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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. For my personal definition, a giga is a coaster with a drop that starts from 300-399 ft up and/or has a 300-399 ft drop with no elements that go above that. For example with my similar application of a hyper coaster with the above applying to 200-299 ft, I include Phantom's Revenge in that category with its 230 ft second drop although you never go up that amount. This is just my personal definition and I don't care how others apply it.
  2. From what I understand, the term giga was coined from mimicking how bytes on a computer are grouped into megabytes, gigabytes, etc. which is why 400-499 ft coasters are sometimes referred to as tera-coasters. I believe early on when coasters like Magnum came into the world, hyper coasters were sometimes referred to as mega coasters, thus, giga was given to the 300-399 ft range.
  3. If Dorney's operation of their mouse is any indication, I don't want one. Normally, wild mice have continuous movement in the station which helps with capacity a bit. Dorney's stops the station and it takes forever to get cars through. They also trim theirs to death so the good sudden laterals and pops of air wild mice are supposed to have are negligible on Dorney's. I'd take a spinning wild mouse though.
  4. I hope I'm feeling better by next Saturday. With these last few shifts at work (mind you, I've been going hard since I got back to work in late May and haven't asked off at all), I feel like my body is hitting the wall in slow motion with how sore I am after shifts. At least I get 3 full days off before I go next Saturday for R&R. I'm literally scheduling my first day off to do as close to nothing as possible.
  5. So, I am finally off next weekend as I am taking a brief vacation. I'm feeling a bit optimistic about the virus enough to make a trip to KI to get a FLP and blitz through the coasters and bigger rides, with much attention on Orion as I've not ridden it yet. Only going for a few hours in the evening to get a DB, Banshee or Beast night ride fix as well.
  6. I want to ask a quick question- does KIC have any sort of relationship whatsoever with Coaster Nation? This is a question coming from the fact that the admins allow a known contributor of Coaster Nation to continue posting in a way to distribute information in a way that could be seen as peddling Coaster Nation.
  7. Someone is awfully quiet all of a sudden...
  8. ^Unfortunately, the fact that WCPO acknowledged CN despite their terrible methodology will incentivize them to keep up their bad journalism practices. They just want to get eyeballs on their site.
  9. Here is the WCPO article in question. https://www.wcpo.com/money/consumer/dont-waste-your-money/kings-island-mystery-construction-flags-popping-up
  10. Are we going to pretend the park hasn't already left vacant things stay as they are when they left up Son of Beast for as long as they did? I don't think they're that afraid to leave Vortex's spot vacant for longer periods of time.
  11. How about a fountain so the water is circulating as well as the obvious bonus of fountain ERT? They do a good job keeping DB's splash maintained.
  12. I'd be all for bringing back the lake on the first turn on Beast, but I would hope its something that can be kept clean as a problem with the original as well as the KCKC lake was the lake scum and smell.
  13. 100-199, particularly with wooden coasters since the lower 100s is about the max height you want on them.
  14. Move in Daredevil Falls from Dollywood for the Crypt replacement.
  15. It doesn't make sense to me for a park with such a small coaster line up to build a coaster so similar to another one, by the same company no less. Also, getting 'news' from Coaster Nation is like getting information off of Wikipedia.
  16. Was it this by any chance? This is Twisted Colossus at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Source CP already RMC'ed Mean Streak, and Gemini is good as is, so unlikely for CP. I'd rather KI not RMC Racer thank you very much.
  17. I know the former Kings Island Inn had a shuttle, but they ran it themselves. Did the original camp ground have a shuttle? If so, who operated it?
  18. I think flying coasters have gone the way of stand up coasters now with all the moving parts involved in moving the seats into flight mode and they lose their novelty quickly as they are uncomfortable, particularly from a GP point of view. I actually think CP can afford to put in something with slightly lower capacity since they have so many rides to spread out the lines really well and they train good enough ride crews to make something slightly lackluster in capacity to work. Land wise, they have a nice chunk where Shoot The Rapids used to reside as well as possibly sharing Millennium Island from that location. I think MF's layout in that area really sets it up well to have nice interaction with another coaster.
  19. Haven't we discussed ad nauseam that 5 year plans are kind of a myth?
  20. So use that and explain for us who aren't keen on that how you know there are telecommunication, excavation, and hydraulic survey markers, because going by this thread, we've only seen pink survey markers which mean anything. And FYI, I don't go to the park as I am refraining due to the virus.
  21. If only there was a way to safely bring back PTC's with buzz bars on Racer.
  22. Its really sad to see @gforce1994 having to keep being reminded to actually prove his points time after time, almost as if he can't or doesn't want to. If you have to keep being browbeaten to do this, you're clearly not a reliable source of information, regardless of how much alleged knowledge you claim to have. And I've been to Coaster Nation, its a pretty hacky site when it comes to park industry news.
  23. ^As a college professor would say- show your work. Also, you can't double down forever.
  24. I think capacity is a vastly overrated stat on its own when judging if a coaster should stay or not. There are other factors that can override efficiency when it comes to the purpose of keeping a ride around. CCMR, Corkscrew, and Iron Dragon are all very good starter/intermediate coasters for kids jumping up from Woodstock Express and Wilderness Run. They're all under 100 ft, they have few or no inversions, they aren't that forceful, and they're accessible to that kind of demographic when it comes to height restrictions as none are above 48". Also, S&S still supplies parts and all 3 are smaller layouts for each of their types respectively. I think one of the Intamins will be next to leave, either Wicked Twister or TTD. Magnum has a good chance as well seeing that Vortex just bit the dust due to end of life expectancy.
  25. Listen @malem, HP and Knoebels already have the distinction of troll food posting. Don't need you and KI moving in on my happy food places. Seriously though, all this new food better be there next season.
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