, I have a huge respect for your passion for local history and I am glad to see that there's people like you out there who truly care. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, BeeastFarmer said:

    Or, it could be the elected official listening to the constituents...be it a vocal minority or a non vocal majority. 8 million dollars is not an insignificant amount. If the new riverbend is that important to the organization, they will find a way to get the additional twelve million.

    Let me know when they send you a refund.  

  6. Except we all know it's not on them to save it.

    Just as they weren't the ones who let it fall into disrepair.

    And no matter what anyone may say about public funding going to projects—derailing funding for a local project is such a great example of cutting off one's nose to spite their face.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, shark6495 said:

    Not to be pessimistic but I don’t see moonlight gardens staying. The 5.7 million feels low and I think it’s done on purpose

    they announce it will cost 5.7 then down the road they say ope our bad it will be 10-12 million and it’s just too much while demo is only 1 mil (or something like this )

    If that’s the case, then why not just demo it now and be done with it?

    I bet they’re at least going to look into it. Unlike the pool, Moonlite Gardens might be something they could actually use and let’s remember—the CSO/MEMI aren’t the ones who let it get into this condition in the first place. 

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