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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. If you really want the fountains in the background, YOU can make that happen. "Squeeze all together for a pictures guys!" "okay, can I have the fountain in the background?" "Okay!" -- Or you could just walk to the other side of them when you agree to a picture.
  2. What about Drachen Fire? Sure, it's defunct, but technically Storm Chaser is just the only coaster with a barrel roll drop in the U.S., not the first ever. Personally, I'd consider that more of a corkscrew drop.
  3. Looks like Holiday World will only ever install new rides from here on, if they can make it happen. Wildebeast, Mammoth, Thunderbird
  4. Im also here.. somewhere.
  5. I still need to go on one of these.. I don't usually hear about them. Thanks for the video!
  6. Thanks, marth (Im only taking advantage of the lack of the use of quoted text)
  7. Could always put fake pumkins too if one would worry about an overtaking.... not that it's connected to other patches of soil though.
  8. Please make an issue, Adventureland Park.. I would appreciate a different name for this coaster haha Goodness, it's terrible. It sucks that a name change could happen.. they spent so much money getting the logo done, I presume...
  9. They literally just blanked the textures out of the NL animation video for that poster [emoji14]
  10. Except maybe waiting at the Magnum entrance and speed walking and beating most the rest of the crowd to Maverick?
  11. I'd disagree. It was far from the fastest launch, but being uphill, indoors, and unexpected all made it an incredible feature of the ride. I guess Incredible is exactly what they were looking for.
  12. Oooouuu.. what if we got a Dead Space movie? And I think they did, the right side is definitely gutted, I think (oxymoron) But if they're putting something in, that's fine.
  13. Some may be, but the average fair entrance isn't usually impressive. Maybe my fair exposure hasn't been as nice as yours. How about this? State fair grounds' entrances - usually really good. County fair grounds' entrances - usually nothing special (sometimes non-existent) Because when I was thinking of fairs, I was thinking of the several county fairs I've been to, not the one state fair I've been to.
  14. I agree it's not nearly as nice of an entrance, doesn't give off as elegant of a feel as a theme park should (like it used to).. but a fair? I don't think it's THAT bad.
  15. It's a very close decision, I think.. but Europa probably wins just slightly. Heide Park has Colossus and Flug Der Damonen under its belt that wins out over Europa, but with Blue Fire, Wodan, and that coaster inside their sphere building.. Europa seems just a tad more apealing. Yes, Heide also has Quake, but.. how worthy is a gimmick with a ride that short?
  16. Once again, we already have a topic about this. Use that thread please.
  17. It just pains me seeing all these vacant /spots buildings where attractions could go. Action Theater, TR:TR, Kill Mart building, the old Flight Commander lot..
  18. I almost made a thread about this also after seeing In The Loop's Youtube video [emoji14] http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/31496-CGA-2016:-Mass-Effect-4D-Holographic-Experience But one has existed for a little bit already.
  19. Sim City, the 4D theatre experience. Ki 2017 [emoji14] What EA game would be good at KI? If not a repeat? Also.. is there actually a future for our old Action Theatre? It's entrance is basically blocked off by WindSeeker. It's not the most obvious path, the one that still remains.. it could be used, but how could they make it more obvious, and still nice looking? Maybe redo Vortex's exit layout? Open the space up more, put the picture booth a little further ove next to the queue staircase?
  20. Also, check out a show if you want to experience something of Haunt but dont want any chance of being scared. You'll know exactly what to expect when it comes to Blood Drums, Hot Blooded, and the semi-recycled Monster Rock. I think you'll enjoy the atmosphere of the park even if you are a little nervous. Without going in mazes, I feel you may be hyping yourself up to more terror than will actually happen.
  21. IMO, it's not very pretty. It's very awesome for Haunt, but for regular season? I just don't see it, it's got an intentional aged appearance
  22. Yeah I agree I only want the launch and first 5 inversions to remain. That's the only thing that made Hulk stand out to me... it saddens me I never got to experience it yet
  23. Was it like that last week?? Thats pretty cool
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