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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Sorry, gotta disagree with you. Paramount owns numerous movie studios, so why build more that they don't necessarily need? Since a lot of filming is Hollywood based, they are able to do things a little cheaper by having their equipment and crew in a specific area. They'd have to relocate people in order to get Paramount-quailty work. Not worth it.
  2. I don't think he is, I think they may be trying to keep prices down like the free parking for pass holders and the low ticket price. If they put in a big dollar ride we would not be parking for free. I highly doubt it. The parking fee is probably 99% markup. PKI is smart about their expansions, if they put a ride in, it would pay itself off.
  3. It's funny how the general public on here likes to talk about how Arrows are so rough, but now Top Gun is being voted the smoothest coaster out there.
  4. Was there any warning before the KC was removed? I mean, did rumors circulate about its demise beforehand? I held a season pass that year, but wasn't too much into the park at the time, and just one day they were removing it... I know they announced the last day of PT, did they do the same with KC?
  5. BoddaH1994


    Wow! That's insane that you guys keep up with how many times you've ridden rides... so what do you do? Carry around a pad of paper and a pen and take notes? I wish I had done that last year because that would be very interesting. lol Let me estimate here... Vortex 20+ Beast 25 or so. FoF upwards of 30 Delirium 30 or so. Eagles 1 (Couldn't snap and got disgruntled) Beastie 2 SOB maybe 10 Top Gun 20+ Racer 10 recaR 5 Tomb Raider - Probably 20, but I refused to ride it for about 2 months after the filming. SDATHC 5 Well, those are just the rides that I can think of. I went to the park about 25 times last season, which is decent for living about an hour away. Regards, Ryan
  6. I totally agree with all of you. If you lean into the turns (especially in the corkscrews) it really doesn't bump you around too much. I think it's one of the best rides in the park, but I can totally see where it's showing its age. Regardless, I'll ride The Vortex day in and day out until they make the poor decision of dismantling it.
  7. Although PKI does seem to be committed to being new and innovative, they still don't have a steel hyper. B&Ms and Intamins are relatively "standardized" in a way, but there's no telling what they could have on the drawing boards for PKI if the park opted to do business with them. I mean, Arrows could be considered standaredized, but they also made the 4d...
  8. Thanks George W! -Aaron (who proudly supports Bush in 2004!) ...and to think, we didn't like Aaron at first.
  9. PKIC found out because Jeff Siebert e-mailed me... I suppose he was hoping that we could get the word out to the rest of you.
  10. ^ I totally agree. If X were at CP or PKI, it would probably be a much better ride than it is now.
  11. Why would pki inform the press in mid february if they had worries the waterpark wouldnt be open my the end of may. that seems insane, first of all, it is way to early to tell if it would be delayed by a time period that great that they would have to inform the papers, and second of all, that would be retarded becuase all it would do is give them bad press for people looking to get season passes and such. uhhh... ok, I see what you're saying, but the press DOES have a tendancy to get their hands on info like that. It's stuff that people want to read. The park doesn't necessarily call a press conference saying that they're behind schedule, but word does get out. I mean, what about the 500,000 gallons of water they needed a few months ago?? Obviously we know that the park can work wonders and it wasn't that big of an issue, but for a general public, it did kind of give the impression that they may or may not be able to go through with the project at all. I wouldn't doubt it if people delayed buying season passes because of it.
  12. hmmm... cause a tornado? Nah, once you go up there, you'll see that it's built like a tank. I'm sure that high winds could potentially cause serious damage to it, but I'm also sure that it was engineered to withstand any weather that Mother Nature should throw at it.
  13. You'd be going out on a limb by saying that they have lost time due to the weather. I'm sure that in their planning they realized that there was a good chance of there being blistering cold from late November until March or so. It seems like since both pages had been giving you updates with little activity over the past two months or so, we created the illusion that things weren't going as planned. Trust me, if they had any fear at all that it wasn't going to open on time, it would have been in the papers by now. Ryan
  14. Its been cloudy lately. Today was nice, but the hang over wasn't. lol.. now they have those pills on the market that if you take then while you're drinking, they prevent hangovers.. For those of you who haven't been down in the area where the sites take BB pics, it's really not as "easy" as it looks. It's quite a long walk down the fenceline, which is of course made even longer when you stop and take pics. It really makes for a long hour or two when it's below freezing out. You guys should be appreciative that Tyson goes out there and brings you pics as often as he does.
  15. Extra credit for Here is Trouble! I agree that The Vortex is very smooth, but for a lot of guests, especially the shorter ones, some people do have tendancies to knock their heads into the OTSRs. I personally don't have a problem with it... they only jerky part that I see is when it has the extraneouos twist of the track before the double vertical loop.
  16. They got rid of most HB characters because the change in the generations caused most young guests to not be familiar with most HB characters. They got rid of the Star Trek characters because younger guests were scared of them. Conclusion: Blame the kids.
  17. uhh... Nathan, watch what you say, the Rickster has ''touched'' a coaster, if you know what I mean....
  18. I said atmosphere... employees are about 90% of that, though.
  19. This is kind of a stupid experience that seems like nothing now, but I was scared at the time. It was the first year that AE was opened, and I had ridden it a few times already. This time they stopped the train on the lift hill inside the tunnel so they could load another train. I hadn't ever seen this done any other time that I had ridden the ride. The voice over the loud speaker asked us to, "Please remain seated and stay calm." Stay calm?? Anyway, we sat there for about a minute and the lights and everything went off (the train was supposed to be out of the tunnel by then). It was pretty dark and there and it made it seem like they had some kind of power failure or something. I was so ready for the next train to go ripping into the tunnel and plow into us. We sat there for a good 5 minutes before they powered everything up again and the train began to move. Since then, I've been stopped in the tunnel many times (although never that long) and I know that they do it for loading/unloading reasons, but when I was 6 years old, it was pretty scary!
  20. PKIC would like to proudly announce that we have acquired our newest staff member, Dirty Steve. Nathan (Dirty Steve) will be joining our media team once he has returned from his short-lived tenure in the US Air Force. He is experienced in photography, video editing, as well as writing. I can say, since I've known him for about 5 years now, that PKIC is definitely taking a step in the right direction with this move. He has an undying love for PKI, and knows more about the park than most who call themselves "enthusiasts". Look for more of Dirty Steve in the coming weeks! Regards, Ryan
  21. To be quite frank, I'll just be happy when the park opens again. As far as BB goes, I'm not a waterpark kind of guy, but it will be worth checking out!
  22. Hey, we don't speak that name here! Just kidding. They do have a really cool update on the other side of the fence if you want to check it out. I'd like to also take this opportunity to congratulate PKIU on it's 2nd birthday. Ryan
  23. Ah, I just did a search and you're looking at the wrong time! Last week, I was looking for things on there for another contest and they had both a Screamin' Demon pennant as well as a Beast pennant. Just check back weekly... they'll be there.
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