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Everything posted by upstop

  1. Couldn't agree more...I think the cars were and restraints were designed by a short woman...(no offense to short women).
  2. wow....that's way up there! great picture!
  3. 7 million? Thats a large Crazy Worm Coaster.
  4. there was a point where there seemed to be so many new cartoons that there were so many new characters showing up in the parks, I had to ask who they were. for instance Hurcules, Brave and the Princess and the frog.I didnt see these movies... and I'm not sure any of these characters are even in the parks now. I wouldn't reconize most of them now.
  5. It does look like the beach and the "clouds" were added after the pixilation. They almost look like letters spelling something.
  6. One ride on Stich Encounter was plenty enough for me for a lifetime! I remember taking my sister, who passed two years ago, to ride the ETerror Encounter and we were surprised at how simple the concept was....it was all sound, and touch and extremely creepy! Personally I think the concept would transition greatly to a new ride or haunt simply and effectively. Does Disney ever bring back past concepts for rides?
  7. I'd love to see a reincarnation of the Extraterrorestrial Alien Encounter pop up at Disney's Hollywood park. I have to agree about the Stich ride. At one point the character burps a chili dog and onion smell in your face....for the rest of the trip (seriously) I got nauseated from anything that remotely had the same smell ...blech. Whatever the chemical scent was...it was potent.
  8. The difference? Probably the main difference is that Delirium was the first. MaxAir has had it's share of downtime too. Seems to me I recall it being down for a good portion of the start of it's 2nd year of operation. That's very true it did have a lot of downtime in the 2nd year and MaxAir seems to have a longer program than Delirium as well. When Delirium first opened the rotation and starting direction was opposite from what it is now, anyone at the photo shoot remember this...or am I nuts? (second part of that of that question not with standing...)
  9. Park hopping back to the Magic Kingdom ....Did you ever ride Extraterrorestrial Alien Encounter before it became the Stich Escape disaster? It most definitely was not for children and totally out of place in the MK....If you rode it, what did you think?
  10. Do they give behind the scenes tours at Animal Kingdom? At one time they were doing nighttime safaris because that is when the animals are active, but I think it would be fun to tour the savannah and see the animals up close.
  11. During this week I'm guessing very short lines...ride everything!!!!! I think the longest wait we had when we were there was Dark Kastle. Food...you can't go wrong anywhere in the park...I like the Festhouse in Germany and I usually get an Alpine sandwich...food can be pricey but it is ooooo so good at the park! Be sure to give us a report!!!! Edit: (Trust Terpy....what do I know about crowds anyway....LOL )
  12. The next ride on the list will most likely be dismantaled, because of it's expiration date....LOL I'm guessing something engineered by Arrowdnamics....
  13. I also want to be the one to plan my vacation, not to have it planned out some months in advance by some cartoon mouse in Florida....if that's where he really is located.....
  14. Is that an RC helicopter view, ultralight or a drone? Sad to see the destruction....kind of apocalyptic.
  15. looks like the storage station is going up.
  16. CP&LERR, We get orbs in pictures all the time....lots of orbs... For the most part it's naked eye sighting and hearing noises...I don't believe most of the haunting type shows on TV, it's much more subtler, at least at my place...not saying that it couldn't happen to be more noticeable elsewhere. Maybe they just want to be heard and seen, like children try to be heard and seen. It might be a lonely existence and they just want company, who knows for sure...all I know is every once in a while they make an appearance.
  17. I remember as a child, we had a picture of my great great grandfather and we had lots of scary things happen (scary when you are 5 or 6) and everything stopped when my dad got rid of the picture. I remember when I was a child, there was one room I would always avoid. I would always see a little boy who lived in the closet. All that I remember now was that he was the same height as me and he wore what I would call a cowboy hat or something like it. The closet door wouldn't close completely and I would see glimpses of him peeking around the door, kind of like he was playing hide and seek. Of course I'd scream and everyone would come running.... I saw the child until I was about 9 years old. My dad, I think believed that I saw something. He always told me...this house has been in the family for years...these things you are seeing are just family, and most of the activity calmed down.
  18. Actually, KI doesn't have utilidors, but when KI was a true theme park you were only allowed to walk certain paths to get to your themed areas. You had to walk from a gate near first aid and then you took a path between International Street and Boo Hill ( you can see the path from the tower.) All Coney Mall, and Octoberfest, and Rivertown employees had to walk that path to get to our work locations and keep the themes consistent. When the park gave up the themed costumes, the area became a rolling dumpster location, this you can also see from the tower.
  19. The fake kind or the real kind? I live in the real kind and it's not at all like in the movies...At my house, which was built in the early 1800's we have footsteps, knocking, sometimes whispers, sometimes it calls my name...and one time I saw what appeared to be the lower half of someone in a civil war long jacket walking up our stair case in a black mist. I saw it out of the corner of my eye while watching T.V. and it lasted for about 3 seconds and never happened again. I have fallen asleep sitting on my couch and have felt someone jog my shoulder to wake me up. I have had something slap the top side of my feet to wake me up, while laying down on my back in bed. Even my dead cat came to visit me. He used to lay next to me on the couch and I felt him jump onto the couch and felt a very cold spot next to me. He used to jump up and sleep at the foot of my bed. He did this for about 2 months after his death. It often feels creepy but I have lived here all of my life and I expect it to happen every now and again and nothing has ever hurt any of us. Would I move....no....but to visit other real haunts? I'd love to go to one, but I'm not sure how I would react to something touching me or appearing to me in a strange place.
  20. Whose pythons? Young Stud's?
  21. You know...it's funny I have been a member of this site for years but never really posted until this year....I missed out on a lot....oh well here's to a new future with all of the new friends I hope to make! Keep posting about Disney Shaggy!!!! I think you can tell it's one of my favorite subjects to talk about!!!! Nighty night fellows!
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