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Everything posted by teenageninja

  2. If KI built a parking garage it would have a rapid descent system in order to get your car to the ground earlier, also known as holes in the ground. I still don't see it being feasible, not for a park of this size. Universal Studios, yeah it's bigger, but it's also a destination, people are staying on property and riding buses/trams/etc.
  3. ^ People think I'm a jerk, stop trying to be Terpy. Anything is possible, but I would see EXTREMELY unlikely. You would have to try to get out of those restraints for sure.
  4. Oh there is though, there is a stairwell on the back right side.
  5. How can you be so sure? Magnum XL-200 is still Magnum XL-200. Cedar Point is still Cedar Point. There were no name changes. The big reason for Magnum's new sign was to commemorate the anniversary of the coaster that fired the first shots in the coaster wars. As far as storm damage, don't you think that if Magnum's sign or the CP entrance sign was damaged beyond repair, that extensive damage would have occurred throughout the peninsula? Those signs are about as hard to knock over as an F-350 pickup truck. If you actually read the thread he was commenting on my comment about Kings Islands signs being replaced .
  6. No way that KI builds a parking garage. According to one of my professors parking garages cost about 10,000 a space to build. The cost would be astronomical considering on the average Saturday there are 40,000 guests. Not to mention the maint. costs and the traffic congestion at close.
  7. Beasts didn't, they could have just moved the sign back. Who cares if it was out of necessity, it was done, and I think all the signs at KI are in great shape, none of them are faded or boring.
  8. We just got updated signs for Invertigo, Drop Tower, Flight Deck, The Crypt, The Beast, Diamondback? That's more than they got, not to mention that we just got the new sign outside about 3 or 4 years ago.
  9. It does that EVERY time you ride it! Flyer, disgusted. There is a reason the MCBR is on as hard as it is. I'm not sure why, but it's not like they are turning on the brakes for no reason.
  10. ^^^^There are more things to do in life than message boards.
  11. The park is typically the busiest on Saturdays. That's a given, any other day is a toss up.
  12. As far as G Forces go, they aren't sustained too much. The positive G Force (generally) derived from loops, bottoms of hills, are typically not sustained for more than 4 or 5 seconds. I'd say the roughest thing to go through as far as positive Gs is Face/Off's loop. As far as negative G's, definitely Diamondback, but those don't affect your body much.
  13. If they have RWW again next year, I will be working 40+ hours in one weekend again, thanks KIC for making me rich!
  14. The giant bouncy balls aren't as bad as the basketballs by far, especially because they are too big to pretend like you are And 1.
  15. ^ Ironic, most of the people who asked me how you got the lanyards had negative comments about people wearing them. Regardless, hopefully you all enjoyed, the Diamondback ERT looked like a blast.
  16. TTD and Kingda Ka have a maintenance elevator. I guarantee there is a .01% chance they would ever evacuate the ride at the top if it was stuck, the only way being is if a piece of track dislodged. Diamondback is the most reliable coaster out of the gates that KI has built. Anyone remember any of these rides: BLSC TR:TR (The Crypt) SoB Invertigo etc.
  17. I'll be very visible, that's all I will say.
  18. Diamondback - 75 times in a row.
  19. I'm surprised KIC isn't having more of a presence in this event... actually nevermind.
  20. The carpenter bees are a real pain, and real mean. They used to infest the Eurobungy closet, until we had them all exterminated, really hurt when they sting.
  21. Maybe some employees of the park, but I doubt any guest has broken 100. I have 11.
  22. I was supposed to go to PP media day tomorrow, but can't now unfortunately. However, I plan on making it out there this summer for sure.
  23. Oh man I loved the Speedlane passes at Cedar Point, you could get one for MF and Dragster and the wait was around 10-15 minutes. Although you had to plan your day around getting the stamps, but it was well worth it, I'm sad they don't do it anymore. Also, the single rider line will prolly get phased out to Saturdays only as the ride gets older, I would imagine.
  24. Overheard guests wondering why Delirium doesn't go all the way around anymore, pretty funny.
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