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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BCQAj_BOSuD/ Clear as day that the train couldnt have had a test run, yet the unpainted strips exist. The lift hill seems to not have unpainted strips.
  2. That second photo is great! How bizarre that it dips under the supporting beam like that! The track looks like that when they put the final plates over top the bulk of the track. It looks worn-ish before the train ever rolled.
  3. Some update photos via some random guy in KY because the park isn't doing a great job at keeping the hype up. (They posted a picture 20m of this post, showing track that was completed last week for some reason. 1-2 weeks between posts on Instagram? Ehh probably a bit sparse. -- Midgetman82.tumblr.com -- Marcus Dorsey http://midgetman82.tumblr.com/post/140643557351 http://midgetman82.tumblr.com/post/140693395501/storm-chaser-at-kentucky-kingdom-march-6-2016 -- Almost all trackwork is completed! All the airtime in this ride looks great, as well as the three inversions!
  4. They're pretty easy to search for on a certain media site. They have text that accurately describes them.. recently uploaded.(Probably not the ones that he saw.. but the ones that I saw, that i pressume shouldnt have been posted)
  5. Yes. It's only a little sore when they retire buildings for haunt only things.. that are right on the midway. I dont mind Slaughterhouse or Wolf Pack being vacant all year. You dont really see it.. and Beast.. you dont ride it to see a grass lawn next to the station. Your ride is over by then.
  6. I only see light in this if you're only speaking about a thrill-dark ride such as... *sniff*.. TR:TR or Flight of Fear.But bottom line.. if the theming will continue to be maintained, it will probably be better to have theming.. even if it outshines the ride.
  7. Direct your hatred towards Six Flags, not RMC. They're just being paid for a job.. and they're doing a fine job IMHO.. minus aesthetics, of course[emoji14]
  8. Or if Kings Highschool loves loud construction noises[emoji14]
  9. I've posted this before, but I cant find the old thread that was talking about the improvements. https://youtu.be/oT8ndixalr0 I could've sworn that northbound access to I71 was going to be added for the regular parking lot exit. I never heard of Soak City drive getting one. (That light will have semi close access down where I71 N gets off.) Apparently this page does not tell of such an addition by the KI exit, or it won't be happening. http://www.imaginewesternrow.com/projects
  10. How dare you reveal my ignorance of the happenings at the park! *playfully*
  11. I love that photo of Son of Beast with the tower framed within the loop. It's so iconic. Do we know who took it? Was Don our PR guy back then?
  12. Well partially. I highly doubt if a path was behind there it would totally stay straight behind a dingle support, it sould veere off enevtually I assume. Ridiculous? That's what northbound traffic has to do now! But concerning the backup we usually have, giving the northbound traffic the leg up makes more sense, I agree
  13. What did you audition for? Saxophone?
  14. Ooh yeah. I haven't seen any pictures since the teased photo at the side of Potato Works that said WWC would get new paths. I havent been able to make out any new paths from the webcam either.
  15. Xtreme Skyflyer is definitely a better experience. You get to feel a weightless fall after pulling the cord, and after that initial drop, your views are fantastic and it's very nice and breezy. Fun ride. Not incredibly scary after the initial fall. Slingshot, if you've ridden any launch coaster.. it's exactly that sensation, but not even as intense as Top Thrill Dragster. Slingshot is fairly fun for it's release, but after that.. it doesnt do much for me. You'll flip once, maybe 3 times if you're lucky.. otherwise it's.. meh. The sensations don't make up for the lack of view due to often facing completely up or down. Wouldn't pay money to ride it again- let alone that it's a more dangerous ride with the imense stress on the cables.
  16. You won't be under the track unless you're playing the game though.. and probably losing[emoji14]
  17. Well if you visit your old home east of it.. Waldameer is a wonderful little park that could use your patronage, and then south east in a smiliar distance is Kennywood. It sucks that this place (childhood?) is gone, but luckily, you're still around some great parks! West of Geauga lake, you might as well just chill out at Cedar Point.. until your wait in line is over[emoji14]
  18. Good. It'd be nice to have faster capacity all around, with Lightning Run at 800 pph (rcdb), T3 supposedly getting its 2nd train.. I think Thunder Run will still only have 1 train, unfortunately.
  19. Update-The long hair on men policy isn't just a policy on paper. It is paid attention to at least a little. Which I think is good, but also as we kids say, lame. 2016.
  20. And whether you are thanked by performers in the past or not, virtually all the performers do appreciate it and use the videos when they are uploaded to a public site like Youtube. I've spoken to a good number of the past/ present performers and a lot of them have used or at least watched the youtube videos of the shows they're in. Sometimes for learning a past show, self analysis, or to simply see the show from a perspective they'll never have.
  21. Unless. . On those discounted food days, instead of having a cheaper price listed. They have the normal still up, but graphically slashed out with the new, lower price. That's what stores do, and it makes people spend more! (I think)
  22. They're music revues[emoji14] And I dont prefer that aspect of them either. That's why I thought Playlist Live and Off the Charts was a step in the right direction. In a weird way, being able to finish songs and have resets, it gives the show a more cohesive and relaxed feel. Revues are like riding in the car with someone that constantly changes the radio station haha
  23. I don't need my sun glasses anymore after that last sentence!
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